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Topic: NWC release 2 (Read 5342 times) previous topic - next topic

NWC release 2

I can not understand why NWC marks the difference between having an early legal copy of NWC, legally updated to version 1.75b or having it on a CD. In fact if you are into the first case, you are not allowed to download release 2. This is, I belive, unfair. In this case older customers feel a bit cheated. Of course it's not a matter of money.
Anyway, those who were eligible to download it are really considering this release a good improvement?

Re: NWC release 2

Reply #1
I don't want to start an argument here (and I fear I may, but it's not my intent), but I do want to express my opinion on this subject, as it has come up a number of times, and it bothers me.

I believe that Noteworthy Software's policy regarding NWC Version 2 Beta is NOT unfair.  For the modest cost of essentially shipping you a new CD ($15), as long as you are a previously registered user, you can then get NWC version 2 beta (and it is a beta, still under development, with issues and minor bugs being reported by the user community).  Release date has not been announced, and this is the first time that NoteWorthy software has offered a public beta to the user community, with modest restrictions and conditions.

Updating to 1.75b is necessary, because the version 2.0 beta uses certain files from the CD as part of the installation process.  There is also specific registration information reported on this CD, which you provide to prove that you are a registered user.  NWC has appeared a number of times on warez sites and P2P networks with valid codes for using the product, so the company is simply trying to minimize piracy.

Getting the 1.75b update then gives you the right to download the final product for free, once it is made available (so you don't have to pay for it again).  If you are not a registered user of NWC yet, then all you have to do is buy the current 1.75b version (for $39), at which point you can easily obtain version 2 beta, and again will receive the final released product (in downloadable form) at no additional cost.  That's what Noteworthy Software has stated.

When you originally registered your version 1.x software, it was very clearly stated that updates would be free for all future 1.x releases only.  The implication is that you would have to pay for a future version 2.x release.  Well, for those already registered (unless you just recently purchased the product), the cost for version 2.x is (for all intents an purposes) merely $15 to get the 1.75b CD.  I think that's a pretty good bargain, especially considering that I haven't had to send Noteworthy Software a dime in the five years or so that I've been using NWC 1.x (I think I originally registered version 1.2).  I can't say that about the many other software products I've registered over the years.

If you still think it's unfair, then I believe you are simply looking to obtain something of value for free.

Enough said.  Get the CD for $15 and join the ranks of NWC2.  You'll be glad you did.

That's all I want to say on the subject; thanks for listening (reading),


Re: NWC release 2

Reply #2
Well put, John.

Incidentally, if anyone wonders why the separate NWC2 forum is rather quiet, it is because most activity is in the newsgroup, which one must join to read.

Re: NWC release 2

Reply #3
I found John's estimate of the time he's been using the program to be interesting.  I registered in 1996, and I was sent version 1.3, so John, if you got version 1.2, it would have been earlier than that, I think.

Re: NWC release 2

Reply #4
Well, okay, longer than 5 years then (I guess time flies when your having fun with music).  I just checked my personal software inventory and found that I started with version 1.20.3, which I received on a floppy disk.


Re: NWC release 2

Reply #5
The point is not money or time elapsed since I first got my release. The point is that those who got their release on CD can get now the update for FREE, those who didn't because simply there was no CD version at the time, but payed for it as much as CD owners did (and are then equally registered users), are now requested to pay again. I don't see the difference between floppies or CDS or shall I presume that CD owners are a step above poor "floppyholders"?
Hope concept is clear.

Re: NWC release 2

Reply #6
Well said George. I'll find myself into the same situation. Just isn't fair.

Re: NWC release 2

Reply #7
Well, maybe that's not all I have to say about it.  Here's another angle to consider regarding fairness.

If you received your original copy on floppy, then you probably paid $29 for it and have had it for several years.  In that time, you have had the opportunity to receive significant "value" for your purchase. You have been able to transcribe/notate/compose/etc music in a manner much more efficiently than pen in hand, and at a cost much less than other competing products.

