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Messages - Opagust

User Tools / Template files for developing JavaScript User Tools
After studying a user tool I downloaded a while ago (mmr.js from Warren Porter), I wanted to try to write a tool myself. So I downloaded a Java Script Editor and started to experiment.

After many trials and errors, I decided to first write a template script, that I could use as a starting point for developing a specific tool. When testing it, I discovered the different behaviour of the User Tool Environment, depending of the input type and return format.

So I ended up with 3 different templates: 1 for tools with input type 'Clip Text'  (and also 'Clip Text' as the only allowed return format),  1 for input type 'File Text' and return format 'File Text' and 1 for input type 'File Text' and Return Format 'Clip Text'.

You can find these template files in attachment. (After download, change the extention 'txt' to 'js'.)

I used each of these templates to write a user tool, which you will will find in seperate posts.

Any comments are welcome.

P.S. You can find these tools also on my website
General Discussion / Re: Selectors and their care and feeding...
If you want to see your config folder, go to Tools Options, tab Folders, click on 'Config  Files' and then the button 'Explore...'
But you really don't have to know where the selector files are, if you want to customize them:  you just have to right click on a selector and then click 'customize...'.
I have experimented a while ago and this is what I found out about the selector files:
  • The name of the selector that is showed when you hover over it, is  the title in 'File Info'. For selector 6: "Bar Selector (&b)" , where (&b) is shown as (b), which is the shortcut key for the selector.
  • The first staff has as Staff Label 'glyph', and is the only staff in the group '_'. It contains the symbol that is shown in the toolbar.
  • The other groups of staffs are shown as colums.

I attached my customized file for selector 6
General Discussion / Disappearing template files
When I change one of my custom template files, and then want to save it, I get a warning that it's created with an older NWCfile format and the original version will no longer  be able to open it.
This seems normal, so I click 'yes' to proceed.

But after that, the template file is disappeared. It's not showing in the template/custum folder, nor in the folder where I keep my NWC songs.
General Discussion / Re: Problems with customizing toolbars
I don't have a "save all" button in the customize toolbar dialog box. I can choose between "close" and "restore defaults"

  • What do you mean by "programs (x86)?
  • I am an administrator on my PC. Do I have to open the program in a special way to be recognized as an Administrator?

Maybe my problems are due to the fact that I have been "screwing around" with my previous version by moving the Noteworthy Composer 2 folder to Dropbox, where it worked fine, and then back to my PC, where it worked also fine.
But when I wanted to upgrade, the setup-program gave an error that I didn't have a proper copy of version 2.5.5. So I had to by the upgrade (at a reduced rate, because I was still a registered user).
Another (small) problem I had after that screwing around was that the file history wasn't updated anymore, but I could live with that.
General Discussion / MMR of 10 is split in 8 and 2 in Print Preview
In the attached song, in measures 38 to 47 there's only piano to be played.  The score is only showing the voices parts, with one special staff 'ALL', wich is used when all voices have to sing unisono. So in all but the piano staff I have a MMR of 10 measures, where the voice staffs are collapsed, so only the 'ALL' show is to be shown. 
The problem is : in Print Preview this creates a MMR of 8 in one system, followed by a MMr of 2 in the next system. What I want is 1 MMR of 10.

How can I do this?
General Discussion / Re: Really off topic, but way too entertaining to keep secret :)
Also off topic: I'm a little bit proud to be a member of 'De Kaaters'.

Chronologicly: Our performance in the auditions of 'Belgium's Got Talent' (okt 11), a flash mob in a local pub on nov 24 and our performance in the live show on last friday

I'm the one with the gray hair and beard,  and spectacles.

Enjoy it, we certainly did, although we didn't make it to the final
General Discussion / Collapsible staffs and visibility property 'Top staff only'
When I have a score with multiple staffs and I use the Visibility property 'Top Staff Only', then it's indeed only printed on the top staff, according to the staffs selected in the Page Setup.
But when I use collapsible staves this does not work, if the staff that's really the top staff on the print preview is not the top staff according to the page setup.
Thus my question is : how to accomplish that something is only printed on the staff that's really the top staff?
User Tools / Re: Resting Staff
Another useful tool, thanks Warren!
Two observations:

- The tool treats a MMR as 1 measure so the resulting staff is shortened.

Code: (nwc) [Select · Download]
|Clef|Type:Treble|OctaveShift:Octave Down|Visibility:Always

After :
Code: (nwc) [Select · Download]
|Clef|Type:Treble|OctaveShift:Octave Down|Visibility:Always

- After executing the MMR tool, a boudary change 'Start a collapsible section' is inserted after the time signature. As a result, an empty staff is printed  in the first system.

