/* Time Through Current Bar by Warren Porter "TimeText.js" This script will insert the cumulative time at the beginning of each bar line. After downloading this file, when setting it up in NWC User Tools create this command line: wscript "'Browse can insert the path for you' \TimeText.js" The first parm will run the whole script ("Yes") or simply remove timings from a previous run ("Undo"). Use the second parameter to specify a starting time for the song. */ var rc=0, errMsg=""; function getNoteLength(notelet) { // Returns duration of note , whole = 768 var NoteLengths = { "16th":48, "32nd":24, "4th":192, "64th":12, "8th":96, "Half":384, "Whole":768 } ; parts = notelet.split(","); var noteLength= -1; noteLength = NoteLengths[parts[0]]; if (typeof(noteLength) == "undefined") return -1; for (var i = 1; i < parts.length; i++) { if (parts[i].substr(0,9) == "DblDotted") { noteLength = noteLength * 7 / 4; } else if (parts[i].substr(0,6) == "Dotted") { noteLength = noteLength * 3 / 2; } else if (parts[i].substr(0,7) == "Triplet") { noteLength = noteLength * 2 / 3; } } return noteLength; } function tempoLength(notelet) { // Returns duration of tempo var NoteLengths = { "Eighth Dotted":144, "Eighth":96, "Quarter Dotted":288, "Quarter":192, "Half Dotted":576, "Half":384} var noteLength = -1; noteLength =NoteLengths[notelet]; if (typeof(noteLength) == "undefined") return -1; return noteLength; } function calculate(clip) { var i, a, cumDur=0, durVal=0, durLen, min, sec, cumTime, wholeMeas=768, preTime=0, unDo=0, doWarn=1; var base=192; //Default for tempo var beatletLength=0; //Duration of "768th" note var result = new Array(); var lines = new Array(); var shell = new ActiveXObject("WScript.Shell"); if (WScript.Arguments.length != 2) { errMsg = "I need two parms: Yes or Undo and initial time offset"; rc=1; return; } if (WScript.Arguments.Item(0) == "Undo") unDo=1; result = WScript.Arguments.Item(1).match(/(\d+):(\d+\.*\d*)/) if (result != null) { // Read starting time min=parseInt(result[1]); sec=parseFloat(result[2]); preTime=min*60 + sec;} lines = clip.split("\r\n"); for (i=0; i < lines.length; i++) { //Main processing loop result=lines[i].match(/\|Font:PageSmallText\|Pos:10\|Color:[36]/) if (result != null) // Remove earlier comments lines[i] = "#"; if (unDo) continue; if (lines[i].slice(0,15) == "|TempoVariance|") { //Found tempo varience, give a warning if (doWarn) { shell.Popup("A Tempo Varience has been found, results are unpredictable"); doWarn=0; } // Don't say it more than once. continue; } if (lines[i].slice(0,5) == "|Flow") { errMsg="Repeats or flow changes not allowed"; rc=1; return;} if (lines[i].slice(0,7) == "|Tempo|") { //Found tempo, look for base if (lines[i].substr(6,5) == "|Base") { result=lines[i].match(/Base:(.+)\|Tempo/) base= tempoLength(result[1]); } else base = 192; result=lines[i].match(/(\|Tempo.*Tempo:)(\d+)/) a=parseInt(result[2]); beatletLength= 60 / (a * base); continue; } // End of Tempo code if (lines[i].slice(0,15) == "|Rest|Dur:Whole" && lines[i].indexOf(",") == -1) { cumDur += wholeMeas; //Found whole rest but use duration of last time signature. continue;} result=lines[i].match(/Dur:([^\|]*)/); // Looking for anything with duration not grace if ((result != null) && (!/Grace/.test(lines[i]))) { // Has duration but is not grace. var durVal = result[1]; var durLen = getNoteLength(durVal); cumDur += durLen; continue; } result=lines[i].match(/Signature:(\d+)\/(\d+)/) if (result != null) wholeMeas = 768 * result[1] / result[2]; result=lines[i].match(/\|RestMultiBar\|NumBars:(\d+)\|/) if (result != null) cumDur += wholeMeas * result[1]; if (lines[i].slice(0,4) == "|Bar") { // Found a bar line if (beatletLength == 0) { // Shouldn't happen errMsg="Bar before Tempo indication, aborting"; rc=1; return;} if (lines[i].search("Repeat") != -1) { errMsg="Repeats or flow changes not allowed"; rc=1; return;} cumTime = preTime + cumDur * beatletLength; min = Math.floor(cumTime/60); sec = cumTime; sec -= min * 60; smin=min.toString() if (min < 10) smin = "0" + smin; sec = Math.round(sec*1000)/1000; ssec = sec.toString(); if (sec < 10) ssec = "0" + ssec; lines[i] += "\r\n|Text|Text:\"" + smin + ":" + ssec + "\"|Font:PageSmallText|Pos:10|Color:3" } if (lines[i].slice(0,27) == "!NoteWorthyComposerClip-End") { cumTime = cumDur * beatletLength; min = Math.floor(cumTime/60); sec = cumTime; sec -= min * 60; smin=min.toString() if (min < 10) smin = "0" + smin; sec = Math.round(sec*1000)/1000; ssec = sec.toString(); if (sec < 10) ssec = "0" + ssec; lines[i] = "|Text|Text:\"" + smin + ":" + ssec + " " + cumDur + "\"\|Font:PageSmallText|Pos:10|Color:6\n" + lines[i]; break; } // Don't do the end clip again } rc = 0; return lines; } // End main processing loop var myLines=calculate(WScript.StdIn.ReadAll()).join("\r\n"); if (rc == 0) WScript.StdOut.Write(myLines); else WScript.StdErr.Write(errMsg); WScript.quit(rc);