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Messages - Lawrie Pardy

General Discussion / Re: Mostly OT: MIDI and Soundfonts
G'day CDon,
there are many relatively good soundfonts out there, Merlin is one I like... The thing is, what you are looking for is really a matter of personal taste.  Certainly many of us could say don't use this font or that font because it has limited range on the whatever instrument or the brass sounds lousy etc., but at the end of the day you need to listen for what you prefer.

Kevin's suggestion of "Big Merlin" is a good one.  I personally use "Merlin GM Pro V9.20" when I do use the Merlin font.  I think it is the one contained in "Big Merlin" on Hammersound, but I'm not completely sure.

I also highly recommend S.Christian Collins "GeneralUser GS".  The version I currently have is "1.4 Beta 3".  Available from

His current release version (1.35) is available at:

Hmm - seem to have over emphasised this one... Anyhow...

Personal taste, always personal taste - I downloaded over a Gigabyte of fonts to try before I gave up - "Merlin" and "GeneralUser GS" are the ones I was most satisfied with, then I discovered the Yamaha Softsynth...

General Discussion / Re: round notes
Hi Pat,
the most effective answer I can think of would be to use a font editor to modify a copy of the NWC font file and change the actual characters used to create the noteheads.

For NWC2 this would be the NWC2STDA.TTF and for  NWC1.75 the file is NWCV15.TTF.  There is precedent for this with the Jazz font available for NWC1 on the scripto...

Of course you would need to make sure you have backups in case anything went wrong...

General Discussion / Re: changing note size and configuration
You could even check your video card.  Many modern ones have an [abbr=Small round connector about the size of your PS/2 mouse/keyboard connector but with the pins in different locations.  Usually with a yellow colour associated with it somewhere]S-video[/abbr] port built in so you could connect directly!

More info on S-video here
General Discussion / Re: Arg. Saving Nwc. files halp!
Hi Laura,
--> save. Through this i have no choice or ability to alter the file type i am saving this as.

Seems like you may have a Windows/IE problem - I vaguely recall seeing something like this before - may have been a browser hijack - I recommend that you do a good virus scan and a good spyware scan.

Can you change the name at all during the save process?  You should be able to.

In the meantime I'll try and remember when I've seen the problem before.

BTW, I found the site and the link and had no trouble -;topic=1541.0;id=50

General Discussion / Re: Rhythm slashes
Hi David,
I like Lawrie's method. - wish my conscience would allow me to keep the credit but I learned this from something that Carl Fritsche did... Thanks Carl.

General Discussion / Re: Text to Notation
G'day Bill,
having just returned from Charlotte Pass it seems quite balmy here to me though my wife is not impressed, she doesn't like the cold...

General Discussion / Re: Rhythm slashes
G'day Theo,
I use the Boxmark2 font.  The / character is inserted as text with preserve width on.  The bar needs to be padded out with invisible rests and trailing spaces are often necessary...

I find that having 4 crotchet rests with the /'s interspersed works best.

Code: [Select · Download]
|Text|Text:"    "|Font:StaffItalic|Pos:-3|Wide:Y
You could just as easily use a / from another font, the principle is the same.

General Discussion / Re: Text to Notation
Hi Bill,
a really easy way to select the contents of the clip box is to right click within it then from the menu that appears click "Select All" then right click again and select "copy".  This puts the entire clip into the clipboard which you can then paste wherever you want it.

What David says is correct, you have to get all of the clip or you will wind up with unexpected text rather than notation.

General Discussion / Re: percussion
Thanks David,
I'll try to get to these soon - got a coupla' hundred NG and Forum messages to catch up on.

Ultimately our band director has the final say but I will certainly point him to these resources - and check 'em out myself.

General Discussion / Re: bass clef troubles
Hi Robert,
Thankyou for your kind words.

Sorry it took me a while to reply, just got back from 2 whole weeks holiday in the snow - I've got aches on my aches and a smile on my face!

General Discussion / Re: bass clef troubles
Hi Barry,
wow, concert F - comfortably!

