NoteWorthy Composer Forum

Forums => General Discussion => Topic started by: Tom on 2002-09-04 05:49 pm

Title: .pdf format
Post by: Tom on 2002-09-04 05:49 pm
can NWC save as .pdf format ? thanks.
Title: Re: .pdf format
Post by: Robert A. on 2002-09-04 08:24 pm
Saving in PDF format is not a function of the program, it is a function of the installed printers. With the correct printer software installed, any program (including NWC) that can print, can also create PDF.

The software in question creates a phantom "printer" that "prints" the document to electronic "paper" (a PDF file). In many cases, this can be done with free software, called "Ghostscript."

See Fred Nachbauer's site for a more complete discussion (find it from the user pages, linked from the NWC home web page).
Title: Re: .pdf format
Post by: Robert A. on 2002-09-04 08:28 pm
I should mention that if you would like to see a NWC printout in PDF format, go to my "Hallelujah" page, reachable from:

The sheet music was done with NWC, then converted to PDF with embedded fonts, using Ghostscript. I may have made some minor alterations with a drawing program, but it wasn't necessary (I don't remember, it's been awhile since I did that sheet music).
Title: Re: .pdf format
Post by: Fred Nachbaur on 2002-09-04 08:58 pm
Thanks for the "plug" Robert, but I thought I should mention that my sites have undergone considerable shuffling about lately, and the search engines may not have caught up yet. The page in question is now at
Title: Re: .pdf format
Post by: Robert A. on 2002-09-05 03:12 pm
Thanks, Fred. But the current page (above link) refers to older versions of Ghostscript and GSview. The same source has the newer versions, which should be used unless one's operating system is old enough to require the prior versions.
Title: Re: .pdf format
Post by: Fred Nachbaur on 2002-09-05 06:19 pm
True. But if you don't like the nagware "please register" screens, the older versions shown are the "newest" ones that were unconditional freeware. ;-)
Title: Re: .pdf format
Post by: Robert A. on 2002-09-05 09:02 pm
Ah, yes, you are correct.

I don't use GSview. Instead, I use Ghostscript with another free utility (from the same locations) called "Redmon" and a free utility (from called "free PDF".

"Free PDF" is a little program that automates the command-line programming of Ghostscript, so that it looks like a graphical interface. It takes brains to install, but once installed it works like the no-brainer automation of commercial PDF-creation software. If use try it, use the "95" (original) version, not the "98" beta test.

The catch is that the installation instructions for "Free PDF" refer to older versions of Ghostscript, Redmon, and Acrobat Reader, on pre-XP systems. No problem, except that you will have to change the path names (etc.) in the initialization file, so that the necessary programs can be found. The first time the program is lauched, it may fail to find the software (so, change the configuration).

Incidentally, for the benefit of others: Adobe Acrobat (the full version, not just the reader) does many things that can't be done with the free Ghostscript. That's why Adobe can still sell Acrobat. Also, Acrobat is NOT a "PDF editor" in the general sense. If you want to edit an existing PDF file, you probably need a comptatible drawing program (such as Illustrator).

I encourage NWC users to make use of PDF for sheet music. You can embed the NWCV15 font and any other user fonts (such as NWornaments) and not worry about whether a recipient has them installed. It is also cross-platform.
Title: Re: .pdf format
Post by: Just Curious on 2002-09-05 09:02 pm
What does PDF stand for?
Title: Re: .pdf format
Post by: Fred Nachbaur on 2002-09-05 09:11 pm
As applies to computer files, Portable Data Format

In common speech, Pretty D**n Fast. ;-)
Title: Re: .pdf format
Post by: Just Curious on 2002-09-06 11:50 pm
So, if the F stands for Format, then why write .pdf format?
Title: Re: .pdf format
Post by: Fred Nachbaur on 2002-09-07 12:31 am
Same reason we say "GIF format", "DOS operating system", and "MIDI interface." Acronyms have a way of becomes words unto their own.
Title: Re: .pdf format
Post by: Freddy J on 2002-09-07 02:27 pm
Hey, don't include ME in that "we" up there.  I've never said "GIF format", "DOS operating system", or "MIDI interface."
Now, pardon me while I drive my car with the ABS brake system over to the ATM machine so I can get some cash to pay for my daughter's SAT test.
Title: Re: .pdf format
Post by: Fred Nachbaur on 2002-09-07 03:22 pm
LOL! :)
Title: Re: .pdf format
Post by: David Palmquist on 2002-09-08 10:53 pm
Found these emails a little amusing.  When you wrote the expressions I have enclosed in quotation marks, you were actually repeating yourself, writing the equivalent of the expressions that I've written after the equal signs:

"GIF format"
= graphical interchange format format

"DOS operating system"
= Disk operating system operating system

"MIDI interface"
= Musical Instrument Digital Interface interface

"ABS brake system"
= Advanced Braking System brake system

"ATM machine"
= automated teller machine machine

"SAT test"
= scholastic aptitude test test
Title: Re: .pdf format
Post by: DaveC on 2002-09-18 04:03 pm
Sorry to correct you Fred, but .pdf stands for

Portable DOCUMENT Format.

Title: Re: .pdf format
Post by: Julia on 2002-09-18 05:20 pm
I have Acrobat Writer and have never had a problem printing any document to .pdf.  However, when I print my nwc file to .pdf using Acrobat Writer, it hides all of the notes and staff markings, leaving just the lyrics, staff, and note stems.  Any suggestions?  Is there a printer or page setup procedure that I need to be aware of?
Title: Re: .pdf format
Post by: Barry Graham on 2002-09-19 04:55 am
Do you have to embed the NWC font?
Are you reading the file back on the same computer that NWC is installed - or another?
Title: Re: .pdf format
Post by: Julia on 2002-09-19 12:53 pm
Yes--I'm definitely reading it back on the same computer.  I'm not sure what you mean by "embed the NWC font."  Can you explain?
Title: Re: .pdf format
Post by: Barry Graham on 2002-09-20 04:25 am
Seems like the Writer software is not writing the NWC font that produces the noteheads and marks.

I dont use Acrobat Writer but I do use 5D PDF Creator which produces a .pdf file by printing to a virtual printer from any application.

If I use that to produce a file for another person on another computer I have to make sure that any uncommon fonts (like the NWC font) are embedded in the file.

In the setup or configuration for Acrobat Writer is there an option to select and embed fonts?
Title: Re: .pdf format
Post by: Robert A. on 2002-09-20 02:16 pm
I recall once having a similar problem with Acrobat Writer. There is a way to configure which fonts it embeds, and how, but I don't recall (no longer having the product). If you also have Acrobat Distiller, try that. I recall it worked much better. Apparently its default choices are more sensible.