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Messages - Richard Woodroffe

General Discussion / Re: Scriptorium Update

The Scriptorium has been updated with works submitted by :

Bertrand Vanbrabant   Jamaica Guitar   (Vanbrabant)
Richard Woodroffe    Aus "Heliopolis" I   (Schubert)
Richard Woodroffe   Viola   (Schubert)

If you would like to be notified every time the Scriptorium is updated, please send an e-mail  requesting Scriptorium Update
notification to scriptoman "at" tiscali "dot" co "dot" uk

General Discussion / Re: Beta Preview 43 (the MIDI Mapper)
Thanks for the explanation.

For my part, I have downloaded Windows 10 but I have no intention in activating the install until at least I hear how it has gone for others. I certainly do not wish to be a trail blazer or to sit on the bleeding edge.

Maybe I'll wait for Windows 10 SP1.  I made the mistake of installing Windows ME as soon as it was available. I had it for all of 2 days before I got rid of it.  I'm not going to make the same mistake again, it might be more difficult to revert this time.

General Discussion / Beta Preview 43 (the MIDI Mapper)
For the most part, NoteWorthy Composer and its companion NWC Viewer, will work fine on Windows 10. However, there is a problem with using the Microsoft GS Wavetable Synth for play back. In Windows 10, there are problems with the verification methods used by NoteWorthy Composer in Tools, Options, Midi while getting access to the requested MIDI devices. The issue and a work around is described further in our blog:

NWC 2.75 Beta Preview 43 is now available. It includes official support for Windows 10.

The NWC 2.75 beta preview now includes a complete work around for this problem.

Has this fix in beta 43 knocked out the usage of Microsoft Midi Mapper ?

This has disappeared from Tools/Options/Midi in Beta 43 however, it is still available in 2.51a

Microsoft GS Wavetable Synth is available in both versions.

General Discussion / Re: Scriptorium Update

The Scriptorium has been updated with works submitted by :

Bart Van den Bosch   Walter Walt   (Verachtert)
Yann Forestier   Cantata BWV 198 Movement 10   (Bach)
Richard Woodroffe   Der Geistertanz   (Schubert)
Richard Woodroffe   Romanze des Richard Löwenherz   (Schubert)
John Hooper   Mass No: 3 in D Major   (Hummel)

If you would like to be notified every time the Scriptorium is updated, please send an e-mail  requesting Scriptorium Update
notification to scriptoman "at" tiscali "dot" co "dot" uk

General Discussion / Re: Scriptorium Update

The Scriptorium has been updated with works submitted by :

John Hooper   The Ways of Zion do mourn   (Wise)
Richard Woodroffe   Jägers Abendlied   (Schubert)
Richard Woodroffe   Am Grabe Anselmos   (Schubert)

If you would like to be notified every time the Scriptorium is updated, please send an e-mail  requesting Scriptorium Update notification to scriptoman "at" tiscali "dot" co "dot" uk

Object Plugins / Re: ChordPlay.nw
I have to record my continued objection to the way the development and implementation of user objects is going.

1. When inserting a user object it is really counter productive to have to insert it blind without setting any parameters and then edit it using select and "j"  to look through each parameter to see what is set in there to see if you want / need to change it. What a waste of effort and additional keying action

2. Noteworthy Objects can normally be seen traditionally by selecting the object and pressing ALT and ENTER. With this new method, you can only see items that have been changed from the default. There is nowhere you can now see a list of parameters and how they have been set without numerous key actions via select and "j".

3. The only parameters passed in a copy to an nwctxt clip is defaults that have been changed. This means that if you want to do global changes on parameters via a text editor, you have to go and deliberately alter one so that it gets passed via nwctxt to the text editor. What a waste of time and effort.

Not being able to see what the parameters are and being able to change them when inserting a new object is a leap backward.
Not having all parameters in nwctxt for a particular user object is a leap backward.
Not having parameters displayed in the user object properties box unless they are not the default is a leap backward.

I've had my say !  I would ask for these leaps backward to be re-considered.

General Discussion / Re: Scriptorium Update

The Scriptorium has been updated with works submitted by :

John Hooper   Messe solennelle   (Vierne)
Richard Woodroffe   Romanze   (Schubert)
Richard Woodroffe   Heidenroselein   (Schubert)

If you would like to be notified every time the Scriptorium is updated, please send an e-mail  requesting Scriptorium Update notification to scriptoman "at" tiscali "dot" co "dot" uk

General Discussion / Re: Scriptorium Update

The Scriptorium has been updated with works submitted by :

John Hooper   Salvator mundi   (Tallis)
Richard Woodroffe   Im Walde   (Schubert)
Richard Woodroffe   Trost in Tränen   (Schubert)

If you would like to be notified every time the Scriptorium is updated, please send an e-mail  requesting Scriptorium Update notification to scriptoman "at" tiscali "dot" co "dot" uk

General Discussion / Re: Probably a stupid mistake
It sounds to me from what you say, that your two new staffs are very short.  Less than one system (length across the page).