Thats about a 5th higher than me on a good day - Although, if he was in the upper reaches most of the time he was probably using a smaller, shallower mouthpiece and a smaller bore horn than I do.  Still, that's pretty high to be comfortable!  I'm impressed.

I'd love to be able to arrange like that too - maybe I'll just crawl under a rock somewhere and sulk :)

General Discussion / Re: bass clef troubles
G'day Barry,
...who always wrote his own lead part in treble clef - probably hated trying to keep up with all the ledger lines.  I know that's my biggest problem with bass clef :)  (I've read treble for over 30 years, old habits die _very_ hard)

General Discussion / Re: specify number of measures per system - is that possible ?
G'day Opagust,
oh well, I guess nothings ever perfect :)

Noteworthy Online has pointed you to where to find details on using the scroll box for clip text.

However, you don't have to do anything special with variable dump to get the text in the first place, just highlight the part of the staff you want, copy it <Ctrl-C> and then paste it directly into your post <Ctrl-V>.  The web server does the rest

General Discussion / Re: specify number of measures per system - is that possible ?
Hi Opagust,
unfortunately I can't think of a way for GlobalMod to do the job.  It doesn't keep track of where it is up to and NWC doesn't store the bar number.


If you:
  • create another staff that has 4 bars
  • containing semibreve rests and
  • change the properties for the last barline to be a system break.
  • Move this new staff above the one you want to print
  • copy and paste the 4 bars over and over to the full length of the piece
  • layer the 2 staves
  • print preview
you will see 4 bars per system.  Not quite as neat perhaps but I think this has potential for other things.  Note that I think you shouldn't need to worry about repeats etc.

Top (invisible) staff

Code: [Select · Download]
Lower (visible) staff

Code: [Select · Download]
Please don't criticise me for the lack of creativity in the musical content - but I think I'll call it "seasick" or maybe "waves" :)

(Oh please, Lawrie - don't give the day job!)

General Discussion / Re: Replay stutters
Say Overful,
does your name refer to your hard drive?  As a rule of thumb we usually try to work on a minimum of 20% or 500 MB free.  Whatever is the greater.  Less than this often sees performance hits.

Also check your temp directory - do a restart and before you run any applications, delete everything in the temp dir.

OR, if you are comfortable at a DOS prompt, restart in MSDOS mode, run a scandisk [to be sure, to be sure :) ] and then deltree the temp directory.  Make sure you create a new one though, Windows doesn't like not having a temp dir.

The suggestions RE spyware are also quite valid.  Another possibility is anti-virus software.  Depending on what product you are using occasional updates can be buggy and also impact performance more than usual.

Lots of possibilities of course.

If you can identify when it started happening, you may be able to identify a change that happened at the same time - new application installed, new sound card driver - that kind of stuff - if so there is a good chance they are connected.

The comment that it gets worse over time and by implication, improves when you reboot, suggests some software with a memory leak.  It may not be anything malicious, it could simply be buggy code.

Rick G's suggestion about running msinfo32 is a good one, but take it a step further and run msconfig - temporarily shut down any unnecessary startup applications and see how things go.

That'll do for a start.  Let me know how you go.  One thing though, I'm going on holidays in a day or so and won't be near an internet connection for a while so there may be some delay from my end.

General Discussion / Re: I need help
Hi again Daniel,
perhaps one of the following combinations will give an idea?  The first bar is supposed to represent what you have written, the second is probably no good at all but the others may be useful - I dunno, like I said, I'm no pianist.  BTW the example is only 13 notes, not 24 but I'm sure you'll get the idea.


Code: [Select · Download]
General Discussion / Re: I need help
Hi Daniel,
I'm not a pianist either but you might try this:
Those parts where you don't have enough fingers, could you use the sustain pedal and run a quick arpeggio?

General Discussion / Re: Audit Enharmonic Spelling
Hi Christian,
it do seem odd doon't it.

