Sometimes I my playback gets a bit wonky, but then I do a restart and then everything is cooking just fine again.But since I increased the memory I havent had this problem with midi again.Touch wood.
Then there is the other bit as well depending on the period the piece was composed in although a bit of a grey area where generally it is accepted that prior to 1800 the trill started on the note above the written note .After that date the trill commences on the note below ,in context of the key.Frederick Noad Solo Guitar BK I
I think the Viewer is a great gift horse and if you can send files to a Studio without actually travelling with a memory stick everytime they can actually transfer your work done into any midi program they might be using .I am pleased to see the old "no we can't read Noteworthy "is history .
I was very impressed this morning on my usuall rounds to a classical guitar forum which visit and saw an extract of a piece of two bars in standard notation .This is a tremendous visual help when one wishes to explain or enquire about a particular technical problem one might encounter regading any section.Not to feel put out I went straight to my NWC 1.75and tried this this trick from all angles that I know and they are not that many ,How can I extract selected bars in Noteworthy and convert them to pdf in order to send as an attachment to a any site on the web.You dont want to send the whole piece as the version of Adobe which I use doesn't have selective cutting once formatted .
Well ,I am cirtainly going to print out some of these replies, they are lovely suppliments to the Hints ,Tips and Tricks Manual .See what happens when you ruffell a Noteworthiest's feathers.Maybe I shoud become a Spin Docter.
As far as an end user product is concerned I am proud to say that if you are to lazy or due to some other mental or physical drawback which impededs the ability to write or read standard notation ,then Noteworthy is a spesialist program ,and would be difficult to use, from that point of view.Some things in life you just have to learn the computer can't do everything.
I don't mean to sound like sour grapes but am I to deduce that Home Studio, Q Bass ,Logic and Sebelius are either not even considerd or they are above review.
Maybe this can help ,these are the words which Sergovia remembers when left in the care of his uncle one day when he was small in order to comfort him while in babysitting .His uncle pretended to strum ,singing "To play guitar jum ! You need no "science" jum ! only a strong arm jum! and perseverance jum!
I find that it is best to go to reputable music retailer when dealing in PC Sound espesially those dealing with audio studios professional or otherwise.The normal PC dealers in my country anyway I think don't see the recording and sequencing market as a lucrative market and 9 out of 10 times the salesman gives you a lot of "cool jargon" to put you on the back foot in order to sell you a new PC because he knows the games market and your sound card will always be out of date.The music retailers might be more expensive than the bulk discount stores but they generally target specific needs of musicians in order to survive. PS ,I am not a music retailer only a well seasoned ex sucker.
Thank you Robddin, I will refrain from using capital letters as well as take note of my spelling when getting all exited about posting a topic to mortals in the future 'althoughsuccess is not always a certainty.I will tell you why the program got lost in my opinion. For some reason or other I had an uninstalled evaluation Nwc 1.75b program on file ,which I opened and installed by mistake.This evaluation programe not only opened but also engulfed my existing licenced pragram.In my state of panic I used the restore facillty I did not want to reload NWC 1.75 again or wait a month for the evaluation copy to expire in or to get back to the original licensed program I thought this might be useful to some other user who might also make such a stupit mistake however unlikely this may seem.But thank you for your saving tips because it is only via mistakes that we really learn.Remembering the old saying "He who doesn't make mistakes ,usually doesn't do anything"Anonymous
For some stupid reason I wiped out my NWC 1.75b entire program but thank the dear Lord for System Restore under Accessories in the system tools window .That would have wiped out 4 yrs work .Just thought I would share this little lifebelt for those who don't know .You can restore your computer to as long ago as you wish .Who say's we can't go back in time.
Is there any way that one can put up or import a guitar chord grid which is sometimes useful if one wishes to show a particular chord or is this a feature that one could expect from NWC2, me being NWCI.75.Or is this pushing things a bit .At this point I have not looked under Scriptorium as yet .This feature occured to me on the referal to frets above.
Hi Narret, Try all the above suggestions but if you still picking up problems why not send the midi file as an attachment to this forum .I am sure many of the guys will be able to help you out by downloading your midi file and converting to the formatting of your choice ,thats if you dont have any copyright reservations.I certainly would be willing to.
Hello David, I must come clean and confess that I don't know how to attache a NWC file to this forum my service provider dose not work with the internet facility provided here.Believe me I wish I could or knew a way to do so.It would make life that much easier and comprehendable .I am therefore at the mercy of someone who could tell me how to this.Until such time I will have to take the route that I know in order to get the job done with the facilities provided by Scriptorium; as the saying gose "ze are vays und means"
Hi David, If one looks at the problem in it's most basic form as I would interpret it;what Bananove means by layering and partial layering ,I must add that ,without definite guidelines as to what 2 voices or instrument voicings he is refering to, I could only draw the inference that he wantes two voices together in one stave but then seperated in others.My method I feel shows him how to do it ,ie one should not be misled by only layering 2 staves , use a copy of the 2nd voice as the 3rd stave and then simply delete the sections you dont want to layer. The rests now form part of a second staff reading quite naturally with the upper layered staff.I have sent an attachment of a practical example of what I mean to Scriptorium using nylon guitar and accoustic bass.
