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Messages - Mike Shawaluk

General Discussion / Re: Exporting NWC to Midi
If each voice is on its own staff, there is an easier way. Go to Tools > Mute List... or press the M key. That will show all of the staves in your score. Click "Mute All" and then unmute the staff for the part you want to export. Click OK, and then go to File > Export and save that part. Repeat the process by muting/unmuting the staves you want to be included in the export.
General Discussion / Re: alignment versenumber
This is how I did verse numbers as well, before user objects came along. But I am biased toward the object approach, having written this particular add-on :)
General Discussion / Re: Natural symbol
If you look closely, the natural symbol is grey, meaning that it is hidden, and won't appear on printouts or in the NWC Viewer. You can delete it if you want, but it is useful to leave in your score if you decide to transpose it again.
General Discussion / Re: Including small note-heads in a NWC score
Since that older thread was written, NWC has a new feature called user objects or plugins, which is a way to add new features to NWC for display and playback. One such plugin that was created is called CueHeads, which is a fairly easy way to add cue-sized notes to a score. You can read about it here.

Note: you don't need to install the object; if you have NWC 2.75 installed, it is already included.
General Discussion / Re: Tremolo with octaves
I am not an expert on tremolos, but to me, that measure seems incorrect, at least if the time signature is 4/4. A two-note tremolo that has 8th notes for each note would have a total duration of 1/8 note in the measure, and with two additional beams, it would play as 32nd notes. Adding up the other beats, there would be a total of 7 beats in the measure.

Perhaps it is a typo in the score, and it was meant to be quarter note tremolos? In that case it would add up to 4 beats.

I would welcome a comment or correction from someone else who is more familiar with tremolos.
General Discussion / Re: Tremolo with octaves
I notice that you changed the rests on the rest chords to quarter rests, instead of 16th rests. Except for the case of an eighth tremolo, the rest duration should be 1/2 of the note duration, meaning that in this case, the notes should be half notes[1]. Did you mean to use those instead? Is the bottom measure supposed to be 5 beats total?
My apologies to UK and Australian members who are used to seeing minims, quavers and crotchets  :)
General Discussion / Re: Tremolo with octaves
The help file for the object says the following:
To create a tremolo, first create two RestChords of the desired duration. For whole, half and quarter note tremolos, the rest duration should be half of the note's duration. For eighth tremolos, the note duration should be quarter and the rest duration sixteenth.

I chose this approach for eighth note tremolos since there is no easy way to hide the flag on eighth notes :)

Here is a fixed version of that measure. Also, please note that you should mute the notes on each side of the tremolo object if you are using playback.

Code: (nwc) [Select · Download]
Object Plugins / Re: (2.8)
The object has been updated to version 2.8 by @Flurmy, with the following change:
  • New parameter PitchBendPeriod to allow a user-specified delay between pitchbend glissando updates.
Object Plugins / Re: (2.0)
I did some further exploration, which bears out Flurmy's comment that he's never seen this notation. In many scores, the labeling for octave sections is a simple "8" for both upward and downward octave shifts, and the position of the marking above or below is what indicates the direction of the shift.  All of the comments and pages I have found online say that 8va alta (upward shift) should always be above the notes in question, and 8va bassa (downward shift) should always be below them.
Object Plugins / Re: (2.0)
Thank you for the kind words. Yes, the object is still being maintained.

I don't think I've ever seen a score with an 8va bassa above the notes being shifted. I designed the object's appearance based on Elaine Gould's "Behind Bars" and I can't find any mention in that book of doing this.  Of course, you can move an 8va bassa mark above a set of notes, except that the dotted line will point up instead of down. Maybe this is desirable to cue the player that the shift is downward?  Alternately, if you are just creating printable notation and you don't need playback, you could do an upward shift, but change the text from "8va" to "8va bassa" or "8vb".

