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General Discussion / Re: Wav and MP3 files from NWC.
Last post by jonnotes -
Hi - I should just like to repeat Flurmy's question of 4 months ago, namely, where can I pick up the 2.8 Beta version of the Viewer, in order to create mp3 files...?

Any help very much welcomed!

User Tools / Problem with my webpages on Scriptorium
Last post by Warren Porter -
I am really embarrassed that several webpages on Scriptorium didn't work until today. The pages ClearStaff, MoveChord, nummeas, Pentuplets, spacepart, and Triplets all used a function in the file notelength.js which I had forgotten about.

To test, open the webpage and attached file in different windows. Enter Alt/Tab to go from one window to the other and your cursor will be where you left it.
  • Copy the tempo into Tempo Here.
  • Copy the pentuplets (red notes) into the Textarea.
  • Choose the Tuplet Staff radio button and hit Submit. The Textarea will now have hidden tempo changes at the front and back ends of the notes with a 5 over the middle.
  • Change the radio button to Played (hidden) Staff.
  • Copy the lime green notes into the Textarea and hit Submit. Each note will be tied to a note with a quarter of its duration.
  • Click on Restore Last, choose Displayed (muted) Staff, and Submit.
  • The same notes will be in the Textarea, each followed with a hidden rest with a quarter of its duration.
Please let me know if you have any problem with this or anything else on that page.
General Discussion / Re: Scriptorium Update
Last post by Richard Woodroffe -
The Scriptorium has been updated with works submitted by :

John Hooper   Sancta Maria - K273   (Mozart)
Warren Porter   Nocturne  from Deux Morceaux pour Violon et Piano   (Boulanger)
Richard Woodroffe    An die Natur D372 Schubert)
Warren Porter   Update to Warren Porter page on Scripto (Notelength)

If you would like to be notified every time the Scriptorium is updated, please send an e-mail  requesting Scriptorium Update    notification to nwcscriptorium "at" gmail "dot" com

Stay safe 

General Discussion / Re: What is 2 Ped.
Last post by Flurmy -
What an ass!  :-[
The MIDI standard has a specific switch controller for the "una corda" pedal, exactly like the sustain pedal.
It is called "soft" and NWC can control it via MIDIcontroller.fl, a plugin by yours truly.  :o
When I say my memory is bad...  :(
General Discussion / Persistent Tools Not Working as Expected under Windows 11
Last post by Cyber_Hymnal -
I just upgraded to Windows 11 on a new computer, and find that NWC persistent tools don't work as they used to. Specifically, I used to be able to make "dots" persistent, but not now. Dotted notes don’t even appear on the persistent tools dialog.

Did this functionality move somewhere else? If not, can we put it back in the persistent tools dialog?

This is the absolutely *worst* NWC change I've seen in 20 years. My productivity has slowed down to a crawl, and it's enough to make me seriously consider moving to Muse Score.

Please tell me you're going to restore dots to the persistent tools. If they aren't restored, I will no longer recommend Noteworthy Composer.
General Discussion / Re: What is 2 Ped.
Last post by Flurmy -
However, patch 64 is supposed to be Soprano Sax, which doesn't really seem consistent with a muted violin to me...
Argggh. The usual conundrum.
Is the first patch patch 0 or patch 1?
If zero-based (computer style) then 64 is SynthBrass 2, else (human style) it's Soprano Sax.
(Please note that NWC sometimes uses the former, sometimes the latter. Aaaaarg!)
Anyway, in both cases, as Lawrie said, it doesn't really seem consistent with a muted violin!