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Topics - stviemr

General Discussion / Transpositions and selecting staves

I've looked through the help file, and was hoping maybe someone here would know the answer to my question.

Is there a way to select say, a bar of a staff and transpose that bar only without doing copy and paste ---> transpose staff?  I can't figure it out.

Is there also a way to select more than one staff and apply a given change or transposition to it?

Thank you.
General Discussion / Mobile App?
Many times in the past, while I was in the midst of working on a composition (I'm working on some composition at all times) and also fooling around with my smartphone, the idea came to me:  Wouldn't it be cool if Noteworthy could produce a fairly simple Android application to view nwc files and perhaps do simple editing? transpositions? etc.

Honestly, I think it would sell as an inexpensive "add-on' for Noteworthy composer, and giving the tremendous popularity of Android and mobile software, many people would probably buy the mobile application first, and then buy the desktop software.

There is pretty good software already available to interpret single-tone sounds and convert the audio information to MIDI data as well.  A person could, say, hum, a melody on a single note, and the computer or device could import it into a file (perhaps even instantaneously, the way a MIDI keyboard works...)  which would be a pretty impressive way to write nwc files, even if it was only one line at a time.

You may think me looney, but I would pay as much for such an app as I have paid for the desktop software, and most of the technology to do this is freely available in Java and Android languages, as well as, obviously, Noteworthy composer and player.

Wouldn't be a horrible idea to think about it.  I tend to think tablets or something like them is going to replace laptops and desktops in the next 10-15 years or sooner.