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Topic: Audio to CD via Windows Media Player? (Read 3578 times) previous topic - next topic

Audio to CD via Windows Media Player?

I read some of the advice concerning NWC sound to CD.  It seems as if I can put sound on CD without MIDI, but I don't have any money to spare on MIDI right now.  Is there a way to imort the sound from my NWC files to my Windows Media Player (or Real 1 or Quick Time) then from there to the CD?

Re: Audio to CD via Windows Media Player?

Reply #1
Try TiMidity++. It is totally free and has a very high sound quality. Get the FULL VERSION if you don't have soundfonts or don't know what soundfonts are.

Re: Audio to CD via Windows Media Player?

Reply #2
Tim B's advice is well worth following.

But to correct what seems to be a misunderstanding in the original question: Your computer already has the capability to PLAY a MIDI file - it is part of Windows Media Player, and also some other media players such as Quicktime. So, if you save a MIDI file from NWC, just about anyone (even on Mac) can PLAY it. The catch is that the sound will vary from computer to computer, since each machine calls its own digital "instruments."

What you need to do - and this is where Timidity can help you - is to save the "played" MIDI sound to a file on your hard drive, in a format that can be fed into the CD burner.

Re: Audio to CD via Windows Media Player?

Reply #3
I've been using MusicMatch successfully for years. The freeware version will record in near CD quality (which is fine for most web site purposes, if that is the intent.) Has auto fade, auto detect, auto soundclip creation, and all the other bells and whistles that come in handy.

Step by step instructions are at

Re: Audio to CD via Windows Media Player?

Reply #4
In reply to Robert A,what you suggested does not work because Nero, for example does not read any file you save it as.

Re: Audio to CD via Windows Media Player?

Reply #5
Nero will burn "any" file as data, even MIDI files.
What Robert was saying is that you will need to create a wave file that can be burnt by Nero to an audio CD.

Re: Audio to CD via Windows Media Player?

Reply #7
To Barry Graham, I was talking about an audio CD, all I meant was that I have not been successful in converting NWC files to WAV files. Do you have any suggestions?