Code: (nwc) [Select · Download]
|Clef|Type:Treble|OctaveShift:Octave Down|Visibility:Always

This boundary change should be placed before the clef, so that nothing is printed
User Tools / Re: Dynamic Placement
Sorry you are having problems with it.  Please attach part of the staff of the score you are having trouble with as nwctxt and I'll see what I can do.

Code: (nwc) [Select · Download]
User Tools / Re: Dynamic Placement
Hi Warren,
I tested your latest version.

Justification is never changed, no matter what I choose for prompt 2
If I specify 'hairpins = 'Move', the dynamic before a hairpin is not changed.
If I specify 'hairpins' = 'Ignore', then all dynamics are treated, and also the placement of the hairpin is changed (which I expected to happen when I specify 'Move' in the 3th prompt).
User Tools / Re: Dynamic Placement
Can you tell me what I did wrong?

Rick send me a personal message and solved my problem.

It works with Wscript in front of it:

Wscript "C:\Program Files\NoteWorthy Software\NoteWorthy Composer 2\Scripts\dynplace.js"  <PROMPT:Enter equal OR +- dd:=*sdd>

Keep up the good work, Warren!
User Tools / Re: Dynamic Placement
Hi Warren,

I tried to install this user tool :
- I stored it in my scripts folder
- I renamed it in dynplace.js
- In NWC, I opened User Tools / New
- I created a command line "'C:\Program Files\NoteWorthy Software\NoteWorthy Composer 2\Scripts\dynplace.js" <PROMPT:Enter equal OR +- dd:=*sdd>

Then I executed it on a selection of a staff (with a parameter of '-10') and got this error message:
"Command process failed"

Can you tell me what I did wrong?
General Discussion / Re: How to mute a note in 1 verse.
Thanks Richard, Lawrie and Rick!

It seems to me that all three of you are fulltime watching the forum so to help poor people like me!
Both solutions from Richard and Rick work well.

Rick: this is a "why did'nt I think of that" solution! But that's characteristic for a genius (you, I mean), I guess.
Richard: I didn't know one could have special endings in the middle of a repeat.

I finally chose Richard's solution, because that's the first one I tried out and is works fine.

Lawrie: Concerning the missing Coda, thanks for noticing, but it didn't influence the playback, and the two tenor staves are layered, so it did'nt influence the printed score either. (But I've added it now of course)

General Discussion / Re: Feature / "bug fix" requests?
That's a useful tip, Warren.
I was wondering wether only the top stave was changed. You answered that question.
I tried it with two accidentals and the result is perfect. It's even better then using chords on one stave, because  I can't have two chords beamed correctly, when the notes of the chords have opposite stems. In that case, only the notes with stem up arte beamed!

Keep up the good work!
User Tools / Re: Tool to adjust stem lengths?
What would also be useful is a tool that automaticialy adds extra not space when  the corresponding notes on two layered staves are "adjacent", like c and d, d and f,...
If you use chords on one stave in stead of two layered stave, this is automaticilly done by NWC.
General Discussion / Re: Feature / "bug fix" requests?
What would also be useful is a tool that automaticialy adds extra not space when  the corresponding notes on two layered staves are "adjacent", like c and d, d and f,...
If you use chords on one stave in stead of two layered stave, this is automaticilly done by NWC.
General Discussion / Re: Screen doesn't follow the music in the viewer
Thanks, Rick

I moved the top staff at the bottom. Luckily the MMR in the beginning of the other staves fitted on the first screen, so the problem is solved - for this song.
The ultimate solution however is of course correcting the bug.
Hope this will be in the next version...
General Discussion / Screen doesn't follow the music in the viewer
I'm using Noteworthy Composer version 2.5.3. and the viewer version 2.5.6a. I'm member of a choir and some of the other singers use only the viewer to rehearse the songs.

For one song I recently entered (see attachment) and in wich I used the new features (MMR and Boundary change), the viewer doesn't behave as it should. When playing a song,as the music reaches the right edge of the screen, there are 2 problems, one minor and one more serious:
  • if the last measure on the screen is incomplete, the screen is shifted only when the music has reached the first note of the next measure
  • and worse: when there is a double bar reached, the screen is shifted only when the music has reached the next double bar

In other songs the behavior is correct, so I assume the problem is caused by the new features I used.
Has someone experienced similar problems?