That said, I've always understood - and I stand to be corrected here as I'm certainly no expert - that enharmonic spelling was key signature dependent and normal convention was if the key signature contained sharps then accidentals would normally also be sharps while flat key signatures would normally have flat accidentals.

1) Minor keys in some cases
2) Chromatic runs use sharps ascending and flats descending.
3) Use alternative spellings when it will reduce the number of accidentals, particularly naturals to undo prior sharps/flats.
4) Use alternative spellings when it will simplify reading - F'rinstance: A,A#,Anat,A# would probably be better rendered as A,Bb,A,B(b) regardless of the key signature.

However, like I said, I stand to be corrected - I've never had formal training to this level, this is just what I've learned by observation over the years.

General Discussion / Re: Audit Enharmonic Spelling
Hi Christian,
I certainly will be avoiding it at the moment :)

However, if a feature exists then it should work properly.  Part of our job as beta testers is to find bits that aren't right and report 'em.  I admit that I don't use Audit Enharmonic Spelling much and found this one by accident.

I'm sure Eric would find it helpful if you could define what you mean by ...some of the wierdest spellings I've ever seen.  Assistance in this area will help him refine his algorithms.  It is also true that this is one aspect that may take a lot of detail work to get even close to exactly right - and you will still end up with differing opinions!

General Discussion / Re: instrument patches
Hi Tony,
glad I could help...

Dunno about genius, but I've been around long enough to know that it is the little things almost always catch us out.

General Discussion / Re: percussion
G'day Barry,
I happily bow down to your greater knowledge and experience :)

As an aside, I rather enjoyed the 2 arrangements you linked to.  Do you have a web site where I can access other examples of your work?

Better yet, do you have big band arrangements for sale?  The big band I play with is actually a student band and is always short of funds, so if there are new charts available at a reasonable price they would be looked on with some favour I believe...

General Discussion / Re: percussion
Hi Andrew,
unfortunately, it seems there are several standards.  My son, who is a drummer of some skill, tells me that the following is quite common and I believe is the standard used when he was sitting his exams (here in Australia).  Called (I think) AMEB for (Australian Music Education Board) - but I could be wrong, he's not here to ask so I can't confirm it.

First, though the clef is a percussion clef, I'm going to identify the lines and spaces as if they were bass clef - sorry I can't upload an image.

  • Closed hi-hat................. X note head with + sign on B space above staff
  • Open hi-hat................... X note head with o (small circle) sign on B space above staff
  • Ride Cymbal................... X note head on A line
  • Ride Cymbal bell.............. diamond note head on A line
  • Crash Cymbal................. circled X note head on A line
  • Cowbell......................... diamond note head on C ledger line (above staff)
  • Snare Drum.................... normal note head on E space
  • Cross stick on snare........ X note head on E space
  • Tom 1........................... normal note head on G space
  • Tom 2........................... normal note head on F line
  • Tom 3........................... normal note head on C space
  • Tom 4........................... normal note head on B line
  • Bass drum 1 (right foot).... normal note head on A space
  • Bass drum 2 (left foot)..... normal note head on G line
  • Hi-hat (with foot)........... X note head on F space (below staff)
  • Hi-hat splash (with foot).. circled X note head on F space (below staff)
  • Ghost note.................... brackets around note
  • Flam............................. Grace note (slashed stem) tied to non-grace note on drum required
  • Double stroke................. single slash on stem
  • Buzz stroke.................... triple slash on stem
I'm not sure if it is important, but except for the 2 bass drum and 2 hi-hat(with foot) the stems were all up.  The 4 mentioned were the only ones with stem down.  I have transcribed this from one of his books that he loaned me several days ago - I wanted to know about it too :)

Some of these will need text added to the notation - the circled X notes, the brackets etc.

Hope this helps,
General Discussion / Re: instrument patches
Hi Tony,
I think I _may_ have spotted it...

You have tried:
  • \Jeux Bank =42,0
  • Jeux = bank 042,
  • jeux, bank = 042
  • Jeux bank = (42,0)
  • etc.
did "etc." include:

That is not in the list you gave, it is how mine is configured, and mine works.  Perhaps a copy and paste is advisable?

