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Messages - George Leeman

General Discussion / Tweaking MIDI keyboard input notation
I am working with four-part songs using the SATB template and one treble and one bass staff displayed (i.e. layering allowed), and I enter notes using a Roland A-90 keyboard.  When I play a four-note chord, it appears either entirely in the treble staff or bass staff, with many additional ledger lines as needed, depending on which staff is selected.  What I would really like is to have the upper two notes appear in the treble staff and the lower two notes appear in the bass staff.  Is that possible to do in NWC 1.75c?
General Discussion / Modifying properties of a tied note
I am setting music in three staves without layering.  In the middle bass clef
staff I have entered the following, where the negative numbers indicate number
of semitomes below middle C, and all notes are quarter notes unless indicated
otherwise: chord A(-3). E(-8); note B flat(-2); chord B natural (-1), E(-8),
where the E is a half note and tied to the previous E; and note B flat(-2).  I
now want to chenge the first E to the more proper half note and leave
everything else the same, but I an unable to do so.  Is there a simple
sequence of keyboard entries and mouse clicks which will will succeed?  I'm
guessing that adding another staff and using layering might work, but I don't
need layering anywhere alse.  A related question: is it possible to select a
single note of a chord and then modify its properties?  Thanks for your help.
-- George Leeman
General Discussion / Adjusting note positions in a chord
I am using the S-A-T-B template with layering turned off.  I want to produce a two-note chord consisting of an A below middle C in the tenor staff and a G below middle C in the bass staff.  When I enter these notes and turn layering on, the two notes are superimposed and difficult to read.  I would like to see the A before the G, with the two notes touching.  Is there a way to get this effect, perhaps by adjusting the space before the G?  Thanks for your help.
---George Leeman
General Discussion / Overriding lyric standard rules
I would like to produce the following song configuration

Treble staff  | H | Q Q | H
Bass staff    | H | H    | H
Lyrics:        | 1  | 2-2 | 3

where H indicates a half note, Q indicates a quarter note, and the numbers indicate syllables.  I want the lyrics under the bass staff but sung to the treble staff, i.e. I want the hyphen to appear, indicating that the one-syllable word is sung to the two quarter notes.  Is there a way to get this appearance?   The normal rules put the second 2 under the third bar.
Thanks, George Leeman
General Discussion / Re: Double stems
   Your quick help is appreciated.  Just to elaborate on your instructions for us beginners, the following procedure for making double stems works all the time, for any note: if the note has an upward (resp. downward) stem, click on the downward (resp. upward) stem icon, click to the right of the note as close as possible to it, on the same line or space, then use Ctrl-Enter.
   Thanks also for the tip on layering.  I must say I was blown away by the excellence of this program, both in capability and user interface.  I bought it after spending about four hours with the evaluation version.
General Discussion / Double stems
In choral singing the stem placement is often used to distinguish what is sung by various groups, e.g. soprano, alto, tenor, bass.  If a single note is sung by two groups, it is written with two stems, one up and one down.  A beginner's question: is it possible to create such a note in version 1.75c?