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Messages - Stephen

Tips & Tricks / Re: Placing ornaments, symbols, and graphics in NWC file.
Robert, I have been doing this for texts in the Greek & Cyrillic alphabets for as long as I have had NWC, which must be going on seven years now. What I would really like, however, is to be able to use Unicode fonts. As you know, this will produce a row of question marks in place of text with NWC as it now is. Any chance that NWC will be improved to support Unicode?

General Discussion / plural examples in one file
Lads and lasses, can this be done in NWC?

Here's what I want to do:

I want to put several examples in a single file. I want the first example to end where it ends, that is, with the staff not extending across the page. Then I want to begin a new example on a new staff, below the previous one and beginning at the left-hand side of the page. If it were possible to hide sections of staff, that would be satisfactory, but I know you can't do that. Is there some other way?

General Discussion / Where did the icons go?
The icons that designate NWC files--you know,the green one with four eighth notes and a keyboard--all disappeared today. Not the files, just the icons, and they were all replaced by a white background with a black square in the middle--a pirate flag, maybe? The icon is still there in the NWC software: I found it with the Iconsuck program. But it is not being applied to the actual NWC files any more. Was gibt?

General Discussion / Re: Hungarian boxes
G'day to you, Lawrie. It will be easier for me to send you this stuff by Snail Mail. E-mail me off list and we'll figure out how to do this and get all your questions answered. I'm just delighted that you are willing to look intl this; if I were in a hurry I would have a real problem, but I don't want that, so I will be happy to have this whenever it comes!
General Discussion / Hungarian boxes
Three years ago, I posted to the old forum asking if anyone knew of a way to insert into a NoteWorthy file (or even a word processor file, come to that) the symbols used by Hungarian musicologists to designate the phrase finals of songs.

These symbols are boxed numerals, but the boxed numerals found in some fonts won't do, because we need the following features for the Magyar system:

1) The box must contain any Arabic numeral from 1 to 7, or any Roman numeral from I to VII (and let's make that VIII, just in case).

2) It must allow the numeral to be preceded by a sharp or flat--for my purposes, a normal sharp or flat or one of those found in, for example, Ertughrul's excellent font of symbols for microtonic intervals.

3) There must be the option of a closed, four-sided box; or a box with one side removed (and to accommodate the several styles in actual use, any of the four sides must be removable); or a double closed box.

Someone--Randy?--mentioned that he was working on a font that might serve this purpose, but I haven't heard anything further about this.

In any case, since we now have a shining new forum, I thought I would post this again and see if something new has happened in the last three years.
