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Messages - binsley

General Discussion / Re: What does "Smart Insertion Point" actually do?!
Well there's a thing! I wasn't aware of ANY context help in NWC until I started this thread, I guess I just never noticed the little "?" up there in the corner! I've always just searched the Help section by hand - and as the previous poster said, that's generally pretty good (but if you search for "smart" you get squat...)

Anyway - thanks for the info Eric.
General Discussion / What does "Smart Insertion Point" actually do?!
I've been using NWC for many years and this has always puzzled me. It doesn't seem to make any difference to me whether I turn it ON or OFF! For some time I've configured it to be ON since, on balance, if I have to choose between a Smart insertion point and a Dumb one, give me the Smart one!

Any ideas? The Help doesn't help at all - I've searched for "smart" without luck. Searching this forum, there seems to be some implication that it's to do with Text - and since I don't use Text very much, that's perhaps why I don't notice any difference.
General Discussion / Re: Triplet notation in imported MIDI
Just given Andrew's tool a try, and it does work, but the question remains - why isn't this core NWC functionality by now? A quick scan of the forum shows that folk have been moaning about triplet import since at least 1999...

I always import using the maximum resolutions allowed - ie 64th notes and 16th rests. It doesn't make a lot of sense to me to use the default settings - why would you want to throw detail away? (I suppose there might be an argument for coarser settings if you're attempting to "quantise" a midi file produced by a live midi-keyboard-player, rather than a file produced by a different sequencer. I've never had much joy with such attempts in any case, since no keyboard player I know - including myself - can keep in tempo strictly enough to make the resultant import look other than a dog's breakfast...)

Anyway - if anyone doesn't realise the extent of the problem - just try creating a snippet using NWC2. Time signature 4-4, one bar consisting of a triplet of three crotchets (quarter notes) followed by a minim (half note). Export to a midi file and re-import using the maximum resolutions, and be prepared to chuckle at the result...

Cheers John Hinsley
General Discussion / Re: NoteWorthy under new management?
I retract (just about all of) my whingeing from last year - Eric has now allowed me onto the NWC2 preview despite having bought my 1.75 from a (recommended) distributor rather than directly from NW. Thanks to him publicly for this, and apologies to anyone I upset previously. You can now look forward to me making a nuisance of myself on NWC2 issues... John Hinsley