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Messages - LEON

General Discussion / Re: vertical default cursor placement
I can see some value in this idea except that I would not have it position to the previous highest or lowest note of the staff moved to, I would have it align with the previous note entered to the left of the new insertion point. This is much more likely to be closer to the next intended note than the center line where the page up/down currently lands.

Hi Richard.
Yes it's a good option too. If I understood you right what you suggested would be particularly suitable if you wish to enter the fingering immediately after having entered a note. I usually insert the fingering after I have entered all notes, this is why I'd like to have a shortcut key that chases the notes recognizing their vertical position.
But my birthday is not due too soon, so I am probaly out of wishes at the moment... :-)
General Discussion / Re: vertical default cursor placement
Because the note itself is not visible in the window.You may work with notes close to the staff lines, but not everyone does. Flute parts use an ungodly number of leger lines as do left hand piano parts, especially when playing octaves.

Not so. I do work with notes that have many leger lines, which is in fact characteristical to classical guitar writing.

In my experience if the upper and lower boundary are set accordingly to the presence of multiple leger lines notes, the notes will be always visible and well inside the window. And I need to do so in any case, otherwise I'll find yourself editing blindly and with a poor printing result, as notes will be too near or even collide with the adjacent staff/system notes.
Am I missing something? 

General Discussion / Re: vertical default cursor placement
thanks for the link to the dictionary, it's always good to learn someting new in a foreign language.

Quote from: RICK on Yesterday at 08:53 pm
I was not suggesting that the insertion point should remember the prevous staff position  
It is simply one example of "the cursor landing in a different place than the middle of the pentagram."  I chose it since it was tried in one of the beta versions and rejected because of the confusion it created.
Notes at the cursor on the selected staff are sometimes outside the visible window and often intrude into the boundaries of another staff. Either will cause confusion if the cursor chases the note position.

I don't understand. Why should the insertion point become invisible when it appears by a note? Are you not supposed to see the notes you are working with? And even if it does disappear, it will happen because you have chosen that option, so why would any one be confused by it after knowing that it can happen?

I think it safe to assume that just about everyone thinks that "some options should be added." We just disagree as to which options are important enough to delay that blessed day when Noteworthy does anything to improve slurs.

Ok, just my opinion.
General Discussion / Re: vertical default cursor placement
Hi Lawry,
thanks for your answer/
Here is an example of what I have done: each time a number needs to be entered  I need to vertically align it so that it "chases" the note vertically. Lot of work just to enter a number because it's multiplied by the hundreds. I have checked and unchecked the smart properties insertion and as I guessed nothing happened.
If tehre is a way that the smart insertion can place the fingerings so that they will automatically appear by the note, I'd be glad to know.
Coming to think of it a user tool could come handy, if you think it's worth the effort of course.  

Code: (nwc) [Select · Download]
General Discussion / Re: vertical default cursor placement
Then I'll guess once the user defined will be fully operational the question of agreeing on disagreeing on this issue or another will become irrelevant, and this is really what stands behing my point: each will decide for himself what's the best way to go about things and it won't be anybody else's concern.

Comparing to the advantage of saving time the possibility that the insertion point would disappear is marginal for me , because the insertion point will always end on a note, and I can always see the notes that I write, also when I have multiple staves. Need only to arrange the spacing between staves ahead of time, but I do this anyway.
Perhaps the word "erase" was not fully appropriate. I'll try to explain what I meant by it: since you objected my proposition, I assumed that you thought it was meant to replace the existing state of things: obviously there is nothing to lose by having an extra option providing it does not "erase" the existing one, and there is no point of being against it.
Now I hear that you fear that its possible development could be at the expenses of slurs that you think more important. But how about having them both? Of course I don't know anything about computer programs, so it's very easy for me to make a wish. But working speed does matter, and I'd like to see moe empathy for this, even when there are other unfinished issues on the horizon.

General Discussion / Re: vertical default cursor placement
I was not suggesting that the insertion point should remenber the prevous staff position, but that it will chase the highest or lowest not in the next staff. So it would be always visible, allowing you to insert fingerings in a faster way. It could be done by another shortcut key, for this matter.  
Of course it is one of many possible options, and in a different working context I myself may well prefer another, not to speak of somebody else: I usually write down the notes and leave the text for later at what you may call a sort of editing mode. For fingerings I'd like to have a shortcut key that sends the cursor to the next note and chases its height. For dynamics insertions I'd like to preset a perhaps different shortcut key in a different way then the one I suggested. For tempi in another. For tempi var. in another. And I'd like to be able to tell NWC to insert them all smartly, so as to avoid collision with notes, so that it will be automatical and flexible at the same time. At the moment it's all manual, which is fine in some cases, perhaps in most cases, but in many others it may well make work become tedious.
So I am not saying something should be erased from the program, but that some options should be added. Hope we can agree on this.  
I really think commands in general should be allowed to be predetermined by the user in a flexible way so that they'll accomodate in a more friendly way to one's different needs/preferences. I'd like to hear more calls in this direction.