Let me know if either of the above workarounds would work for you.
General Discussion / Re: Buglet
I had to experiment with this to see what you meant. You can apply extra dot spacing for a RestChord (although as expected, there is only one setting, so it applies to both the note and the rest, if both are dotted.) and it displays properly. However, when you save the file and reload it, the extra spacing is not remembered.  The same thing happens if you copy and paste an extra dot spaced RestChord.
General Discussion / Re: Page layout
... I take this opportunity to ask for information.
Is it possible to add an accidental or other to a single member of a chord?...
You probably found the answer already, but here it is again: Position the mouse pointer over the note in the chord that you want to add the accidental to, then right click and choose from the Accidentals menu in the popup.
General Discussion / Re: Question on tremelo
Regarding the double staccato dot, is that something that happens often with tremolos? It would not be hard to add it as an option to the object, but it would help to know the "rules" behind its use.
General Discussion / Re: Question on tremelo
If you set the "Triplet playback" for each object, it should play the notes with equal duration. Also, I recommend muting the notes if you are using the tremolo playback.
General Discussion / Re: Wav and MP3 files from NWC.
There is a subforum here titled "Back Stage" which is visible to members who have previously participated in beta releases. Unfortunately, only the forum moderators can add people to this section. The NWC 2.8 beta version is posted in that subforum.
General Discussion / Re: Finale’s finale
Having never used Finale, I am wondering if that program is "pay as you go", requiring an active subscription to keep using it. If so, I can understand the need for current users to switch to something new. However, if the company is just discontinuing updates and support, that wouldn't be much different than what we are facing with our favorite program, since there haven't been any updates in several years now. There should still be a community of users who are able to answer questions and provide support for remaining users.
Object Plugins / Re: (2.2)
The user object has been updated, with the following changes:

  • A bug has been fixed which caused incorrect beam placement for offset whole notes for the first chord.

Please refer to the parent post for a description of the available parameters and a sample clip.
Object Plugins / Re: (2.1)
Try changing line 137 from:
Code: (lua) [Select · Download]
x1s = x1s or x1+1.3
Code: (lua) [Select · Download]
x1s = x1s or priorNote:xyRight() 
I am still testing to make sure it doesn't break anything.
User Tools / Re: Beat Count
I had to look up "anacrusis" to understand your question. I think you are referring to what I call the "pickup measure".

I think that is a reasonable assumption. However, I also think that it won't be difficult to come up with a score that will mess with your tool. For example, a 4/4 score that temporarily changes to 3/8 time.
User Tools / Re: Beat Count
You could call the tool "Metronome" :)  Maybe have an option to use the drum kit and MIDI channel 10 for the staff.
General Discussion / Re: Tie (or slur?) without the tied note.
Here is an alternate version, that uses visible grace notes with zero-length stems and blank space noteheads, which doesn't require spacers.
Code: (nwc) [Select · Download]
General Discussion / Re: Tie (or slur?) without the tied note.
The foillowing sample uses muted invisible grace notes as the destination of the ties, which I think gives a better appearance than  I added spacers before and after the grace notes to stretch things out, since invisible grace notes take up no space.

Code: (nwc) [Select · Download]
General Discussion / Re: Violin harmonics
I suspected it might be played as a sort of arpeggio, although there is nothing for me to "easily hear", unless you intended to attach an audio file.  The NWCTXT just plays as a default piano chord when I download it.
Tips & Tricks / Re: Select All Staves - How To?
Surely there must be a user tool out there that can transpose multiple staves at once (skipping any staves that use channel 10).

And I apologize for calling you Shirley.
Object Plugins / Re: (2.4)
The object has been updated to version 2.4 with the following changes (to the user tool only):
  • Multiple notes can be trilled/untrilled at one time.
  • The trill vertical position will default to a nicer value.
  • Trill objects will be avoided when a trill note is tied.
  • Parameters for new trills will be inherited from prior trills on the staff.
Thanks to @Flurmy for these additions.
General Discussion / Re: View from DownUnder?
A well-known "feature". Since the object in question is a RestChord, the stem direction is that of the rest. This means that the note/chord is pointed in the opposite direction. (At least this is how I remember @NoteWorthy Online explaining it to me.)

(As I say this, I smile and give you a Vegemite sandwich.)
Object Plugins / Re: (2.2)
The object has been updated to version 2.2, with the following change:
  • Corrected a bug where playback did not honor current staff transposition.

Please refer to the parent post for a description of the available parameters and a sample clip.
Object Plugins / Re: ChordPlay.nw
If neither of you experts can think of a case where you wouldn't want transposition, then it seems silly to add an option to enable/disable it. Look for an update shortly.
Object Plugins / Re: ChordPlay.nw
So, it is up to @NoteWorthy Online to decide if he wants to make this change to the object official. I can see that there could be circumstances in which might not be desirable to transpose the playback (such as when is being used). For, I was considering an additional checkbox parameter "Prevent transposed playback" which, when checked, would disable the new behavior. While I normally try to implement a new parameter with backward compatibility, I think it makes more sense for this to have a default value of unchecked, so that transposed playback is on by default.  I would be interested in your opinions as to whether this makes sense, or if an additional parameter is even needed.
Object Plugins / Re: ChordPlay.nw
I should add a caveat to that fix. Namely, if you are using ChordPlay.nw in a passage that uses the object, you will get some strange sounding chords in the 8va sections :)
Object Plugins / Re: ChordPlay.nw
And... it turns out the fix is very simple.  The API has a convenient function named nwcplay.getTransposition() which will take into account staff transpositions, as well as octave shifts for a treble clef.

