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Topic: fermata placement bug (Read 3155 times) previous topic - next topic

fermata placement bug

Check the fermata placement in this clip in Print Preview:


If you remove the clef at the end of the measure, the fermata aligns properly. Not a common problem, but it happened to occur in a piece I'm editing that needed a courtesy clef in that position.

(As a side note: I caught this because I was working in the 2.1 beta and using the F11 switch to go between print view and editing view. The fermata looks fine in the standard editing view, and it's subtle enough I might have missed it in print preview - but I could see it jump back and forth when I toggled the two views. This is a long way of saying Thanks so much, Eric, for this enhancement.)


Re: fermata placement bug

Reply #1
Fermatas are placed using the same rules as text and are subject to the same problems as described here:
In the attached file, Placement.nwc, none of the text preserves width. All the blue lines have the properties: Centered, AtNextNote/Bar. As can be seen from print preview, NWC2 often hasn't a clue as to where this is for a whole measure rest (WMR). All the blue lines should be centered over the whole measure rests, as in measure 8 (m8). A significant bug.
NoteWorthy knows where it would place a note or rest, and knows that a Whole Measure Rest must be placed elsewhere, but doesn't quite grasp the concept that text aligned 'At next note/bar' should be aligned on the Whole Measure Rest. Instead, I think that it puts the text where it would have put the note or rest. The problem is made worse by NoteWorthy's horizontal justification. Alignment looks better in the new Viewer Mode than it does in Print Preview.
Registered user since 1996

Re: fermata placement bug

Reply #2
I had a nagging suspicion that I'd complained about this before: and so I had....weirdness and all.


Re: fermata placement bug

Reply #3
This bug occurs when a Whole Measure Rest shares the measure with a Clef, KeySig or TimeSig. This includes Clefs and KeySigs that are automatically added by NWC.

To center a Femata (or other text-type object) over a Whole Measure Rest, replace the Whole Measure Rest with:
Then add the Fermata/Text just before the Whole Measure Rest.

For songs with multiple staves, all Whole Measure Rests in the vertical alignment may need the same treatment.

IMO, the text is placed correctly; the Whole Measure Rest is mis-aligned.
Registered user since 1996