General Discussion / Re: vertical default cursor placement
thanks for your answer. Perhaps I did not explain myself clearly enough:
what I'd like NWC to do is to chase the highest (or lowest) note of the staff, while using the pg. up/down, or perhaps another single key for this matter. I though of pg. up/down as a convenient option because I find myself shifting quite often from one staf to another while inserting fingerings.
Obviously the octave shift will only help in the particular case when the written note is an octave higher of lower than the middle of the pentagram.
Besides being more economical in text entering I think that note chasing could present some editing advantage too.

I tried ctrl. pg up/down, but the cursor landed as usual on the middle of the pentagram.
General Discussion / vertical default cursor placement
I would like to have  the option to preset the page up/down command so that the cursor will land on a different place than the middle of the pentagram.
This would save much time when entering fingerings for example: in this case I'd like the page up/down command to land on the highest note of the staff so as to speed up the text insertion, as the vertical adjustment won't be needed so much.
The page up/down command could be even more versatile when working on one staff only: in this case the page up command could shift the cursor to the highest written note and the page down to the lowest one.
  All the best
General Discussion / Re: Measure numbers
When excluding from bar count the first 3 bars (followed by a line break), the first number that appears at the beginning of the next system is 2, while it should be 1 or no number at all. But even though the number 2 is shown NWC really counts it as 1, judging from the following bar numbers. Not too serious, because after the initial wrong number bar count goes back to normal on the next system. But it's strange nevertheless.
Or am I missing something obvious?
Code: (nwc) [Select · Download]
|Clef|Type:Treble|OctaveShift:Octave Down
|Text|Text:"½ CII"|Font:User1|Pos:13|Placement:AtNextNote
|Text|Text:"   2"|Font:User1|Pos:1|Placement:AtNextNote
|Text|Text:"   1"|Font:User1|Pos:0|Placement:AtNextNote
|Text|Text:"   3"|Font:User1|Pos:-1|Placement:AtNextNote
|Text|Text:"   1"|Font:User1|Pos:-2|Placement:AtNextNote
|Text|Text:"   3"|Font:User1|Pos:-1|Placement:AtNextNote
|Text|Text:"   3"|Font:User1|Pos:2|Placement:AtNextNote
General Discussion / Re: creating a rectangular box around a group of notes
Took me a while to realize that the rectangular box made with special endings caused the key signs at the clefs to act strangely, causing them to become insensitive to key changes which appeared after it. Before the "box" the piece was in D and when shortly after the box it moved to C, the key signs at the clefs continued to show as if no key changed had occurred. The other layered staves (the ones without the "box") behaved normally of course.
I tried to change the ending number to no avail, and then used the button "continue prior ending" to see what would happen. Even though the latter fixed the alterations' "anomaly" it made the left vertical line of the box disappear, so I had to uncheck it. Eventually I got rid of all key alterations in the staff in which the "box" was inserted while leaving in the other layered staves the key changes as they needed to be, so as to fix at least the visuals. I am ok with the result since I don't mind too much about the midi output in this case, but I wonder if there is a better solution, one that would not affect the midi output.  
General Discussion / extend last system option
In order to avoid getting a long and empty pentagram at the end of the piece I usually rearrange the spacing of the last line manually, with break lines in the previous systems and space inserts. I often wonder if NWC can do this automatically instead.
General Discussion / Re: Staccato dot too close to stem
Warren, Flurmy: thanks, next time I'll do so.

If it's not too much to ask, can you please also tell me how to insert multiple staves as text? So far I got stuck at the stage of "copy special-all open staves" which does not paste here.
Thanks in advance
General Discussion / Re: Staccato dot too close to stem
Same for staccatissimo, only worse: on certain notes the triangle sign actually becomes part of the stem. On others it's OK, and on others it does not merge but it's still too close. Staccatos behave similarly.

