"""joeSelReverse.py Reverses the Notes that are selected in a NoteWorthy Composer staff see: https://github.com/nwsw/nwc2ut-python """ import sys # import joeNWCtxtInPythonNew as nwctxt import nwctxt # see https://github.com/nwsw/nwc2ut-python import logging logging.basicConfig(filename='joeNWC_PY.log',level=logging.DEBUG) # DEBUG => print ALL msgs clip = nwctxt.NWC2Clip() PlayContext = nwctxt.NWC2PlayContext() txtItemL = clip.Items clipItemL = [nwctxt.NWC2ClipItem(txtItem) for txtItem in txtItemL] first2 = clipItemL[:2] reversedClipItemL = first2 + list(reversed(clipItemL[2:])) reversedTextItemL = [item.ReconstructClipText() for item in reversedClipItemL] print clip.GetClipHeader() for textItem in reversedTextItemL[2:]: #print "clipItem.GetObjType()= %s, type(clipItem.GetObjType())= %s, "%(clipItem.GetObjType(), type(clipItem.GetObjType())) print textItem print clip.GetClipFooter() # TO DEBUG uncomment below to report to NWC STDOUT DIALOG & to CAUSE NO STAFF MODIFICATION # sys.exit(nwctxt.NWC2RC_REPORT)