I wondered if the fault lies in my sound card/midi set up, but I got a new computer in Oct 2019 and the problem still happens. Maybe there is some midi output setting in NWC that I need to amend? BTW, I appreciate you all replying. Thanks!
Thanks for reply. I always set up each stave on a different midi channel (missing out 10, the percussion channel, obs), but I still sometimes get the midi channel appearing on the wrong stereo side! Very strange!
For many years I've made teach tracks for various vocal harmony groups. I set them up so that the part to be learnt is on one stereo channel (stereo balance = 127), with all other parts on the other stereo channel (stereo balance = 0). Sometimes I have 10 or more staves. Often, when using many staves, the parts that should be wholly at stereo balance = 0 can be heard on the other stereo channel. Sometimes fiddling around with the stave to midi channel assignment will clear it up, but this often takes ages, and it is a bit frustrating. Can anyone help me sort out this m, please?