I'm not sure if spaces are significant, but mine has none...  Certainly the _order_ is significant.

This is my best guess, if that's not it then I'm out of ideas for the moment.


###### my entire Jeux.nwcitree follows ######

# Created by Andrew Purdam, and converted as an attachment to test the
# nwc2beta newsgroup's ability to receive nwcitree attachments.
# Comments from Adrew:
# Here is an instrument tree for the Jeux and JEUX Romantiques soundfont
# (normally banks 42 & 43). You will note that the itree predefines the
# soundbank information for you, which is pretty neat.
# HTH,
# A

Montre 8=0
Prestant 4=1
Doublette 2=2
MontrePrestant 84=3
MontrePrestantDoublette 842=4
Principals (g.o.) 821=5
MontreDoublette 82=6
Principals (g.o.) 168=7
Principals (g.o.) 164=8
Principals (g.o.) 162=9
MontreFlute 84=10
Nazard 2 23=11
Tierce 1 35=12
Larigot 1 13=13
Neuvime 89=14
Bourdon 16=15
Spitzflte 8=16
Holzflte 4=17
Open Flute 4=18
Gamba1 8=19
GambaFlute 84=20
GambaViola 84=21
GambaPrestant 84=22
GambaDoublette 82=23
ViolaPrincipals (g.o.)2 482=24
Trompette 8=25
TrompettePrestantDoublette 842=26
Sesquialtera II=27
Terzian II=28
Septade III=29
Nonade IV=30
Nazard III=31
Septime VI=32
Fourniture III=33
Cymbale III=34
Mixture VI=35
Principal Chorus 16842=36
String Chorus=37
Fond dOrgue=38
Ripieno I (g.o.)=40
Ripieno II (g.o.)=41
Plein Jeu (g.o.)=42
Grand Jeu=43
Tutti (g.o.)=44
Principal (pos.)3 8=45
Principal (pos.) 4=46
Principals (pos.) 84=47
Principals (pos.) 841=48
Principals (pos.) 82=49
Principals (pos.) 164=50
Gedackt 8=51
Gemshorn 8=52
Rohrflte 8=53
Rohrflte 4=54
Gemshorn 4=55
Blockflte 4=56
Sifflte 1=57
Gedackt 84=58
GemshornsMixture III 84=59
Flauti 821=60
GedacktLarigot 81 13=61
GedacktMixture VI 8=62
Flauti 42=63
Salicionale 8=64
Quintadena 8=65
Viola4 4=66
SalicionaleGamba 88=67
SalicionaleGedackt 88=68
QuintadenaViola 84=69
ViolaPrincipals (pos.)5 4164=70
Krummhorn6 8=71
Cromorne7 8=72
Cornemuse 8=73
Cor Anglais8 8=74
Schalmei9 8=75
Orlos10 8=76
Regal 8=77
Clairon 4=78
Clarines11 84=79
CromorneViola 84=80
Jeu de Cromorne IV12 8=81
KrommhornLarigot 81 13=82
Nazardos VIII13=83
Jeu de Tierce V14 8=84
Jeux Doux15=85
Jeu des Flutes=86
Ripieno I (pos.)=87
Ripieno II (pos.)=88
Plein Jeu (pos.)=89
Petit Jeu (pos.)=90
Jeu des Anches=91
Swell Chorus=92
Flute Celeste 8=93
Viola Celeste 4=94
Piffaro16 8=95
Vox Humana 8=96
Voix Humaine IV17 8=97
Grand Cornet V=98
Trompeta de Batalla18 8=99
Gros Cromorne19 8=100
Basse de Trompette20 16=101
Bombarde 16=102
Gobletflte21 2=103
Gobletflte 42=104
Echo Trompette 4=105
Goblet Nazard III 4=106
Echo Cornet V 8=107
Echo Flutes=108
Echo Chorus=109
Principal (ped.) 16=110
Sousbasse 16=111
Principals (ped.) 168=112
Principals (ped.) 164=113
Resultant22 32=114
Posaune 16=115
Fagotto23 8=116
PosaunePrestant 164=117
Posaune Pedal III 16=118
Quintade III (ped.) 16=119
Ripieno I (ped.)=120
Ripieno II (ped.)=121
Tutti (ped.)=122
Great Bells=123
Petit Carillon=125

