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Topics - the black cat

General Discussion / Version 2.75 & MP3 files
With version 2.01 I used to export to MIDI & then use the free conversion tool from PolySoft to get the MP3 files to then play on a tablet etc.
This no longer works with 2.75. Tried both "type 1" & "type 0" export MIDI output options, but the converter refuses to perform the conversion.
Is there any reason, or a workaround?
General Discussion / Femata
My understanding is that a femata is assigned to a note, Am I right in thinking that noteworthy assigns a femata to the space where it is inserted into the music?
General Discussion / trills
Understand that "tr" can be placed over a note to indicate a trill, but how does one indicate that the note above is naturalised?
General Discussion / Tremolo
There is a standard notation for tremolo. How does one get noteworthy to write it?
General Discussion / Partial Staves
I am putting together several short folk tunes, on the same printed page or 3.
Some of these tunes have a 2nd & maybe 3rd part on another stave(s).

Is there a way to show the second/third stave only for the relevant tune(s)?
General Discussion / New Lines
I am putting together several short folk tunes, on the same printed page or 3. At the end of each tune is:
<Insert><Boundary change><Force a new system>
to make a new line.
However the last line of this tune is now justified across the page.
Is there a way to turn this justification off?

(I've obviously turned off both:
<Page setup><Options><Extend last system>
<Page setup><Options><Justify print system vertically>
but to no avail)
General Discussion / Question of Repeats
Setting: using master repeat open & close, & the music is of either form: intro:A:A:B:C:A:A or intro:A:A:C:A; (where A can have multiple special endings). Written: at the end of C a DS al Fine operates, where the Segno is just before the beginning of A, & the Fine is at the last special ending. Noteworthy jumps ok but loses the plot with any repeats or special endings.
General Discussion / Stringed Instruments
Just learning a new instrument (OK its a ukulele & friends tell me they're best kept at home!) :)

They have a system of notation called TABs with 4 lines on the stave. Each stave represents a string, with the number of the fret to be held down whilst it is plucked.
Is this a format that is / or will be supported by Noteworthy?
General Discussion / Alternative Platforms & Formats
I use Noteworthy a lot to create & support arrangements of music for a concertina band.
A laptop is used to create the files, & the resultant pdf files are viewed on a tablet.

1. Are there any plans to support Noteworthy on a tablet - with an android OS?
(This would hopefully be a full blown editor - not just a viewer.)

2. History: There were several word processors 20 years ago. Some were popular because they allowed the files to be stored in any of the competitors' formats. Are there any plans to allow files to be stored in other formats, or accept files in other formats?
(For instance you can see pupils having a music writer at school, but then buying & using Noteworthy at home, if this facility was available. You can see the same pupils being dependent on an android based tablet too!)
General Discussion / 2 part harmony
I'm adding a second part harmony -with a different colour as it happens - noteworthy will let me add notes when they are above the original music (with sticks pointing up), but not below. Is there a reason for this?
General Discussion / Playing notes an octave above written
Not sure if this is a new topic but musical notation for an extra octave up is akin to a special ending in that a bar encompasses the affected notes, but with an 8va. I've accomplished this with text - without the bar. Obviously the playback doesn't recognise it. Is there a better solution?