General Discussion / Re: 1812 Overture
Спаси, Господи, люди Твоя (Save, O Lord, Your people)
и благослови достояние Твое, (and bless Your heritage)
победы православным Христианом на сопротивныя даруя (Victory to Orthodox Christians fighting resistance to the Gift)
и Твое сохраняя Крестом Твоим жительство. (and Your Cross and maintaining belief in Your existence.
Вознесыйся на Крест волею, (Ascend to the Cross by Your will)
тезоименитому Твоему новому жительству, (the Holy Name Day of Czar Family, to Your new existence,)
щедроты Твоя даруй, Христе Боже, (literal: Your gift of largesse - or gift of grace, Christ Jesus God)
возвесели силою Твоею верныя люди Твоя, (Your true people are glad in Your power - or strength)
победы дая нам на сопостаты, (Grant us victory over the apostates - or unbelievers, likely the unorthodox, as no other faith is considered true)
пособие имущим Твое оружие мира, (and blessings, which are your weapons of peace,)
непобедимую победу. (and invincible victory.)
Here is a link to a part of this tropar, written in the old russian: http://www.drevglas.ru/b1/684.html
You may contact me at me@mail.az if you want to know more about this.
Spasibo bolshoe,