General Discussion / Re: Zoom in
I'm not using zoom in and zoom out, but I have similar problems when entering a sheet into NWC: I'd like to avoid the shift key as much as possible. When realizing that every language/country has its own keyboard layout, this problem can only be satisfactory solved if there is a possibility to customize the shortcuts.
General Discussion / Multi-measure rest - playback options
The multi-measure rest is a very handy feature, a specially in combination with the collapsing staff option in the boundary change command.

But what I miss is an option where one could specify that a MMR should be handled as a single measure when played back (and in the viewer), in the case where all the played staves contain MMR's.

This would be very useful for the rehearsal files I create for my choir. I make several files, one for each voice (TTBB) and 1 for ALL voices.

Now one has either to wait in silence till the MMR is fully played, or stop, click behind the MMR and then restart.

Moreover, since some of the choir members use an Apple, I also create midi-files. In that case there's only silence during the MMR. So this option should also be used for exporting to midi-files.

I don't think I am the only one that should find this option usefull.
Or am I?
General Discussion / Re: Need help dechipher notes
Ever since I first encountered a triplet, I'm wondering why there's a '3' indicated. In my mathematically (de-)formed mind it should be a '2'.
The '3' is just saying there are 3 notes, so that's no extra information. The '2' should indicate that they are to be played (sung in my case) in the time of 2 similar notes.
I never encountered a quintuplet are a septuplet (?), but when I do, how can I tell in what tempo they are to be sung ?
General Discussion / Re: How Old are You?
My granddaughter Olivia's birthday is also on 01/01.

And our wedding anniversary (14th of july) is celebrated all over France.
General Discussion / Fermata - odd behaviour
The example below is the start of the song 'Runaround Sue', arrangement of Jeff Funk.
In the first staff there are fermatae on the last (half) note of a measure; in the second staff fermatae on whole notes. As a result the duration of the notes in the to staffs is not the same anymore !

