Now I can install a sounfont with different organ stops. I use Coolsoft VMS. However, there is a problem. I could insert an organ soundfont, with extension sf2. The problem is now, how to get the choise of the different stops. I can hear, that there are a few organ stops in different channels. But I remember, that I formerly got a list with all the stops, comparable with the general midi list of instruments, qua outfit. With the option for instrument change there was a separate tree for them. The second problem is, that I am looking in vain, how to return to the default tree for general midi. What to do now?
I am sorry in a former item I confused matters. I used the word "key" instead of the word "clef". Therefor here again the item with the correct words.
Is there any tool to change clefs e. g. from g clef to f clef, but with the same effect as transposing, in order to make refill of all notes superfluous. Thanks in advance.
In the past I had a "Creative" soundcard with software that made it possible to activate other soundfonts. In NWC I could than choose another tree. Nowadays I have a pc with "Soundmax". I want to insert another set of soundfonts, but I do not know how to realize it. With "change list" only lists with extension "nwcitree" are possible. Formerly, however, I remember it was no problem. Who helps me?
Is there any tool to change keys e. g. from g key to f key, but with the same effect as transposing, in order to make refill of all notes superfluous. Thanks in advance.
It works indeed with one staff only. But how to handle when 2 ones of a set of four are empty and two ones are not? I see that those staffs cannot be made apart from the empty ones. Thanks in advance.
Where fore heaven's sake have gone the commands "upper grand staff" and "lower grand staff"? Appearingly removed by someone who does not know, that some people write polyphonic compositions? Is downgrading the only way to be able to use it , yet? What might have moved the upgrader to make such terrible changes? It was a magnificent command!
In the MIDI percussion reference I cannot find how to make slow brushes sound. The Cabasa and Maracas are very short. I don't like the reverse cymbel sound. Do I need a specific soundfont for it? Who tells me?
Making ties with stems down gives ties up and with stems up the other way round. In viewer mode it often disturbs the other part. Isn't it possible to change the usual manner of positioning the ties?
For using viewer mode it is a very practical way to use "stem up" or "stem down" for a whole staff. For directly undoing such one can simply use "undo". After some time, however, it seems only possible to reorganize the standard stem positions ("up" under the 3rd line and "down" above it) note by note. Isn't there a faster way to do this? Thanks in advance.
I am sorry, but I'm afraid it will not be helpful to me. I am not a programmer. Isn't there a regular way in Noteworthy, nowadays? I consider it as an omission.
In a score, made with Noteworthy I saw ornaments, e.g. "tr." and it was performed by midi indeed. When I tried to make them, however, it did not work. What did I do wrong? Who can tell me? Thanks in advance!
Since I have a new (mini) laptop, the function keys unfortunately prove to be conspicuous by their abcence. When I e. g. want to listen to one separate staff, without hearing the other ones, I only can do such by muting the other staffs. Who knows another solution? Only by upgrading, maybe?
How do I handle in order to get DC al Fine without repeating in notes the repeated piece at the end. Repeated parts with ':' are always repeated automatically, but DC al Fine seems not to do such. Do I miss something from 'Help'? Who gives the solution? Thanks in advance!
Recently I get -after changing some notes- changing of color of a number of note heads: suddenly they have become red. Normally the red color is only active while playing. I have not the foggiest idea how to change them into black ones. Maybe you? Thanks in advance.
Since I upgraded to 2.1 I am a bit disappointed. I'm afraid I'll be obliged to downgrade again to version 2.0. In version 2.0 I was able to choose "alow layering". That option made it possible to me to make e. g. a 4 part polyphonic score and afterwards a print for organ or harpsichord. By choosing: upper staff "stem up", 2nd one "stem down", 3d part "stem up" and 4th staff "stem down" it was possible to make a keyboard score. But yet that option seems to have been disappeared; I only see an print preview with 4 staffs instead of 2 ones. Is it true, that I must downgrade, or does anayone have a solution for my problem? Thanks in advance.
While composing I used the function "layering", in order to make a piece that can be used for playing manualiter. The "orchestra style" however is not what I mean to have on the left side. How can I change it to an accolade? The piano part writing has a handicap, because it does not give me total freedom in writing polyphonic pieces (using Ctrl - Enter). The only way is ergo separated voices writing and layering. Who can help me adding the accolade?
Formerly I always could play back my compositions (F5) starting from the position of the cursor. Suddenly it seems to have been changed: the play back only starts at the beginning of the compostion. What did I do wrong? How can I change it? Thanks in advance for the right answer!
In Noteworthy I have been using polyphonic writing in the past. I know the manner of writing e. g. 4 voices by means of "layering". That makes it possible to write 4 voices separated and also to write a 4 part keyboard (e. g. piano) score. In the attachment I tried to give an example of another way of making a -here 3 part-piano score (very simplified, because some signs are missing; here also the middle part stems are meant partly upward), but I hope the meaning is clear. I remember there was another way to make polyphonic writing possible. That manner, however, I cannot find anymore in the help file. Maybe some of the "Noteworthy family" people proves to be able to let shine his light upon this item. Thanks in advance.
How to make a set of single staffs? When I want to make e. g. a set of 10 musical exercises, I do not wish to make one score with different staffs. Who gives me a hint?
When I put in a number of new staffs, there is a strange thing. Maybe it depends on the place in the score, but after a number of new staffs, when I give it the instrumentation of a trumpet, or whatever, I always hear the sound of a set of various rhytm section sounds. Who helps me? Thanks in advance.
Who knows how to use "beaming", when there are 2 voices in one staff to write polyphonic compositions. I know the use of the combination [alt] [enter] but I need: upper voice with stem up, lower voice with stem down. I see that "beaming" then fails in two voices at the same time.