Hello, Everyone! I'm having a problem transferring old files from Noteworthy 1.75 to the current version of Noteworthy Composer. When I try to import them, Noteworthy 2 gives me an error message that says either the file is corrupt or can't be found. I can open and play those files on version 1.75, but I can't export them to any other programs. When I close NWC and look for the files where I put them, they are not there.
I've tried saving the files to other locations, but that doesn't work either.
I've also tried dragging the files to other programs. No deal.
I just spent many hours arranging music for my kindergarten class show, and I wanted to make an accompaniment CD, but I cannot export these missing files.
I'm running Windows 7, 62 bit.
Any advice you can offer is much appreciated. I printed out all the songs that I needed, but I dread spending additional hours re-doing everything on NWC2. Surely there's an easier way.