Hello Bananov, Your querie has tickled my "why not" brain cells so this is the route I would take if I were to do partial layering on NWC 1.75. 1. Insert an extra stall under staff properties.
2.Select , copy and paste the second stave into the new third stave.
3.Delete and insert rests into the bars not to be layered.
4.Edit the note stems in all staves according to taste.
5.Layer staves 1and 2 ,the 3rd stave should now serve as the unlayered staff.
6.Inserting titles and other main texts is done when opening a project and can be seen on the print preview prior to finale printing ,the title dose not show when you are working on the piece .You can add your own text eg what instrument or voice while working by pressing the X key which gives affords an array of text options .
7.You can even modify these text options under "page set-up " command where you will find fonts section which gives you a wide selection of different text and musical marks which you might want to use to embellish your parts. I will submit an example of my interpretation of Partial Stave Layering to NWC Scriptorium Section if you want to hear and see what I mean, if it is acceptable to them.
I don't mean to sound snide or smart or anything like that ,but I think any program that boasts that it can import any file midi or whatever and read it exactly as originally scored ,is taking a bit of a chance no matter what the price tag.It might be a great sales pitch or carrot but you still find yourself editing .I am note refering to photo copying or anything like that.
Hey Guys, I have just have to pass this one around for those who don't know.I happen to bump into this site called where Mr Joe Paperoni gives a very comprehensible outlay of the basic prinsiples of arranging brass,strings rhythm section, man you name it .After all these years if some had asked me what a hemiola was I would have thought it was some new sort of ice cream.
I think it was Gummy Bears where I heard "I can do this!" so I experimented with the / sign on the keyboard and juggled the . sign as I would write a text for a lyric and bingo I had a repeat bar and chords even hand written in ink pen which any garage band reader would have felt very at home with, even rhythm strocks in the stave using the / on the keyboard combind with the fonts in the page set up ,for that homely funky hand written effect .Ideal for any rythme section for the guys to strum along with and follow the road map.
Why not convert the lot to a sterio or mono audio track in another program then and work with the master volume controle if you don't want to get into the individual channels or tracks when mixing .I think NWC was intended to be a program for orchestrations using different dynamics for individual parts.
Hi Lawrie, I may just echo what you 're saying in that ,that sure is one magic feature that really saves a lot of drudgery, also with changing clefs as depicted in the help section.
Hi Khaman, I' ve been a Noteworthy fan for about 4yrs now, in fact it's taken me from someone who knew zero about computers to someone who can comunicate like I am now to you .I used the excuse that computers were for smart juppies only .What I know now on NWC1.75b has liberated me in the sense that I can now sequence parts for session work many other things which I could never dream of doing with music .I am sure that which I do about NWC1.75b is a drop in the Ocean in relation to what the program is capable of.Because of my limitations at this stage regarding many basic functions of computing I don't thinkI am qualified to make any significant contribution to the Beta testing program .I know this sounds like "The little Hen "story ,where we don't help , but simply love to eat the cake, I will just have to keep chewing on NWC 1.75b and enjoy the fruits of Beta Research Team's labours and simply pluck the fruits of NCW2 when it's released.Thats my story and I am sticking to it.
Is there anyway to get NWC I,75 to interpret triplets in a standard way when external midi files are send to it,instead of having to physically change each group manually.Is it able to recieve triplets the way it can write them. Is there any help on this matter.
Have tried all the midi devices available on the left side of the NWC midi options the one transfered to the right top is the active one .After writing in NWC which is midi I don't understand how Windows Media comes into the equation unless those midi files have been tranfered to some audio converter and only then imported as an audio or wave file into Windows Media which doesn't read midi .If I may read deeper into your enquiry, in that you might want to burn a cd using NWC there's a useful thread under tips and tricks on this site.
Hi Rich, With regards to reverse engineering it just occured to me that you'd find a lot of new boss- blond secretary jokes ,she woudn't have to type anymore .He just dictates straight into the computer . .
Hi Wooty, Maybe you can and find those particular pieces already sequenced in Sriptorium ,and if not, there try Classical Midi Archives into Google I'm almost sure you will get what you"r looking for there.The other option would be to enter just plain choir music and see what pops up. Good Luck .
Just as I thought I was settling in nicely with windows xp .My wife tells me that "Philistines" are coming again and there's no way that you can have a computor thats older than 2yrs old if you want to upgrade to Windows Vista. How will this affect Note Worthy Composer 1.75b or 2 I here we can expect a remarkable difference in performance ,whats the buzz on the street or this just another money making hype