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Messages - Flurmy

Avant-garde / Re: Guitar Tablature
I would say: how to display repeat barlines and TimeSigs on staves with a number of lines different from 5 or 1 (N.B. the only ones I use).
6 is certainly the number of strings most used in tablatures, but there are other string instruments with a different number of strings.
General Discussion / Re: Availability of shared NWCITREES
Still another detail that maybe is unclear.

You always have access to all your keyboard voices from NWC (except if the keyboard must be explicitly put in GM/GM2/XG/GS mode through SysEx commands, but that is not your case), no matter which itree is selected.
The itree simply lets you access the voice you need by choosing from a human-readable list instead of inserting manually the voice codes (bank and patch numbers).

If you really need to, as Lawrie said, you can always edit an itree file to suit your needs.
I strongly suggest to start from the XG one because of the huge number of voices it already contains.

N.B. GM is a proper subset of GM2, XG and GS.
General Discussion / Re: Availability of shared NWCITREES
Well: the PSR S900 is an arranger keyboard and supports all the General MIDI (GM1 or simply GM) voices; for that the default itree is ok.

Then that keyboard implements the XG (Yamaha) extensions. If you want to exploit all the other voices available with that extension you can use the XG itree available in the "instrument trees" section of this forum.
N.B. I don't know if that itree includes the whole XG standard and/or all the XG revisions.

For completeness: there is another standard, the GS (Roland) one, that should not be useful for you.

A mix of those standards has since many years now become the official General MIDI 2 (GM2).
Someone told me it's very similar to GS.
I don't know if your keyboard is GM2 compliant.

Then there are many instruments that, because they are old (pre-GM1) or special (analog synth, samplers...), should have their own itree, useful only for those that use that specific instrument.

Be careful: if you want to distribute your scores it's far better if you stick to GM1 or GM2 (or at most, with caution, GS or XG), otherwise only people that play them on the same instrument you used can hear them as you intended.
General Discussion / Re: Got it, at last!
an older version of NWC is likely to be the original culprit.

I agree.
I don't think there is any other way for that file to become corrupted.
General Discussion / Got it, at last!
Sometimes happened to me that suddenly the '+' and '-' keys stopped working, but I was always in a hurry and I had no time to investigate.
Each time, when later I tried to reproduce the effect, it never reappeared.
I started suspecting I had dreamed. ;-)

Now I got it!
Open the attached file, select the 1/32 note and try to change its duration using '+' and '-'.
It doesn't change.

Be careful: the effect is very fragile. If you try the same on a file saved as .nwctxt the keys '+' and '-' work as expected!
General Discussion / Odd fermata
Compare this fermata:

Code: (nwc) [Select · Download]
|StaffProperties|EndingBar:Section Close|Visible:Y|BoundaryTop:10|BoundaryBottom:10|Lines:5|Color:Default
|StaffProperties|EndingBar:Section Close|Visible:Y|BoundaryTop:12|BoundaryBottom:12|Lines:5|Color:Default

with this one:

Code: (nwc) [Select · Download]
|StaffProperties|EndingBar:Section Close|Visible:Y|BoundaryTop:12|BoundaryBottom:12|Lines:5|Color:Default
General Discussion / Re: how to connect NoteWorthy Software to yamaha psr-e433
You don't help yourself a lot!
What do you mean with your question? What's your problem?

The Yamaha PSR must be connected to NWC in the very same way as any other MIDI device.
To do so, of course you need some kind of MIDI hardware interface.

Which one do you have?
Can you use it with other programs?
Tips & Tricks / Re: Download this PIANO.NWC, the ideal dynamics!
Well, thank you for your suggestion.
But things are not so simple.
The attached article is a bit old but can explain why.

