You people are awesome! You have answered my questions about copy special, fonts, and colors. You are better than any technical support person located who knows where. Thank you so very, very much.
Thank you all for your suggestions. I now have the Active Staff in black, which saves me a step after I cut and paste it. But I still can't copy the entire score (4 or 5 measures, including the final double bar) so that I can paste it into Word.
In case you are wondering what I am doing, I am a pastor who from time to time has to place a short musical response in our bulletin. Currently I am doing "Prnt Scrn" from my keyboard, opening it in Paint, selecting just the musical score to copy, and then pasting it into my bulletin done in Word.
This works, but since I have gone through several steps it is a bit blurry, which it wouldn't be if I could go directly from Copy (Special) to pasting into Word.
Thank you, Christian. That gave me an acceptable initial bar line, but the double bar at the end is followed by staff lines between it and the "final" double bar.
When I use Copy Special so I can paste it into an MS Word document, it only copies what is between the initial bar line and the double bar at the end, not the initial bar and double bar lines themselves. How can I change this?
Can I change the font used in lyrics? (I want to use Arial rather than Times Roman.)
Can I change the color from blue to black so it is pasted into my MS Word document in black?