Make these changes to the code toward the end of the play_ChordPlay() function:

   local noteCount = #k
   local arpeggioShift = (strum ~= 'No') and math.floor(math.min(duration,nwcplay.PPQ)/math.max(12,noteCount+1)) or 0
   local trans = nwcplay.getTransposition()
   for i, v in ipairs(k) do
      local thisShift = math.min(duration-arpeggioShift, arpeggioShift * ((strum == 'Down') and (noteCount-i) or i))
      nwcplay.note(thisShift, duration-thisShift, startPitch+v+nshift+trans)

(Note: I would have used the "code" block feature, but that wouldn't let me use colored text)
Object Plugins / Re: ChordPlay.nw
It turns out that this problem isn't unique to ChordPlay.nw. has the same problem. (I was going to add and to the list, but then I remembered that those objects don't include playback.)

When I saw this, I thought that perhaps more of my objects that have playback would suffer from this, but it appears that objects that look at existing notes, like Arpeggio and Trill, are getting the staff transposition information.  I will look at the code for to see if there is an easy fix for this, which hopefully could be applied to the other objects.
Object Plugins / Re: (2.1)
You might be wondering why the tremolo beams are positioned so high on some of the notes, especially the eighth note (quaver) in measure 2. The object sets the default vertical position of the beams/strokes differently for single notes with plain stems, single notes with flags, beamed notes, and whole notes. The position is a small offset from either the end of the stem, the tip of the flag, or the inside edge of the beam closest to the notehead. In general, the preferred way to adjust the vertical position is to increase the note's stem length, but if you don't care if the tremolo beam collides with the note's actual beam or flag, you can use the Offset parameter, which I see you have already done in a few cases.
Object Plugins / Re: (2.1)
This is the relevant page from "Behind Bars". Perhaps I didn't state things clearly, but it seems to agree with what Wikipedia says. Namely, each tremolo beam (which Behind Bars calls "strokes") has the same effect as an additional beam, regarding the duration of individual tremolo notes.
Object Plugins / Re: (2.1)
Once you're aware of it it's not absurd, but maybe changing it to take care of the already present beams would be more intuitive.
In this optic, there is also the problem of manually lengthen the note stem to make room for the tremolo.
There's not much I can do on that account. A user object can't tell NWC to draw (or change the playback of) its notes differently. If this were possible, it wouldn't be necessary to mute notes for effects that have playback. Perhaps if there is ever a "next generation" of NWC, it will allow for this sort of interaction between objects and native notes.

At least now it is easier to lengthen/shorten note stems on the fly, using Alt+Up/Down arrow.
Object Plugins / Re: (2.1)
So I looked at the code, and I am fairly certain I am implementing things correctly according to "Behind Bars". It is unfortunate that I call the parameter "beams"; it should probably be "strokes" as is used in BB. Basically, the duration of the individual notes played for the tremolo are the same as a note with that many beams/flags, if the tremolo note is a note with no flags/beams (i.e. quarter note or longer). If the tremolo is on a beamed/flagged note, then the individual note duration is the sum of the note's beams and tremolo strokes.  And the number of notes played is however many will fit in the original note's duration.

Does that make sense?
Object Plugins / Re: (2.1)
I recently made the same discovery.
The fact is that the speed of the tremolo is computed by dividing the note duration by the number of beams of the tremolo.
So, if the note already has some beams...
Indeed, if you lengthen the note stem as you should to have something decent to show, the thing starts having sense.

I thought that this is how tremolos are supposed to work. If it is not, please explain how it should be, and I'll make the necessary fixes.
Object Plugins / Re: (2.1)
I expect I missed out years ago (again) on the explanation as to why the User object mutes the relevant notes, and why they nevertheless sound...
The short answer is that the user object plays the tremolo sound, which needs to replace the sound that a plain note would have made. So the note needs to be muted so you don't hear the sustained note on top of the tremolo sound.

And that; is precisely the problem in your score. You don't have the tremolo notes muted, so they are sounding along with the tremolo playback. And NWC does not give us a way of muting only one side of a split chord. The way to fix this would be to use layered staves, with the tremolo notes on one staff and the slurred part on the other.