If this is the case, try extending the staffs by adding duplicate bars until at least the end of the first system

General Discussion / Re: How to notate a half note that is held while playing the next quarter note.
I still have 1.75 (for reference purposes). Vertical offset for a rest works.
It also works for a rest chord with some tricky manipulations.
If you move a rest in the editor to say vertical offset 100 and then copy it to a text editor, you get :

If you then try and paste this back in, it won't paste.

What you can do is to move the rest down to an area that you think will be suitably hidden. (copy and paste to a text editor to see where it is). Then form your rest chord.

You can then copy the restchord into a text editor if you like - but the resultant nwctxt will not now tell you the position of the rest.
The nwctxt cannot now be pasted back into nwc but the actual restchord can be copied and pasted within nwc.

So moving the rest down to 522 will give you this nwctxt:

Then making a restchord out of it will give you this :
|RestChord|Duration:Quarter|Opts:Stem=Up|Duration2:Half|PitchPos2:A 5@1|Visibility:Default

(ie no rest position easily identifiable)

So in a way you can do it if you are prepared to manually move the rest far enough away so that it will not appear on any of the staves on a printed page. Unfortunately, you cannot do it by altering the nwctxt because you cannot paste that nwctxt back in.

General Discussion / Re: How to notate a half note that is held while playing the next quarter note.
Yes. Use a rest chord.

In the same way as you have a chord with a quarter note and a half note, instead have a rest chord with a quarter rest and a half note.

You have to enter the rest first with the imaginary stem direction set to opposite of the stem direction for the half note then enter the half note as you would for a chord.

When you have done this, you can then select the rest chord, go to its properties (ALT and Enter) and then on the rest chord tab, you can deselect the "show rest" if you do not want to see the rest on a printed copy.

General Discussion / Re: Scriptorium Update

The Scriptorium has been updated with works submitted by :

John Hooper   Surgens Jesus   (Philips)
Richard Woodroffe   Auf dem Wasser zu Singen   (Schubert)
Richard Woodroffe   Lied des gefangenen Jägers   (Schubert)

If you would like to be notified every time the Scriptorium is updated, please send an e-mail  requesting Scriptorium Update notification to scriptoman "at" tiscali "dot" co "dot" uk

General Discussion / Re: Scriptorium Update

The Scriptorium has been updated with works submitted by :
Bart Van den Bosch   Ik wandel in het licht met Jezus   (Anonymous)
Bart Van den Bosch   Sortie   (Verachtert)
John Hooper   Missa Choralis   (Liszt)
Richard Woodroffe   Auf dem Wasser zu Singen   (Schubert)
Richard Woodroffe   Lied des gefangenen Jägers   (Schubert)

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General Discussion / Re: Floating labels?

You need to use your copy of version 2 more often (I know you have it).

Version 2 offers these possibilities.

1. A staff label which can be always on the left hand side of the screen and is configured in the general properties for the staff. (Named as Staff Label). There is an option to show the label panel from the view menu.

2. There is also a vertical blue bar at the left hand side which, if you hover over it, will show you the staff name, the bar number the cursor is on,  the clef at that point,  the key signature and the  Time sig.

3. In the status bar, there is the clef, the time sig, the bar number , the channel used for that staff , the group name and the staff name.

Time to start using version 2 ?  The status bar can be switched on from the view menu.

Edit - In version 1.75, the staff name that the cursor is on  is always shown in the status bar (again switched in in the view menu)
General Discussion / Re: Scriptorium Update

The Scriptorium has been updated with works submitted by :
Richard Woodroffe   Frühlingsglaube   (Schubert)
Richard Woodroffe   Sei mir gegrüßt   (Schubert)
Rob den Heijer   Des Tages Weihe   (Schubert)

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General Discussion / Re: Encoding notes of different lengths
I notice you are using the piano keyboard to enter your notes. I don't use that for note entry, so I'm not sure if it can be used to create a split stem chord. 

To create a chord using the virtual keyboard, you have to :

Left click the keyboard on the note you want but do not release the left mouse button.
Then whilst holding down the left mouse button click the additional notes in the chord with the right mouse button.

When you have completed the chord you want, release both mouse buttons.