General Discussion / Re: altered layout
Hi Haymo,
Thanks for your suggestion, I'll keep it in mind.
after William's comments I have installed PDFreDirect v2 and removed pdf 995. It's faster and allows me to merge files into each other, which is cool. And no popups.
General Discussion / Re: creating a rectangular box arond a group of notes
Rick, how clever this is! Thank you very much!
It took me almost an hour to figure out what you did. At first I was tempted to just copy-paste your example, but then I could not help myself trying to understand. Gave me quite a headache, but I am glad because in the way I learned new things. And for that I am even more thankful.
At first glance, I preferred the example in which horizontal lines were inserted as NWC text and the vertical ones as headless grace notes with stem length 30. I thought it was as simple as joining matchsticks, and has also the advantage of not requiring an extra staff.
But then there is a limit to the max. height of the box, as stems lengths can't go over 30. Reminds my of a car I had when I as a student. 
So I went for the second example. I learned to control the special ending length by inserting phantom bar lines before and after it, and learn how to manipulate its size by using menu options I usually don't even look at. I also understood the difference between "always" and "default" visibility. Imagine yourself, so far I thought they were the same, shame on me… 

One question: although it looks as a phantom rest, one of the rests appears to be a rest chord in which the rest is made invisible, and its note member is a headless whole note without leger lines. I wonder why it's there: I tried to change it into a normal invisible rest, and everything was still ok. 

Anyway, thanks again
General Discussion / Re: creating a rectangular box arond a group of notes
I would use one of the windings series of fonts. Won't work for much larger selection.

Precisely. In fact The first time I needed the box it was for a 12 notes group. First thing I did was lookig for a retangular shape in windings Swing ding etc. but I had to rule them out, because I would have needed fonts of 300 or so to get the right box width... Luckily the composer changed his mind and settled for a 3 notes box only, so I am off the hook for the time being... :-)
General Discussion / creating a rectangular box around a group of notes
Quite a common need in modern music writing. So far I have used horizontal and vertical lines in Times New Roman. It takes ages to prepare and makes me feel pretty dumb, because each time the line layout changes (as a result of musical additions) the notes space proportions change too, while the text does'nt. Still, the result is reasonably ok. Or is there a better and faster way?

User 6 font should be set at Tiems new roman 13 regular

|Clef|Type:Treble|OctaveShift:Octave Down
|Text|Text:" __________"|Font:PageSmallText|Pos:-14
|Text|Text:" __________"|Font:PageSmallText|Pos:15
|Text|Text:"repeat ad lib."|Font:StaffBold|Pos:17|Placement:AtNextNote
|Text|Text:" i"|Font:User4|Pos:0|Placement:AtNextNote
|Text|Text:" 2"|Font:User4|Pos:-3|Placement:AtNextNote
|Text|Text:" 0"|Font:User4|Pos:-8|Placement:AtNextNote
|Text|Text:"acc. poco a poco"|Font:StaffItalic|Pos:-19|Placement:AtNextNote
|Text|Text:" 2"|Font:User4|Pos:-6|Placement:AtNextNote
General Discussion / Re: creating clear NWC images in PDFs for onscreen view

Question: If from Print Preview (ex.#2) I choose “save as emf” instead of copy to clipboard, I get an emf-file that is 1) of a reasonable size, and 2) looks good when inserted into Word. But - the file hasn´t been cropped! So, if for that purpose I open the file in Corel Paintshop Pro, it doesn´t show notes as when pasted into the same programme, but some boxes where to the notes should be. Why is that?

You don't really need the Corel stage:
Open Word - import the emf file (insert picture) - double click on the picture and edit it (crop, change size etc.). No quality loss or other problems that I can see.
Hope this helps
General Discussion / Re: Can ties bend like slurs?
Thanks Rick,
So now the tie will be broken by the time signature. It certainly looks better than before, but adding an extra staff just to do that feels like a lot of work to me. So for the time being I think I'll stick with the slur, as it also has the advantage of being able to go around the time signature without having its line broken. 

I hope that in the future the extremities of the slur and tie line will be editable:
1) right-or-left-or-center of notehead -
2) vertical offset versus notehead 
3) horizontal offset.

And of course the line curve should also be editable with and whithout the help of phantom rests/notes.
General Discussion / Can ties bend like slurs?
The tricks that help manipulating the slur curve don't seem to work with ties. So much that I often replace a tie with a slur, as long as I don't care about playback it's the only solution I have found. Anything better?

In this example I have inserted an invisible grace rest to in the middle of the slur and did the same to the tie. AYCS it fixed the slur curve but did not affect the tie.
|Clef|Type:Treble|OctaveShift:Octave Down
General Discussion / Re: slur problem
Great, so far I was only managing to increase the slur curve with phantom rests, so thanks a lot!
BTW is there a reason wht the grace note has a tie in your example?
General Discussion / Re: slur problem
And here is another one: abnormal with accidentals normal without.