Unless, of course, in the meantime the sound card (and instruments) producers found an agreement... :-)
General Discussion / Subtitle
Why not to introduce the possibility of an optional subtitle just below the title?
It doesn't seem so difficult to program and lately I found myself wishing for it.
General Discussion / Re: Losing a toolbar
the more link of:
News: Licensed NWC2 users can upgrade their community membership [more]
at the top of this page

Gosh! I was sure I saw it somewhere... :-)
General Discussion / Re: Layering
To be able to include links and attachements to your posts you must upgrade your membership.
A very easy thing to do, but at the moment I can't find a link to the relevant instructions.
Rick, you're great in finding (and remembering) links...
General Discussion / Re: Wrong sounds in an orchestral score??
The sound level I guess will have to be fixed for each channel, but then I can use dynamics like pp og FF a.s.o. - ?

Yes, you can use dynamics at wish, even if more staves are playing at the same moment on the same channel since each single note message has its own "strength" (i.e. velocity).

You can also change the multipoint controllers (volume, modulation, pitch bending...) whenever you want, but, since they work on the whole channel, their function is applied to all the notes (and staves) that use that channel.
Not such a great limitation, usually.
Old keyboards did some great jobs with only 5 or 6 patches at once using these tricks.
General Discussion / Re: Wrong sounds in an orchestral score??
The channel 10 is the standard channel for the percussion set.

A percussion set is a patch that has a different (percussive) instrument for each note.
Timpani is a kind of percussive instrument in which the pitch of each note is well defined, so it can not be a percussion set but a standard voice patch (so normally it can't be assigned to channel 10).

This is the basis.
Then there are the GM2 and XG extensions, in which you can say that, for example, channel 10 and channel 16 are both percussion set, or that channel 10 is a regular voice channel, but that's not feasible in NWC.
General Discussion / Re: Wrong sounds in an orchestral score??
Are you saying that NWC2 cannot handle more than 16 voices?

No, it's the MIDI standard that limits each sound module to 16 channels (voices).
If you have more MIDI modules (e.g. the old SoundBlaster had two HW synth) then you can have more groups of 16 channels and you can handle them with NWC.
But don't expect to easily share those scores with others!


If you have a group of staves playing the same instrument, you can assign one channel to each of these staves, (provided the dynamics are identical in the staves.)

I disagree on your note about the dynamics. Each staff can have its own dynamic.
What must be identical are the multipoint controllers: pan, volume, pitch bending, expression...
General Discussion / Re: Indenting the staff.
It's some time that, in the print preview, I find many scores with the title top half cut away and the staves very close to the page borders.
Warren example is one of those.

Indeed, in all the cases the margins are:
Top: 0
Inside: 0,2 (inches) or 0.51 cm
Outside: 0,2 (inches) or 0.51 cm
Bottom: 0,2 (inches) or 0.51 cm

I suppose the title is cut because it's outside of the max printable area for my printer.

Then I must conclude that the scores I viewed were made by someone who tried to exploit the page as much as possible.

What puzzles me is that I'm almost sure the authors were many and different.
Is it a sort of NWC default?

But there is more: I copied the print preview as bitmap to the clipboard to attach it here as an example but, surprise!, pasted in a graphical program it's perfect.
I had to use the printscreen to get it.

I suppose that the "copy" command does not take care of the idiosyncrasies of the printer driver like "print preview" does.

Am I correct?

[attachment deleted by user]
General Discussion / Re: installing user tool
What is the difference between using the user tool and 'manually' change the bar?

You have to remember which way and how much to shift, and you must change clef manually too.
Operating manually, you must be sure you take care of clef changes along the score or it's a mess.

That's all, as far as I can tell.
User Tools / Re: Working Tremolos
using your tool with 16', the sound of the note obtained with two tied grace notes is truncated.
I can't understand why.
General Discussion / Re: Piano - Left Hand in Treble Staff
Well, the one we are talking here is the local menu.

You can get there via a mouse right click or pressing that odd key on the right of the space bar. The one between the "windows" and the "Ctrl" keys.
General Discussion / Re: Piano - Left Hand in Treble Staff
Well, for that matter: I didn't know of ctrl-E. :-)
I always used alt-enter (Windows standard for "properties").

Good to know that's possible to get there with a single hand via ctrl-E.

Rick, what do you mean with "Menu, O"?
With the local menu (same as right mouse click) I can't see any shortcut; you must do "Menu, Up" to get to "Staff properties". ""O" does nothing.
General Discussion / Re: What is the default modulation wheel setting?
What? The default modulation wheel setting?
The default modulation wheel setting is zero, i.e. no modulation!