However, creating a split stem chord with the virtual keyboard, I don't think is possible.
General Discussion / Re: Scriptorium Update

The Scriptorium has been updated with works submitted by :
Scriptorium   Top 20 Chart for May 2015
John Hooper   Ave Maria   (Byrd)
Maurizio Spagni   Old-time religion   (Anonymous)
Maurizio Spagni   Ave Maria   (Arcadelt)
Maurizio Spagni   Putta Nera - Ballo Furlano   (Mainerio)
Maurizio Spagni   Menuets I et II   (Rousseau)
Maurizio Spagni   Om tare tuttare ture soha   (Anonymous)
Maurizio Spagni   Deuxiéme Menuet   (Rousseau)
Maurizio Spagni   Ständchen - (Poenitz)
Maurizio Spagni   Die Spieldose (Music box)   (Poenitz)
Maurizio Spagni    Wiegenliedchen (Poenitz)
Richard Woodroffe   Der König in Thule   (Schubert)
Richard Woodroffe   An Emma   (Schubert)

If you would like to be notified every time the Scriptorium is updated, please send an e-mail  requesting Scriptorium Update notification to scriptoman "at" tiscali "dot" co "dot" uk

General Discussion / Re: Scriptorium Update

The Scriptorium has been updated with works submitted by :
John Hooper   Te Deum   (Gibbons)
Bart Van den Bosch   Ave Maria   (Verachtert)
Richard Woodroffe   Der Fischer   (Schubert)

If you would like to be notified every time the Scriptorium is updated, please send an e-mail  requesting Scriptorium Update notification to scriptoman "at" tiscali "dot" co "dot" uk

General Discussion / Re: Durable Section Close
The section close items that you talk about will be the section close at the end of the piece you are entering and so they will need to be there - there are ways of changing this but you probably don't need to do this.

What you have done is to open a template that uses layering and so that is confusing what you see.

First of all, for the time being, you need to turn layering off so that you can see what you are doing clearly on each staff (for the SATB template there are 4  S   A   T and B staffs)

Go to the View menu and deselect the tick on the item "layering in edit mode"  (There are other ways to turn this off but since you are new to this, I am giving you perhaps the easiest to find)

You should now be able to see all 4 staffs rather than 2.

You can now enter each of the notes for each of the staffs and you will see that the section close remains on the right of the cursor.
When you have finished entering all 4 staffs, you can turn layering back on so that the Soprano staff will be layered above the Alto staff and the Tenor staff will be layered over the Bass staff.

You will find that you need to do other things because you are layering staffs - such as moving accidentals or changing the lengths of stems - but these items are all available from the various menus available to you.  Stick with it.

General Discussion / Re: Scriptorium Update

The Scriptorium has been updated with works submitted by :
John Hooper   Ne irascaris, Domine   (Byrd)
John Hooper   Good Morrow   (Elgar)

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General Discussion / Re: Scriptorium Update

The Scriptorium has been updated with works submitted by :
Scriptorium    Chart for April
Michael Lonneke   This Joyful Eastertide   (Lonneke)
Michael Lonneke   Easter Fanfare No. 2   (Lonneke)
Michael Lonneke   Thanks Be to Thee (Dank sei dir Herr)   (Ochs) Updated
John Hooper   Britons, strike home!   (Purcell)
Bart Van den Bosch   Fantasia voor Piano   (Verachtert)

General Discussion / Re: Scriptorium Update

The Scriptorium has been updated with works submitted by :
John Hooper   Tristia, Op. 18    (Berlioz)
Richard Woodroffe   Fischerweise D881   (Schubert)

If you would like to be notified every time the Scriptorium is updated, please send an e-mail  requesting Scriptorium Update notification to scriptoman "at" tiscali "dot" co "dot" uk

General Discussion / Re: Scriptorium Update

The Scriptorium has been updated with works submitted by :

Richard Woodroffe   Wandrers Nachlied D224   (Schubert)
Richard Woodroffe   An Mignon D161   (Schubert)

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General Discussion / Re: determining version
Rich, thanks for your reply. But are you sure?

Yes ! NWC-CONV reports file version of the music file, not necessarily the version of the program used to create the file.

The latest version of NWC-CONV will correctly report all previous versions of NWC. (Note that  version 2.51a nwc2.exe  produces a format 2.5 file).

If you know that you might be asking about a file from the beta series, then you need to add the parameter -t to the command line which will then use nwc2test.exe (if installed) to interrogate the music file and the beta file will be reported as version 2.75.