# ------------------------------
\JEUX Romantiques=Bank(43,0)
Viola 8=0
Carnival Gedeckt 8=1
Carnival Trumpet 8=2
Viola Celeste 8=3
Flte Harmonique 8=5
Bourdon  Principal (ped.) 168=6
Romantic Chorus I (g.o.)=7
Romantic Chorus I (pos.)=8
Romantic Chorus II (rcit)=9
Principals (pos.) 1684=10
Principal Chorus (pos.) 16842=11
Decimanona 1 13=12
Vigesimaseconda 1=13
Vigesimasesta 23=14
Vigesimanona 12=15
Romantic Chorus II (g.o.)=16
Romantic Chorus II (pos.)=17
Romantic Chorus I (rcit)=18
Quint 2 23=19
Mixture III=20
Fonds (g.o.) 8=21
Fonds (g.o.) 84=22
Fonds (g.o.) 168=23
Fonds (g.o.) 1684=24
Fonds (g.o.) lite 1684=25
Fonds (pos.) 8=26
Fonds (pos.) 84=27
Fonds 168=28
Fonds 1684=29
Fonds (rcit) 8=30
Fonds (rcit) 84=31
Fonds (soft pos.) 8=32
Fonds (soft pos.) 84=33
Fonds (soft pos.) 168=34
Fonds (soft pos.) 1684=35
Reeds (g.o.) 8=36
Reeds (g.o.) 84=37
Reeds (g.o.) 168=38
Reeds (g.o.) 1684=39
Reeds (pos.) 8=40
Reeds (pos.) 84=41
Reeds (rcit) 8=42
Reeds (rcit) 84=43
Musette Reeds 8=44
Fonds de Gros Tierce V=45
Fonds (ped.) 1684=46
Reeds (ped.) 1684=47
Pedal Reeds  Bombarde 1684=48
Quart de Nazard 2=49
Beckerath Tutti=50
Divine Trumpet 8=51
Trompette en Chamade 8=52
Hautbois 8=53
Trompette du Rcit Romantique 8=54
Voix Cleste 8=55
Voix Humaine sans Tremblant 8=56
Pedal Reeds 168=57
Contra-Posaune 32=58
17th Century English Chorus=59
Bourdon 32=60
Stopped Diapason 16=61
Open Diapason 16=62
Diapasons 8=63
Diapasons 84=64
Diapasons 842=65
Choir Chorus=66
Mild English Chorus=67
Ripieno III (g.o.)=68
Plein Jeu VI (Neo-Baroque)=69
Cymbale IV (Neo-Baroque)=70
Twinkly Flute Mixture=71
Suaviola 8=72
Quintadena 4=73
Corinthian Flute 8=74
Glockenspiel 8=75
General Discussion / Re: bug: cursor position resets when moving staves
Hi again David,
oh well, not yet - just downloaded p1q and the cursor still returns to the start on a staff move.  As that particular point wasn't mentioned in the thread I linked to perhaps it was missed or not considered.

No worries, I'm sure Eric will eventually see this thread and if the other solution is useful in this function it will appear.

As you say, more of a nuisance than a problem.
General Discussion / Audit Enharmonic Spelling
Just downloaded the p1q release of NWC2 and was testing the cursor positioning after various staff related actions - as discussed in

I noticed that when you perform audit enharmonic spelling on a transposed staff the audit is done with respect to concert pitch _and_ the key signature rather than just the key signature of the staff.  I realise this is not new with p1q, but I only just twigged to what was going on...

Unless I'm missing something I don't think this is very useful.  Fine on untransposed staves but...