Code: (nwc) [Select · Download]
|SongInfo|Title:"Run Around Sue"|Author:"Dion Di Mucci and Ernest Maresca"|Lyricist:"Arr. Jeff Funk"|Copyright1:""|Copyright2:""
|PgSetup|StaffSize:15|Zoom:4|TitlePage:Y|JustifyVertically:Y|ExtendLastSystem:Y|DurationPadding:Y|PageNumbers:1|StaffLabels:All Systems|BarNumbers:Boxed|StartingBar:1|AllowLayering:N
|Font|Style:StaffItalic|Typeface:"Times New Roman"|Size:10|Bold:Y|Italic:Y|CharSet:0
|Font|Style:StaffBold|Typeface:"Times New Roman"|Size:7|Bold:Y|Italic:N|CharSet:0
|Font|Style:StaffLyric|Typeface:"Times New Roman"|Size:10|Bold:N|Italic:N|CharSet:0
|Font|Style:PageTitleText|Typeface:"Times New Roman"|Size:24|Bold:Y|Italic:N|CharSet:0
|Font|Style:PageText|Typeface:"Times New Roman"|Size:12|Bold:N|Italic:N|CharSet:0
|Font|Style:PageSmallText|Typeface:"Times New Roman"|Size:8|Bold:N|Italic:N|CharSet:0
|Font|Style:User6|Typeface:"Times New Roman"|Size:8|Bold:N|Italic:N|CharSet:0
|StaffProperties|EndingBar:Section Close|Visible:Y|BoundaryTop:15|BoundaryBottom:15|Lines:5|Style:Standard|Layer:N|Color:Default
|Lyrics|Placement:Bottom|Align:Standard Rules|Offset:0
|Lyric1|Text:"Here\'s my sto-ry, it\'s sad but true;\r\nit\'s a-bout a girl that I once knew.\r\nShe took my love then ran a-round\r\nwith ev-\'ry sin-gle guy in town.\r\n\r\nOh, woh, oh, woh, oh woh, oh.\r\n\r\nI should have known it from the ver-y start,\r\nNow lis-ten, peo-ple, what I\'m tel-ling you,\r\na-keep a-way fom a-Run-a-round Sue.\r\n\r\nI miss her lips and the smile on her face,\r\nthe touch of her hair and this girl\'s warm em-brace.\r\nSo if you don\'t wan-na cry like I do,\r\na-keep a-way from a-Run-a-round Sue.\r\n\r\nOh, woh, oh, woh, oh woh, oh.\r\n\r\nShe likes to tra-vel a-round,\r\nshe\'ll love you, but she\'ll cut you down.\r\nNow, peo-ple, let me put you wise,\r\nSue goes out with oth-er guys.\r\nHere\'s the mor-al and the sto-ry from the guy who knows,\r\nI fell in love and my love still grows.\r\nAsk a-ny fool that she ev-er knew,\r\nthey\'ll say a-keep a-way from a-Run-a-round Sue.\r\nkeep a-way, a-keep a-way from a-Run-a-round Sue.\r\n"
|Clef|Type:Treble|OctaveShift:Octave Down|Visibility:Always
|Text|Text:"Free Tempo"|Font:StaffItalic|Pos:9
|StaffProperties|EndingBar:Section Close|Visible:Y|BoundaryTop:15|BoundaryBottom:15|Lines:5|Style:Standard|Layer:N|Color:Default
|Lyrics|Placement:Bottom|Align:Standard Rules|Offset:0
|Lyric1|Text:"Oo, oo, ah, oo.\r\nHayp hayp, bum-da ha-dy ha-dy,\r\nhayp hayp bum-da ha-dy ha-dy\r\nhayp hayp bum-da ha-dy ha-dy\r\nhayp. Ah.\r\n\r\nthis girl would leave me with a bro-ken heart.\r\na-keep a-way from a-Run-a-round Sue.\r\n\r\nHayp hayp, bum-da ha-dy ha-dy,\r\nhayp hayp bum-da ha-dy ha-dy\r\nhayp hayp bum-da ha-dy ha-dy\r\nhayp.\r\nHayp hayp, bum-da ha-dy ha-dy,\r\nhayp hayp bum-da ha-dy ha-dy\r\nhayp hayp bum-da ha-dy ha-dy\r\nhayp. Ah. Ah, ah, ah.\r\nHayp hayp, bum-da ha-dy ha-dy,\r\nhayp hayp bum-da ha-dy ha-dy\r\nhayp hayp bum-da ha-dy ha-dy\r\nhayp.\r\nkeep a-way, a-keep a-way from a-Run-a-round Sue.\r\n"
|AddStaff|Name:"Right Hand"|Label:"Piano"|Group:"Piano"
|StaffProperties|EndingBar:Section Close|Visible:N|BoundaryTop:10|BoundaryBottom:10|Lines:5|Style:Upper Grand Staff|Layer:N|Color:Default
|AddStaff|Name:"Left Hand"|Group:"Piano"
|StaffProperties|EndingBar:Section Close|Visible:N|BoundaryTop:10|BoundaryBottom:10|Lines:5|Style:Lower Grand Staff|Layer:N|Color:Default
General Discussion / Re: nwc clip
Hi William,
When I click on an attached File, I get two options: 'Open' or 'Download'. When I choode the 'Open' option, then NWC opens automatically with the file.
I can then exit without saving, so no garbage left on my disk.
User Tools / Re: easier editing of nwctxt?
Hi Randy,

Thanks for the quick response.
I also received a personal message from Rick, saying I need to download the latest version of the user tool starter kit. Wich I did, and now I can start your editor.
I now have no time for experimenting with it, but I will soon and let you know if I have any problems with it.

And last but not least : I wish you a happy, healthy 2011 full of music!
User Tools / Re: easier editing of nwctxt?
HI Randy,

Excuse me for my stupidity, but I don't succeed in invoking your editor.
I tried 2 ways:
- Starting from a .nwctxt file, using "Open with...' ==> nothing happens
- From within NWC, as a User Tool : ==> Error Message in STDERR:
Note: [in C:\Program Files\NoteWorthy Software\NoteWorthy Composer 2\Scripts\prw_nwctxtFileEditor.php, at line 13]
--> require_once(lib/ failed to open stream: No such file or directory

Please help me out.
Thanks in advance,
Tips & Tricks / Re: [NWC2] How to cleanly extend the last system.
now that I've (belatedly) tried it, I see that it is cleaner in edit (and view) mode to do so
And also in the viewer!
Conclusion: I'll change my custom template to set the Ending Bar to "Open(Hidden)" for each Staff

User Tools / Re: Change Clef
Thanks, Lawrie.
I managed to install the tool, but how do I use it? And waht's the meaning of the percentage?
User Tools / Re: Change Clef
Quote from ridedmkt:
By the way, your SwingIt tempo tool is also invaluable to me. Without it, I couldn't generate playback that actually simulates the real thing. Bravo
Swingit : this name suggests that it would also invaluable to me! But where can I download it. I tried the USER TOOL page, I did a search on the forum, but I can't find it.