Note also, that if you save a format 2.5 file  to version 1.75 using the export function, then the file will be reported as version 1.75.  If you load a version 1.75 file into version 2.51a nwc and then save it, from then on, it will be a format 2.5 file even if you have not added any 2.5 functions.
General Discussion / Re: determining version
You can always use the "Info" option of NWC-CONV which should be located in your Noteworthy 2 program folder.
NWC-CONV is a command line executable and so you will need to drop into a command line (aka DOS or DOS box) before using it.
General Discussion / Re: Difficulty trying to tie certain chords.
Either set the tie (Slash key) before entering the chord member or after you have entered the chord without ties, right click on the relevant note and select tie from the menu displayed (sometimes a bit fiddly to right click on the appropriate note).
General Discussion / Re: Scriptorium Update

The Scriptorium has been updated with works submitted by :

Scriptorium   Top 20 Chart for March 2015

John Hooper   Chester   (Billings)

James Karageanes*   Carnival Of Venice, Cornet Solo With Variations (Clarke HL)
* Before he died, Jim asked me to keep this submission until it could be put onto the Scriptorium without any copyright problem. - R.

Ian Low      Jukeplay NWC2 Viewer Player

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General Discussion / Re: Scriptorium Update

The Scriptorium has been updated with works submitted by :

Joe Roberts   Der Hirt auf dem Felsen D965    (Schubert)

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General Discussion / Re: The awkwardness of polyphony
Think again. The first example is attached. The second is well within the abilities of a dozen members here. I'll leave an example up to one of them :)

And here is the second example - not carefully checked - but just to prove the point.  Extra time could have been spent in getting a split bar at the page end - but not really needed.
For those that don't like "boondocs" - sorry.
General Discussion / Re: Scriptorium Update

The Scriptorium has been updated with works submitted by :

Scriptorium   Top 20 Chart for February
Oisiovici Laks Shai   Gaúcho Corta-Jaca (Brazilian Tango)   (Gonzaga)
John Hooper   Mass In F   (Deutsche Messe)   (Schubert)
Ian Low   QwikKey Music Input v.1.1a   (Low)

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General Discussion / Re: Scriptorium Update

The Scriptorium has been updated with works submitted by :

Scriptorium   Top 20 Chart for January   
John White   Symphony No 8 in G minor, Op. 100   (Lachner)
Joseph Roberts   Drink to Me Only With Thine Eyes   (Traditional)

If you would like to be notified every time the Scriptorium is updated, please send an e-mail  requesting Scriptorium Update notification to scriptoman "at" tiscali "dot" co "dot" uk
General Discussion / Re: I'm having trouble with my repeats etc.
Traditionally, after a DS or DC instruction, if after the instruction, a repeated section is encountered with more than one special ending, then only one is performed. If there are two special endings, then the second one is usually used.

In Noteworthy, to define that occurrence, you have the "D" or default special ending so that you can actually define which of the special endings to use.

This reference link refers
(I find both Alfred's and Gould's less than helpful in this matter).

However, since this is only a traditional method of performing when a repeat section with special endings is encountered, there will be those who choose not to follow tradition. In those instances, anyone wanting to do something different will need to manipulate NoteWorthy in such a way that it will follow the desired route.  One such method is to write out the relevant sections again such as shown by the example posted by ilow99.

I believe I also remember Rick G. posting a method, a while ago, to do this with special endings rather than re-write a section. Do I remember correctly Rick?

General Discussion / Re: I'm having trouble with my repeats etc.

If you press "S" to bring up  the special endings dialog, you will see that you have the options 1st Ending through to 7th Ending and then a further Default ending. You need to select this "D" ending against the measures that you want played after your DC instruction as well as the other options that get played before the DC.

General Discussion / Re: I'm having trouble with my repeats etc.
Hi John,

On the repeats, as well as the repeat number, you also need to include the "D" setting - this is the one that needs to be there for a single repeat after a DC .

If that doesn't work for you, feel free to post it to me and I'll tae a look.

General Discussion / Re: Scriptorium Update

The Scriptorium has been updated with works submitted by :

Ian Low   QwikKey Music Input v.1.1a Latest version (Low)

If you would like to be notified every time the Scriptorium is updated, please send an e-mail  requesting Scriptorium Update notification to scriptoman "at" tiscali "dot" co "dot" uk
General Discussion / Re: Scriptorium Update

The Scriptorium has been updated with works submitted by :

Scriptorium Top 20 Chart for December 2014
Scriptorium   Top 100 Chart for 2014

Noel Ciantar   Andante   (Galuppi)
Noel Ciantar   Allegro   (Galuppi)
John Hooper   Nisi Dominus (RV 608)   (Vivaldi)

If you would like to be notified every time the Scriptorium is updated, please send an e-mail  requesting Scriptorium Update notification to scriptoman "at" tiscali "dot" co "dot" uk

General Discussion / Re: Making Ritarando Work
You need to have a tempo marking on the staff sometime before the Rit. as well as after. This can be at the very beginning, but it must be there.