Two examples I experimented with:
  • A trumpet part transposed for a Bb trumpet, +2 semitones with playback transposition updated - gives -2 on the midi transposition
  • A guitar staff - midi transposition to give an octave lower pitch than notated.
In both cases the written staff was returned to concert _but_ the midi transposition was not updated.  Thus, successive audits result in progressively changed staves.


Code: [Select · Download]
becomes this after 2 audits:

Code: [Select · Download]
But only if there is a midi transposition on the staff of -2 (for this particular example)

The same thing happens if there is an instrument patch inserted that contains a midi transposition without a midi transposition on the staff itself, but only for the notes that appear after the instrument patch.  This is at least consistent

Is this deliberate and thus for a purpose I haven't recognised or have we a bug?
General Discussion / Re: CPU usage problem with the mouse
Hi Ewan,
Canberra eh, I'll be passing through about 5 AM on Saturday, on my way to [abbr=All my kids are grown up, so I can finally afford such an indulgence]2 weeks[/abbr] in the snow - ah, what bliss, what fun, what sore muscles!
General Discussion / Re: bug: cursor position resets when moving staves
Greetings David,
NWC2 _may_ resolve this in a future release, I refer you to and particularly

There's lots of waffle in between but I think that what Eric is referring to is the cursor repositioning itself at the beginning of the staff with the execution of several functions.

Of course I may be misinterpreting this - there were several things covered.

User111 [!ME!] - Some friendly advice...

May I suggest you observe the difference in results achieved when you behave in a civilised manner.  At best, abuse, rudeness and tantrums will simply be ignored.  In the middle ground posts and/or threads will be deleted.  At worst I would expect a methodology to be implemented which will deny access to anyone behaving in such a fashion.  I can think of several possibilities.  I might add that Eric has been considerably more patient than I would be.

Reasonable questions and comments phrased in a polite manner will be responded too as well as we can.  Please do not expect miracles, we don't know everything and we cannot be online 24/7 just for your benefit.  If you have a question, ask it, politely.  Don't make a comment and expect it to be treated as a question, we are not mind readers.

If you don't get a reply after a reasonable wait, say a week or so, then you should assume that no one has an answer.  It does not necessarily mean you are being ignored, though if you were rude you probably _were_ being ignored.  Certainly I have resisted responding to you several times for that reason.

I might add that on occasion your comments have been right on the money.  It would be a shame to have that insight lost because of poor conduct.

I also refer you to faq #99.  While it is mainly about emails, the same basic guidelines will work on the forum.

Lastly, it is unreasonable to expect Noteworthy Software to simply give away trade secrets or products.  If it weren't for the income generated by sales, there wouldn't be an NWC for you to complain about.
General Discussion / Re: New User Tools
G'day Opagust,
bolding and italics isn't actually hard, the instructions are available from the Hints link in the reply window.

You can find out how to link and all sorts of things there...

General Discussion / Re: HELP
G'Day TM,

I am the possessor of a registered copy of Noteworthy Composer

Sorry mate, but we aren't the ones you need to convince...

According to the "rules" - see the link at the top of the reply text window - enquiries:
  • about ordering or registration (which should be sent directly to us, not posted in the forum)
Where "us" is

faq #99 has some hints on getting the best results from your email enquiry as well as a link to the support email address.

I believe the official way out of your dilemma is replacement parts but you should check with support.

As an aside, you cannot install NWC2 without your NWC1.75 CD as the install requires files from it.
General Discussion / Re: Slur bug with Version 2.0 Public Preview 1p
Hi Marco,
my guess is that you may have some hanging note ties to resolve.  1p handles ties differently in order to have more correct behaviour with notes with accidentals being tied over bar lines.

(10 minute wait)
There's a discussion about methods of finding hanging ties somewhere but I've been unable to find it, sorry.
General Discussion / Re: instrument patches
Hi Tony,
just had a brainstorm... well, storm in a teacup maybe :)

In NWC2, under | Tools | Options | Midi tab, what "Devices used by play back" do you have?

I generally try to have only 1 device in this list at any time...

You need to make sure your sound card's synth is listed here rather than say Microsoft's Midi mapper etc.

