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Topics - Julian

General Discussion / Connecting Technics SX-PR40 digital piano to Laptop
Hi Chaps,
I've been looking at this forum to see if anyone has had this problem before but as yet haven't found a relevant post. I expect I'm repeating a past question, but please excuse me if this is the case.

I'm trying to connect the PR40 to my laptop   using a Logilink USB midi cable (UA0037 v1.0) and follow the technics instructions, but I can't 'turn on' the output from the keyboard. My PC 'sees' the usb device but I can't record anything from it. The piano is very old so there is no mention of it on the Technics site so I can't get help there!

(I will be using the latest version of Noteworthy, when the CD arrives)

Anyone got any ideas please?
