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Messages - Warren Porter

General Discussion / Duration parts in NwcTxt
When something on the staff has a duration, can there be anything else in the Dur: field outside of note length, dot or triplet status, and presence of a slur?  If I need to change the duration of a note or chord, I need to keep the slur intact.

Anything else to be on the alert for? I need to clear this up before converting ThreeEight.html to a user tool.

General Discussion / Re: Beaming compound-time
In the second 6/8 measure of your example (and equivalent places), the three 8th notes at the beginning of the measure need to be beamed together. Can your tool be made to do that?
In that example, the 3rd eighth note didn't exist before the quarter note was split. I could add some code to unbeam all 8ths (and faster) where the script is active quickly and the user could autobeam after running the script. Later, I can identify the first note and last note of a beat to rebeam the beats when I can find the time to work on it.
General Discussion / Re: Beaming compound-time
When I tried putting a number of flagged notes in a 6/8 or 12/8 measure, the automatic beam had no problem breaking them into three notes each. What looked like a problem was when long notes walked over the implied "beat" in 6/8, 9/8, or 12/8.

A half-note and a quarter-note (minim & crochet) works great in 3/4, but not in 6/8. What seemed to be needed was a way to break down that half into a dotted quarter tied to an eighth. I still need to convert my html tool to a user tool, but if I missed something, please let me know now. TIA

Attached is my test file, before and after.
ThreeEight.html It is not necessary to provide any parm count or parm values.

Happy New Year, everyone.
General Discussion / Re: Beaming compound-time
I manually make a Noteworthy file comprising a minim then a crotchet, in a 6:8 time signature. This should strictly be shown as a dotted crotchet tied to a following quaver at the same pitch, then the crotchet, but I do it wrongly by hand. Then I export it as a MIDI file. NOTE THAT this will comprise only the time signature and note lengths and pitches. No direct beaming information will be contained in the MIDI file.
When I import the MIDI file again, using 'detect compound time'  where appropriate, Noteworthy still shows it as a minim plus a crotchet. This is fundamentally wrong.
Obviously I can edit the file and correct it by hand, but then I could have written the music score with a quill if I had wanted; doing it automatically is why I bought Noteworthy.
Importing other files from other sources demonstrates the same problem.

Could you attach a short file (or appropriate NWCTXT) to a forum post that messes up like you described. Please explain what you do/did to it and where the problem occurs. If there are other note-length combinations the NWC doesn't handle properly, please include them in that test file.  By the way, does it beam a number of quavers correctly?

I can take a shot at it along with others who have replied, but it helps to have real data with which to test.

Nwc Page
General Discussion / Re: Very Sad news.
His help was immeasurable, teaching me how to use JavaScript in NWC functions. His encouragement, knowledge of NWC, and useful shortcuts will be missed by all.

General Discussion / Christmas humor.
I saw this in a Music Humor group--the copyright notice gave the right to share, so I swapped out the lyrics. Don't know how to not play the refrain in verses 2 and 3 though.
General Discussion / Re: Is the NWC Viewer/Player available as a webpage
This is my viewer mode playback of a recent file I contributed to

Son of the Puszta

My problem is that I can't get all the notes to display when the measure is close to the right edge. Is there any trick to force NWC or NWV to advance the screen before getting to the last measure or advancing in the middle? Is it possible to convert it to another notation system that has this problem under control?  TIA

Edit: problem first popped up in bar 21.
General Discussion / Re: MPC
If the instrument is not percussion like a piano, this user tool can change volume and velocity on every note, allowing one note to crescendo, not just the next note will be louder. dynamic.js
General Discussion / Re: Text under music
Welcome to the Forums!
NWC does not have the ability to change the font for different verses of a song. You could insert a 2nd verse as text, however.  Once you select the font, size, and bold/italic, those will be the default for later text.  Leave a verse (or every other verse) blank to have room for your inserted text. Edited: Insert text for each measure after the bar line--you will need to experiment to get each word/syllable to line up.