Also, re-reading some of your posts I think there may be some misunderstanding... Simply selecting instruments from an itree does _not_ specifically select or install a sound font!

A sound font must be installed into your sound card's configuration _outside_ of NWC.  Then the itree must match the bank selection of where the desired sound font is installed.

As well, the correct synth must be selected for output within NWC2 (as mentioned above).  In my case, I have a SB Audigy 2.  This card has 2 synths that can be loaded with soundfonts independantly of each other.  I also have to be careful I have the correct synth selected to get the sound font I want to use.

Also note that you can have multiple sound fonts installed to the one synth, just make sure you select different banks for each font.  There are exceptions to this generality but I'm not going into them here.

Normally a GM sound font is installed to bank 0, jeux is a special case (NOT GM) that is by convention normally installed to bank 42.  There are other examples of similar conventions for particular sound fonts being installed to specific banks but I don't recall any details at the moment.

Hope this is more helpful.
Version 1.75 Discussion / Re: High CPU Usage
Hi Rich,
I'm out of time at the moment or I'd look for the links, but there is discussion on that very topic elsewhere, either on this forum or on the NG - not sure which.

Try doing a search from the Search field at the top right of this page or the search link from the links at top centre - they are subtly different searches I believe.

IIRC it's something to do with the note chasing and has been altered in NWC2...

General Discussion / Re: Best soundfonts?
Hi rob,
...what do I use, and where do I find it?

What is a matter of personal taste - of course

Where is a bit easier - <insert favourite search engine here> is your friend!

Howerver, I think the concensus is Hammersound is one of the best sources of soundfonts on the net - certainly one of the most comprehensive I've found.

Personally I use:
  • a Yamaha softsynth - this synth is a little limited but what it does do, it does very well.
  • Merlin GM pro. (Not sure where I dug it up from, wasn't Hammersound IIRC)
  • the 8MB 8MBGSFX font (shipped with my SB Live IIRC)
  • The General User GS from S. Christian Collins (this is a link to the latest beta of it.  Thankyou Ertugrul for the link)
It all depends on my mood and what I'm listening to which I use, but mostly either the Yamaha or the Merlin.

While no soundfont is going to be perfect, my problem is I've never fount a font that has satisfactory brass (especially trombone) and haven't been able to make the time to learn how to create my own from samples of my own.
General Discussion / Re: PDF Editors
Hi Peter,
I've just done a very quick test printing from:
  • NWC2
  • OOo 1.1.4 - copy to clipboard from NWC2 preview and paste into text document
  • OOo 1.1.4 - copy to EMF from NWC2 preview and paste as graphic into text document
  • OOo 1.1.4 - copy to EMF from NWC2 preview and paste as graphic into drawing document
They all came out just fine...  I didn't notice any vertical shifting.  Of course, as I didn't bother to try and match margins, the OOo versions were scaled down a little but this was to be expected.

Are you up to version 1.1.4 of OOo?  Perhaps they have fixed something?  Or perhaps my quick and dirty test file wasn't complex enough?
General Discussion / Re: instrument patches
Hi Tony,
can I get you to check your jeux 1.4 itree?

After any comments that may be there (lines prefixed by #) you will have a couple of lines that look something like this:

Montre 8=0
Prestant 4=1

The first line defines the instrument tree's name: \Jeux
Then the bank it is accessed by: =Bank(42,0)

This example is assuming that your jeux soundfont is installed in bank 42 (MSB of bank select) of your soundcard.  My guess is that your itree file has Bank(0,0) which will likely be the bank for your normal soundfont.  This would be OK if your normal soundfont was jeux but I'm betting it isn't.

To summarise, normal convention is to have the jeux organ soundfont loaded in bank 42.  Thus the itree needs to have this defined in the Bank statement [=Bank(42,0)].

Hmm, you also need to have jeux actually loaded in bank 42...

Hope I'm on the right track,
General Discussion / Re: Copying measures across multiple staves.
Hi again Opagust,
glad I could be of some help.