General Discussion / slur problem
In a slurred group in which there are both visible and invisible notes the slur parabola becomes abnormally high. This is shown by the print preview, while the editing mode remains unsuspiciously normal. Not too difficult to find a way around it, but I think this should be corrected in the future. 

This is what I have figured out so far:
1) The high parabola of the slur is caused by an invisible note which is at the same height or higher than the highest visible note that preceeds it, in fact if it is lowered by one tone both editing and print preview will work ok. Try doing so to the invisible high D in my example and see what happens at the print preview.
2) This only happens when the problematic note is invisible. If it's made visible there is no problem. 

General Discussion / Re: altered layout
Ok, it's a fair solution, thanks.
I usually avoid printing from pdf because it leaves a light shade on the printed page, whilst NWC is snowhite. Any way to get rid of that?
General Discussion / Re: altered layout
So the good news are that the alterations can be reversed, all that needs to be done is switch back to the original printer: I experimented that on one of my files, and it went back to its original layout. (Sigh of relief)  

But there will still be different layouts to the pdf and the actual printer, and it's a problem since I need to switch freely from one setup to the other and have both options available without wasting time correcting layouts time after time. Print previewing is of very little help if there is no cure.
A solution I can think of is to create two identical files, one permanently set to the pdf "printer", the other permanently set to the physical printer, so the rearrengement of the layout will need to be done only once.  
But then whenever a change in the music will be inserted it would need to be copyed into the other file, meaning double work...
Or is there a more elegant solution? Perhaps the layout can be "frozen" somehow?
General Discussion / Re: altered layout
Hi Rick, thanks for you answer.
Let me just make sure I understood: I should use the printer setup command to switch to pdf instead of changing printer within the print command menu?
Thanks in advance
General Discussion / altered layout
It often happens that after converting an NWC file to pdf, the layout of the piece is altered, as the automatic definition of line break is somehow affected by the operation (perhaps shrinking to fit or else). What is worse is that it affects the original NWC file which becomes altered in the same way, quite a mess by all means: single bar lines extra pages,etc.

The program I am using is PDF995, that "mimicks" a printer.
Any ideas?  
General Discussion / Re: slur placement
Good idea, thanks Richard.
Inter-note spacing is asymetrical now, but it can be easily corrected.
Thanks again

|Clef|Type:Treble|OctaveShift:Octave Down
General Discussion / slur placement
A slur will collide with the "3" of a triplet when its direction is towards the stem.
If the slur direction is inverted it will start by default from the lowest note of the chord member, which is not what I meant. 
|Clef|Type:Treble|OctaveShift:Octave Down

Using two staves is a half solution, because then the slur will penetrate the nearby chord member (F). Not so elegant especially in this case where it happens to be a hollow note. 
So I wonder if it's possible to alter the slur placement versus notehead, (left-right-center). In this case the option "slur placement/right of notehead" could be a solution.  
General Discussion / colliding accidentals
As items on one staff are not "aware" of the ones on another staff, accidentals inserted on layered staves often collide with each other. It's not always possible to overcome the problem by adding the same notes on all layers, especially when one of the notes is given extra spacing.
Any suggestions? 

I' d like to post an attachment to show the problem, but I can't. At the time I was told it was because I had not validated my license, but now that I have done so the problem persists. 
General Discussion / Re: White color as digital tipp-ex
Hi Lawrie, thanks for the suggestion.
I went to the discussion area you referred to, but did not succeed downloading Rick's attachment.
At the time I could not download anything and I was told that it happened because I was not registered, but now that I am the problem persists.
General Discussion / White color as digital tipp-ex
It occurred to me that if the white color was added to the available colors one could use it to hide items that cannot be hidden otherwise, like the "3" of the triplet for example.
I have chosen a windings a triangle from windings 3/font 16/yellow, so as to demonstrate the idea. Of course this would only work outside the pentagram, but it could still be quite useful I think. 

|Clef|Type:Treble|OctaveShift:Octave Down
General Discussion / Re: fermata default placement - not a big issue, but...
Hi William,

I find it difficult to understand why one should prefer to use an incorrect terminology because it's more familiar and reject a more accurate one because it's unfamiliar. Besides, the preference of the term agogics or a similar one is not the main issue (and I hope you did not mean to call me a snob here): it was just a solution I suggested instead of the incorrect use of the term "tempo variance" in the context in which it appears.
A fermata, breath mark, or other pause may not be a variation in the overall tempo of a piece, but it is certainly a variation in the tempo of the bar in which it is present.
I disagree, tempo goes beyond the local, an occasional lingering is not an alteration of tempo. If I'd go by your logics I'd call an auxiliary chord as "a modulation in  the bar in which it's present". Like it takes more than an occasional accidental to create a modulation it takes more than an occasional rall. to depart from the original tempo. Formally speaking, tempo expressions appear above the pentagram while rall. acc. (agogics, eh?) usually appear underneath it, and in italics. So there is a difference after all.    
The terms "Strict tempo" and "tempo" are not so closely related as you pictured them: "strict tempo" relates exclusively to a specific way to treat counting while "Tempo" is an abstract and much wider concept that describes the feel/mood of a piece/section. They are two different things even though the word tempo is present in both.
So while it's ok to describe a fermata as a "deviance from strict tempo" in no serious book a fermata will ever be called a "tempo variance (or tempo deviation)". Sorry, it's not the same thing, not even close.  

