I see from the Lawrie´s answer that it is not posible, but just in case, here I try to explain it with more detail.
Let´s say I have a song with four voices at the chorus part. It is fine then to have the vertical line or orchestra or whatever linking the high voice with the others. Then the song goes into the "solo part" and it is now when I would like to see the corresponding staff with no link (no vertical line, orchestra,..) to the previous, the ones regarding the chorus voices.
I believe my question could be seen in something as to have two different music pieces on the same sheet.
Is there any way to avoid the vertical line in between staves when preview or printing. I mean, I would like to have on my sheet music a stave with "chorus". Below that the stave/s of the "solo" and I would like not to see the vertical line nwc2 use to connect the staves. At least, not the one that would connect the "Chorus" with the "solo" ones.
How to get the slur appear correctly when layer one staff with the next one? I mean, I have a staff with all notes stem up. Below there is new staff with my second voice and I put all of them stem down. Now, if a layer both staff I get a good partiture showing both voices. However, the slurs cross and they do not appear clear. Is there anyway to change them, I would say to apply the stem but only to the slur.
Thank you very much with your suggestion and offer. I have never used BIAB, so I guess it may ake time to learn it, and be able to use it efficently. I am going to think about it and let you know about my ideas. In principle, I think I could continue learning harmony as I have been doing til now. Each new peace of software you wan to use, takes time.
Even more, I am still learning Noteworthy and I got it by the end of June.
I know a little the programs you mention for harmonizing a melody, but as far as I know, no one of them would allow me to work with the NWC files, that is what I want.
I would like to start from a single melody and to get some series of chords that can make the accompaniment of such melody, and at the end, to be able to print out the partiture / score for my other people and instruments.
Knowing Noteworthy is a music composition and edition software tool I am wondering if there is anyway to add some harmonizing tool. I have seen some tool (scripts) to make chords from notes, and harmonize in thirds, but not a more sophisticated one. I am not a profesional musician, just a singer and guitar / organ player, so I can not help so much here, but I would like to help with some sugestions, funds if posible, and doing some test as well.
Just an idea.
If the tool already exist, I do apologize missing it, and also would appreciate to know where it is.
I am quite new to Noteworthy, and trying to find out a topic: "harmonizing in thirds" It should be here https://forum.noteworthycomposer.com/?topic=2304 but I get a message saying the file is either missing ot I do no have access to it.