Bienvenue sur les Forums!
NWC n'a pas la possibilité de changer la police des différents couplets d'une chanson. Vous pouvez cependant insérer un deuxième verset sous forme de texte. Une fois que vous avez sélectionné la police, la taille et le gras / italique, ceux-ci seront les valeurs par défaut pour le texte ultérieur. Laissez un verset (ou tous les autres versets) vide pour avoir de la place pour votre texte inséré.
Modifié: insérez du texte pour chaque mesure après la barre de mesure - vous devrez expérimenter pour aligner chaque mot / syllabe.
General Discussion / Re: Is the NWC Viewer/Player available as a webpage
Then I tried the top pick:
This is the one that I am going to stick with. I will have to edit in my video editing software, which is fine. The mouse can be highlighted in various colours, and it follows all the windows changes I make with no issue. And the express version is free.
Many thanks! Just tried it with a short file: Tallis3.mp4 I just had to remember the shortcut key for how to stop it.
General Discussion / Re: Converting common time to 12/8
Is this what you need?
Code: (nwc) [Select · Download]
Since you want everything converted to 12/8, just use the "Played (hidden) staff" option.
General Discussion / Is the NWC Viewer/Player available as a webpage
Quite a few years ago there was a NWC page that played the Mendelssohn Violin Concerto without the need for the user to have any NWC product installed. Is there anything like that now and, if so, how would it be directed to play the specified .nwc file?


This is how it looks on another system: score.
General Discussion / Re: Auto-Fill Empty Measures?
I have a pair of tools that may help NWC Tools.

  • Resting Staff takes a staff you have copied from another part and turns them into whole measure rests.
  • Multi Measure Rests converts a string of whole measure rests into an MMR or backs it out.

The MMR tool also has the options of hiding the rests and boundary collapse.
General Discussion / Re: 10000
Looking forward, when will 100000 be? Assuming roughly similar traffic (i.e., NWC is not going viral), some 9 times 24 = 216 years in the future, i.e., by year 2236, give or take a few (decades? centuries?).
I had hoped to find a specific date somewhere in the old posts, but there was nothing. I got the same thing Wed Apr 20 2236 06:41:57 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) using MidPoint.htm.
User Tools / Re: Updating User tools
User tools are not part of a NWC file, they are used in composing/transcribing to help with repetitive tasks. If a tool has been updated, you would need to download it, renaming the existing tool (e.g., append ".bak")  and copy it into where an existing tool was.
General Discussion / Re: tempo track examples
This will definitely save time. I've been putting a lot of duplicate information in all the staves. How important is it for this tempo stave to be just one line? It it's going to be invisible, and layered, does it matter?
The ONLY thing that will show will be tempo indications and rehearsal symbols. My example from my user tip contains five lines.
You might want to install my Multi Measure Rest script from on the tempo track and select "Layer Hide". The MMRs from the tempo track won't appear and won't interfere when an instrument has an MMR.
Tips & Tricks / Guidelines for posting in Tips & Tricks
If you have a useful technique, script, function, or object  to share with other NWC users, this is the place to post it.  If you want to know "How do I ..." please put it in the General Discussion section.
General Discussion / Flow problem
In transcribing a minuet, the Trio consists of two repeated sections. The first part repeats with no problem but the second part goes da capo after only playing once.
Code: (nwc) [Select · Download]
|SongInfo|Title:"Eine Kleine Nachtmusik K. 525 2 - Romanze"|Author:"Mozart"|Lyricist:""|Copyright1:""|Copyright2:""|Comments:"Transcription: Warren Porter"
|PgSetup|StaffSize:18|Zoom:4|TitlePage:Y|JustifyVertically:Y|PrintSystemSepMark:N|ExtendLastSystem:N|DurationPadding:Y|PageNumbers:1|StaffLabels:First System|BarNumbers:Boxed|StartingBar:0
|Font|Style:StaffItalic|Typeface:"Times New Roman"|Size:11.45|Bold:Y|Italic:Y|CharSet:0
|Font|Style:StaffBold|Typeface:"Times New Roman"|Size:8.18|Bold:Y|Italic:N|CharSet:0
|Font|Style:StaffLyric|Typeface:"Times New Roman"|Size:8.18|Bold:N|Italic:N|CharSet:0
|Font|Style:PageTitleText|Typeface:"Times New Roman"|Size:24|Bold:Y|Italic:N|CharSet:0
|Font|Style:PageText|Typeface:"Times New Roman"|Size:12|Bold:N|Italic:N|CharSet:0
|Font|Style:PageSmallText|Typeface:"Times New Roman"|Size:8|Bold:N|Italic:N|CharSet:0
|Font|Style:User1|Typeface:"AR DECODE"|Size:72|Bold:N|Italic:N|CharSet:1
|Font|Style:User2|Typeface:"Times New Roman"|Size:5|Bold:N|Italic:N|CharSet:0
|Font|Style:User3|Typeface:"Times New Roman"|Size:5|Bold:N|Italic:N|CharSet:0
|Font|Style:User4|Typeface:"Times New Roman"|Size:5|Bold:N|Italic:N|CharSet:0
|Font|Style:User5|Typeface:"Times New Roman"|Size:8|Bold:N|Italic:N|CharSet:0
|Font|Style:User6|Typeface:"Times New Roman"|Size:8|Bold:N|Italic:N|CharSet:0
|StaffProperties|EndingBar:Master Repeat Close|Visible:Y|BoundaryTop:10|BoundaryBottom:10|Lines:1|WithNextStaff:Layer|Color:Default
How do I get the last section to repeat?
General Discussion / Reading staff symbols
I am working on a function looking for accidentals as text in StaffCueSymbols. Sometimes it is only one character, sometimes it is three high ASCII characters. When I used stdErr for debugging, I get a character looking like a lowercase m with something dragging to the right (see picture).  What is that character?  Is it possible to read and interpret the text for a special font?