My impression is that outside NWC nobody uses the term "tempo variance", and even if one does my guess is that it won't be in relation to the items included in the "tempo variance" menu, but to something else such as meno mosso, piu' mosso and the likes, which coincidentally are completely ignored by the tempo variance menu.
General Discussion / Re: fermata default placement - not a big issue, but...
Within the context of NWC, these items are considered tempo variances - personally I think this is a logically correct position as the tempo is varied temporarily for these objects -

In the practical sense yes, not in the conceptual one. The concept of tempo is not necessarily associated with the alteration of a steady beat flow or the duration of a particular time value. If we are in an Allegro movement the advent of a fermata or a rall. does not change or vary the tempo. It temporarily prolongs a number of notes, but it does not affect the perception of the initial tempo as such. Agogical playing - which includes rall. ten. etc. - does not alter tempo by definition. At times you may even do a rall and acc. wthin one beat and arrive exactly in time to the next beat... Therefore the lavish use of the term Tempo is misleading especially in the educational context, I fear we are following the machine in this.
General Discussion / Re: fermata default placement - not a big issue, but...
Caesuras and breath marks are usually aligned also when defined as center-at next note/bar, and they are so rarely used that it's no problem manually changing their placement once in a while. Fermatas on the other hand are much more common so one needs to adjust them time after time, and that's bothersome. You may disagree with this and it's ok, we don't need to agreee about preferences. This is why there should be the option to change the default settings of everything in the program. I would be glad to hear your views on this subject too, I noticed it went unanswered.

Fermatas breath marks and caesuras are not tempo variances, they are islands outside the tempo. When you do a fermata, etc. you forget about tempo for a moment, you do not think of a new varied tempo. Rall. and acc. and the likes are more near to the definition of "tempo variance" as you are still counting at a gradually varying pace, but it takes more than an occasional ten. on one note to create a tempo variance. Like it takes more than an occasional accidental to create a modulation.
"Agogics" is the correct term, and if people don't know it the'll learn it like they learn everything else. Tempo variance is an invention of NWC, and if it's more immediate it's hardly accurate. And since as I hear NWC is widely used in educational programs here you have an additional reason why changing the current state of things.  
General Discussion / Re: fermata default placement - not a big issue, but...
So I'll  sugggest two separate menus, one for signs and one for verbal expressions. But perhaps it will be simpler to remove all the verbal expressions from the menu, as they can always be entered as text, which is something  one often neeeds to do anyway, as many of those are not part of this menu.
Just like the fermata, caesura and breath mark will look better on the page when aligned at next note/bar - and centered so once the verbal expressions will be out of the way the default placement could be corrected now without creating a new problem.    

In any case it would be a good idea if NWC could allow the user to create his own templates and allow him to change default definitons according to his personal needs. One should be able to add missing expressions and remove the ones he usually does not use for example. Not such a revolutionary idea, which could solve this problem and many others at the same time.  

By the way the "tempo variance" headline has very little to do with its content, in fact it's wrong from an academical point of view. "Agogics" or "speed flexibility" or "time bend" etc. could be more appropriate and more self explaining.
General Discussion / fermata default placement - not a big issue, but...
At the moment we get by default:
Justification: left
Alignment: Best fit.

But since the fermata is almost always related to a note or to a rest, the result is that it is almost always misplaced by default,
and its placement needs almost always to be manually corrected. The default should then be:

Justification: center
Alignment: At next note

General Discussion / Re: disappearing staff
IMO, few users will ever see this.

Few people will ever hear a small musical mistake in concert.
But one thing is if it happens by accident or if it's left there after one is aware of it. And since it may take it hours to get it right at home while at and the same there is little chance that anyone will notice the difference, why bother? (rethorical question)
Of course there is the "down to earth approach", value for money, forget the oranges at the tree top etc.
But I hope Eric will adopt the musical approach for his musical program. Makes sense doesn'it? Of course there is no urgence, I agree. I only hope that "no need for immediate fix" won't be interpreted too freely.