However, those who have recently purchased the CD (and paid $39 for it - $10 more than you or I) have only had it for a short period of time and have not really benefited from the "value" of the software yet (that is, in the ability to transcribe/notate/compose/etc).  Their value will be realized in their free upgrade to version 2.

It's very similar to companies that offer new customers a free upgrade to the new version because it is just about to be released.  They do that, because folks really think it is unfair that they buy a piece of software only to find out that the new version will be available for the same price in a short period of time - do I wait, or buy it now?

I think what Noteworthy Software has done is a very fair and reasonable accommodation for "value" versus "price".  If there is any unfairness there, then I believe it is a philosophical belief that maybe as an early adopter of the program, you deserve some greater level of accommodation.  But that's a topic for another debate.

I'm sure that's probably not what you wanted to hear, and that's okay.  I just wanted to explain my point of view.  It's off my chest now.  I hope I haven't offended or rankled anyone.  Since the topic was thrown out there (and it has been brought up several times) I just wanted to get my $0.02 worth in.  Well, I guess that now makes it my $.04 worth.  $14.96 more buys the upgrade to NWC Version 2 Preview (beta).




Re: NWC release 2

Reply #8

I see what you are saying, however I paid the full $39 for mine when I registered it (version 1.5 and change).  I got mine on floppy disc and have just used the web to get all of my subsequent updates.  If someone recently registered and paid the full $39 to get their copy on CD and can then upgrade to version 2 for $15 and I have to pay that amount, plus an additional fee for a new CD, then it is a bit unfair.  Would I pay the fee to continue using this program?  Of course...  If it cost me another full $39, I'd still do so.  However, those of us who have been users for quite some time still shouldn't be saddled with higher upgrade costs than the newest users (and maybe there won't be a difference in final upgrade costs to version 2 anyways).

Re: NWC release 2

Reply #9
I'm not saying whether it's fair or not, I really don't know.  I did pay the full $39 for 1.70 on CD not floppy.  It's only a .5b version difference although I don't know exactly when 1.75b came out.  My CD is marked November 2000.  Hopefully 1.75b came out much later than that

If it was a difference of waiting a few months I would say that is a little unfair.  Entirely worth the small difference of the extra $15. Since it was clearly stated that version 1 and version 2 were seperate, however, I would have expected that -pre-stated- policy to effect all version 1 users rather than a -retroactive- policy.  That's where I feel unsure.

Just thought I'd clear up that there are people who received a CD version that are not eligible for the update. Presumably, my CD is different than the version eligible.  I'm waiting for the Version 2 CD since the precedent is set that the more current the CD, the better.

Re: NWC release 2

Reply #10
There still seems to be some misunderstanding here (if it is mine and not the previous posters' I'm sure I'll hear about it).

First, if you have the latest CD there is NO additional fee for the upgrade.  If you do not, the $15 price gets you the latest CD AND the subsiquent no-charge update.  In either case you have access to the beta version.

If you wait for the offical release (and here I am on shaky ground) my understanding is that you will pay the full price (currently not set) for version 2.  So if didn't purchace the 1.75? CD before release you will be paying (final price) - $15 more than if you order the CD.

As has been said before, this is to a large extent a anti-piracy move.  Various V1 versions are floating around, with cracked serials, etc.  To install V2 beta you MUST have a validly registerd copy of the last CD or so.  Earlier CDs, floppies and downloads were written without the anti-theft features.  Even CDs of the latest version sold by second parties (at least by one in England) don't cut it.

Re: NWC release 2

Reply #11
My earlier post was only to clear up the statements made is this thread that said "The point is that those who got their release on CD can get now the update for FREE" and similar statements aren't entirely correct.  I bought it on CD and am ineligible for the preview.

They do state on the public preview page:

"If you are a registered user of NoteWorthy Composer and do not meet the requirements, your options are ... [2nd option] Do not participate in the Preview and wait for the final Version 2 release. You can evaluate your purchase options at that time."

So that's what I'm doing.  If they charge full price at that time for users who have been using NWC for the longest, I'll be suprised though.  Noteworthy hopefully will have even a small discount for long term users as a courtesy. Other than that, I don't see what the 'misunderstanding' could be. :)