In the following code saveText is the content of the quoted character(s) without spaces.
Code: [Select · Download]
	switch(saveText) {
case "e":
case "?":
case "∩üÑ":  //Natural
    saveAcc = "n";
case "f":
case "∩üª":  //Flat
    saveAcc = "b";
case "d":
case "∩üñ":  //Sharp
    saveAcc = "#";
case "g":             // Double sharp
case "":
    saveAcc = "x";
case "h":             // Double Flat
case "":
    saveAcc = "v";
    errMsg+= ti + "->" + saveText + "<- " + lines[i] + "\n";
    errMsg += "Couldn't find accidental in " + lines[ti], rc = 1; return lines; // change += to = when live
General Discussion / Re: Object for turns
I am starting to collect notes and looking at nwctxt to first find the turn symbol:

Code: [Select · Download]

However, the text either contained an empty box or three characters with the hex codes of ef 80 a6. The next line (a natural below the turn) contained hex: ef 81 a5 from StaffCueSymbols.  Is this something I need to test for or just change it when it happens?

Once the Text turn symbol is found, it should be straightforward to identify the turned note, the one before, the one after, and any accidentals to implement Rick's 2nd suggestion in post number 7.

General Discussion / Re: Object for turns

My apology for using an example from something other than what I was working on. It had a note being tied into a turn and your example did an excellent job of using and implementing that. However, without that leading tie-in I am getting stumpped as to how to implement this. How can I create an 8th note B natural which will display only and be beamed to the previous G? My test so far is after the red bar line, all else is reference and your example.

General Discussion / Re: Object for turns
Many thanks! I've printed your example and am studying it. Hopefully I can automate its application in the near future, Eine Kleine has a bunch of them in the 2nd movement.
Again, thank you.
General Discussion / Re: Object for turns
Thank you, I'll be checking out BarLabel and getting a book on Lua.

Some of these may overlap, but I think these things would be needed by any programmer learning a new language.

  • What are the boiler plate items, things that must be in any nwc object?
  • Debugging tools: What can be used to display text and/or variables while working on it?
  • Communicating script failure with nwc and the user.
  • What part of the program receives control when it starts (probably included in 1.)?
  • How to add/modify things to be displayed?
  • How to add/modify what is played?
  • What must be included in the name of the script?

Thank you for looking at it.
General Discussion / Object for turns
I am trying to avoid adding a hidden/played staff to a 4 part piece I'm transcribing. The objects work well for trills and tremolos, but is there something to do turns?  If not, what is a good resource for writing objects in lua?

Attached is a short example.

General Discussion / Re: convert to/from MusicXML
I don't have experience with it, but in the upper right corner you can search the entire forum for "MusicXML"--there are several tips and tools listed in the search.
General Discussion / Re: Feature request: adding chord notes quickly by selecting name of the chord
(I am assuming that a user tool can determine the currently specified duration when it is run.)
You are correct. Anything with a duration will contain Dur: and it is simple to keep it intact when changing a note to a chord. On a note, Pos: will contain accidental, position (offset from center line), and tie--a chord will contain sets of these separated by (a) comma(s).  Just wish it came with tempo, time signature, key, and clef.

This is my attempt as building a chord: guitar.htm.  In the same folder doOctave.js changes a note to an octave chord.

I assume duration means half note, sixteenth note, etc., not that a note might play for 0.125 seconds.