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Messages - Phil Dixon

General Discussion / Problem with staff groupings
Good morning all.

I have a very minor problem with staff groupings which is becoming iritating...

When I create a new piece of music, I generally create 5 staffs in the following order;

1. Vocal line (Visual:Style=Orchestral)
2. Piano (Visual:Style=Upper Grand Staff)
3. Piano (Visual:Style=Lower Grand Staff)
4. Bb clarinet (Visual:Style=Orchestral)
5. Eb saxaphone (Visual:Style=Orchestral)

The orchestral bracket appears correctly over all 5 staffs, and the Upper/Lower Grand bracket appears correctly on staffs 2 and 3.

However, the bar lines in staffs 4 and 5 are joined (in the same way as in staffs 2 and 3).

I can get round this by setting staff 4 to (Visual:Style=Standard), but surely I shoudn't have to!

Version I'm using is 1.75b
General Discussion / Transposing from Trabble to Bass clef
Good morning,

I have a piece of music in Noteworthy in trebble clef. I want to print off the same part in bass clef for my Tuba. I have cut / paste the entire piece onto a new staff and transposed it down by 4 semitones. However, the Ab has become Abb, same with Bb, Db, and Eb.

Have I missed some mystical point here or is my music theory somewhat lacking?
General Discussion / Re: My memory isn't what it used to be.
I can't seem to find it.

I bought my registered version from PDSL in the UK some time ago, but it was supplied on 3.5" disks. I do not have a 3.5" drive on my new PC so I cannot use them. I would have thought that a registered user would be able to download the 1.75b version onto a new PC and use the original activation keys. It seems not.
General Discussion / My memory isn't what it used to be.

I have just set up a new PC after my old one started getting a bit unpredictable. I have downloaded 1.75b onto it in un-registered form and have spent the last few weeks looking for my activation key.

Ah! found it at last!

So, I've restarted NWC, now where oh where do I type in the key?
General Discussion / Re: Some basic help & advice needed regarding .ncw --> .mid --> .wav
Many, many thanks to you all for the help you have afforded me.

The solution I have adopted is to simply use the Windows Recorder function and set NWC to PLAY. I did have some problems with the 60 second limit, but after using EDIT|INSERT to extend this, I've now got a 5 minute template. The results so-far seem to be just fine.

General Discussion / Some basic help & advice needed regarding .ncw --> .mid --> .wav
Good afternoon, (or morning, depending upon which side of the planet you reside),

I have been using NWC for some time now, primarily to created printed scores for my music group. Until recently, I have been giving the band members a (data) CD with the .nwc files on them for so that they can 'follow' the music (not all are proficient sight-readers). This works fine, with them all using NWP to play them back on. However, what I would like to be able to do is to create (audio) CD's for them, so they can be played back via domestic HI-FI gear.

I understand that I need to convert the .nwc files to .mid files (which NWC allows me to do) and then convert them to .wav files before burning them onto CD's.

I was thinking of buying 'MAGIX mp3 maker' to help with this process but no-where on the packaging does it mention that it can convert .mid to .wav.

Does anybody know if this software will acheive this?

Also, what is the difference between midi type 0 and type 1?

Any advice would be gratefully received.