So I asumed it was rather technical stuff for creating your own user tools

Thanks for the "heads up" Opagust, I'll look at rewording that section to try and avoid that kind of misunderstanding for future readers...

Hmm, sorry Richard but I can feel a [abbr=Not _another_ one!]rewrite[/abbr] coming on!

But with method 1 of page 5, it's really easy and practical to use!

Yeah, Eric really thought that one out I reckon.  Without the "memory" of past actions things would have been much less convenient!
General Discussion / Re: to Simon Carroll
But it says "By Simon Carroll" in the MIDI file though. Maybe she did the arrangement?

Perhaps, perhaps not - one should not believe everything one sees - especially on the internet - not even this...  Or should they... Maybe... Maybe not... Hmmm... Just who is this Lawrie Pardy person?  Should he be believed? Just what does anyone know about him?

What about user111, or Rob den Heijer, or Lewis Carrol (who seems to be numerically challenged) or that Quasimodo chap - what does _he_ know - or does he just have hunches ?

And what about that url - is user111 related to user222 - they both have similar names ?

I don't know - THIRD BASE!

General Discussion / Re: Copying measures across multiple staves.
Hi Opagust,

a) - What does invocation mean? And where can I find the invocation instructions [can't find it in the help file]?

Invoke - The Macquarie Dictionary - 4. to call on to come or to do something.

Invocation - The Macquarie Dictionary - 4. a calling upon a spirit by incantation, or the incantation or magical formula used.

My interpretation in using it to name the instruction was incantation or magical formula used - intended as being a bit "tongue in cheek".

If you go to the [abbr=Cut/Copy and Past Measures]CCAPM[/abbr] user tool page on the scripto, there are 2 links to "additional Help" - these are PDFs.

One is Andrews CCAPM instructions, the other is my Invocation Instructions.

b) - And what does <Alt-F8> do ? [not in the keyboard Guide]

<Alt-F8> is the keyboard sequence used to launch the User Tools in NWC2.  It is equivalent to the | Tools | User Tool | - menu command

If you do not already have:
1) NWC2 and
2) the user tool starter kit installed

then trying to install CCAPM aint'a gonna work for ya.

See the NWC2 Scripts page for further details.

As well, the NWC2 forum and the "noteworthy.nwc2beta" NG are useful sources of user tool information.
General Discussion / Re: Copying measures across multiple staves.
Hi MIDI Man et al,
Andrew has indeed created a user tool called "Cut/Copy and Paste [abbr=humph, an Aussie calling a bar a measure <g>]measures[/abbr]" for NWC2 to address this.  It still needs to be run on each staff individually, but the directives are easy and you can setup the invocation to remember the last command so that repeating the copy on each staff is no big job - quite easy and fast actually!

a) setup the invocation
b) select the first staff
c) <Alt-F8>
d) select the CCAPM tool (whatever name you gave it)
e) enter the correct parameters in the dialogue E.G. copy 5 13 20 (will copy bars 5 to 13 inclusive and paste them in front of bar 20)
f) <Enter>
g) Select next staff <Page-Dn>
h) <Alt-F8>, <Enter>, <Enter>
i) repeat g and h as required.

NB Step a) will normally only need to be setup once.

Of course, this doesn't help in NWC1...
General Discussion / Re: links to nwc-songs
I think you could have a "mime/type" definition problem in Windows, but I've been having trouble finding the definition to describe it to you - doesn't seem to be where it used to be... I've just upgraded my PC and installed WinXP Media Centre Edition (got it in my Microsoft Action Pack Subscription - not impressed, Media Center doesn't decode sound properly from my digital TV card)

I'll keep lookin' unless someone can pass me the "stupid hat" and remind me where it is :)
General Discussion / Re: feature request: entering notes with the mouse
<snigger, snigger>
Do you know what a GUI was called before MS got to it?

The [abbr=the ones who invented it!]boys[/abbr] at Xerox PARC and Apple called it a WIMP interface - Windows, Icons, Mouse and Pull down menus.

I think its still a good name... :)