Of course, if "back to its original modulation wheel setting" means something else then we're not talking about the default setting.

Then I completely missed what note velocity has to do with it...
User Tools / Re: Appoggiature
Replaced the tool in the first message.

Version 1.01:
Adjusted the appoggiatura of dotted notes.
Added slur to the visible grace note.
General Discussion / Re: big character in dialogue box for lyrics
Lawrie, if I got it right Lionel is asking how to enlarge the text in the text dialog box ("dans les boites de texte").

I think this is a problem of system font.
Or maybe NWC not considering the DPI of the display, at least in that dialog.
(I have one program with that problem.)
User Tools / Re: Appoggiature
Line 122:
             // Warning: with 16 or more consecutive grace notes/rests
              //          odd things happen

This indeed happens with whole notes.
At the moment I see no need to find a workaround.
I hope an appoggiatura to a whole note is not so frequent.

I think the goal should be to modify playback, not the appearance of View or Print.


The only differences I can see between my tool output and your example are:
  • the use of a headless hidden whole instead of a hidden copy of the visible grace note
  • the use of a spacer to keep the visible grace note closer
  • (Edit) the slur between the grace and the main note (I overlooked it)

I usually try to avoid editor-invisible items for I can easily forget their existence...
The grace note duration, as far as I know, is not significant.
The use of the spacer can be nice; I simply didn't think of it.

Both play the same, so what?

Thank you for the link to The Project Gutenberg. Very interesting.
I'll make the small adjustments regarding the dotted notes.
Of course I never hoped to cover all the possibilities...
User Tools / Appoggiature
Here is my tool to convert a standard NWC grace note to an appoggiatura.

The tool converts all the selected combinations of a single grace note coupled with a standard one.
Please take care to include the standard note in the selection.

For details see
(Many thanks to Rick)
General Discussion / Re: False acciaccatura
Grace notes steal a 32nd, so if you want to steal an 8th, you need 4 of them.

Yes, I figured it out and, being lazy, I'm writing a user tool to do the job for me... ;-)

Very nice alternative solution to Warren's problem, too.
General Discussion / Re: False da capo (al fine)
The flow of each movement?
That's the only movement with a "peculiar" flow. All the others are at most like AABBCC.

Anyway, this is too much trouble for too little.
I'll copy the A and B part at the end of the movement then I make them invisible.

Thank you very much for having tried.
General Discussion / Re: False acciaccatura
but that's what you were expecting wasn't it?

Of course! :-)

Rich, your trick makes the first note sounding for too long and clashing with the following one.

Rick trick is perfect.

Thank you both.

N.B. Like Rick, I was surprised to see VertOffset=-2000 again.

Just in case someone needs it: I remembered that figure is called "appoggiatura".
General Discussion / Re: False da capo (al fine)
Mumble, mumble...

The Flow Direction Symbol Command is not used

Obvious. Indeed I substituted them with text.

No Local Repeats are used

No problem, they aren't.

No Rest, Note, Chord, RestChord or RestMultiBar is played more than 7 times.

I can easily understand why. :-)
No problem: no more than 3 times.

There are no lyrics

No lyrics at all, so no problem.

Endings, Section Open and MasterRepeatClose will accomplish that much.

That's the catch. Master repeats can not be nested.
I must meditate on it to see how special endings can do the trick.

N.B. The structure of the piece is as follows: AABBCCDD(da capo al fine->)AB
General Discussion / False da capo (al fine)
I have multiple movements in a single NWC file.

A movement has "da capo al fine".
Of course in this case the "capo" is not the score beginning and the "fine" is not the end of the music but only the end of the movement.

There's a way to simulate that without explicitly repeating what needs to be repeated (using the visibility: never attribute)?

N.B. Some master repeats are already used in the movement.
General Discussion / False acciaccatura
There is a way to make this one:
Code: (nwc) [Select · Download]

looking as is, but sounding as

Code: (nwc) [Select · Download]

Without using layering, I mean... (Too easy otherwise ;-)