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Topic: Nwc writes out equivilant notes improperly uses flat&not sharp (Read 10886 times) previous topic - next topic

Nwc writes out equivilant notes improperly uses flat&not sharp

i downloaded the the bach double off of the internet and opened it up wih nwc but everthing that should of been sharp was written to its equivilant flat. Such as it wrote what should of been f sharp as g flat. I think this is a huge problem, it really can make trouble for you if your trying to having your music played by a musician because it causes them to get confused with fingerings. Usualy when nots are writen to their equivilants for say, violins, it can sometimes be hinting that you will be needing a finger you would use regular to play that particular note else were on the finger board, which can cause terribly sloppy playing if the sheet music isnt right.

So i was wondering if theres anyway to get nwc to prefer sharps over flats other than having to to searh through out the entire peice and rewritting it all. If any one has a solution can you email me at  , thank you!

Re: Nwc writes out equivilant notes improperly uses flat&not sharp

Reply #1
Did you import a Midi-file? If so, which one exactly?
This sounds like a problem that has been dealt with before. Please supply more information.

Re: Nwc writes out equivilant notes improperly uses flat&not sharp

Reply #2
Two things might work.

1.  Tools/Transpose
Make sure you have a key signature inserted (perhaps C major), then transpose each staff by 0 semitones, selecting Favour Sharp Keys.

2.  Tools/Audit enharmonics.

Re: Nwc writes out equivilant notes improperly uses flat&not sharp

Reply #3
Please press "Preview" next time (not "Submit.")
A primitive spell check will be able to fix wih, everthing, equivilant, Usualy, writen, [abbr=isn't]isnt[/abbr], searh, peice, rewritting beforehand.
Unfortunately, the spell check won't catch i, the the, bach, should of, [abbr=you're trying to have]your trying to having[/abbr], else were, [abbr=there's]theres[/abbr], anyway, to to, through out, any one.
Word gets most of these others; perhaps composing your post in that program will help.
It has helped my English a lot.

Re: Nwc writes out equivilant notes improperly uses flat&not sharp

Reply #4

Re: Nwc writes out equivilant notes improperly uses flat&not sharp

Reply #5
I can help you a bit further, then. [abbr=equivilant is equivalent to equivalant, because they are both wrong]Equivalant[/abbr] is still not right, and there's nothing wrong with anyway, anyway.

Re: Nwc writes out equivilant notes improperly uses flat&not sharp

Reply #6
What is the problem with people on this forum.
Nearly every topic gets hijacked by spelling sleuths, grammar police and apostrophe pushers.
(Try checking 'sleuths' in the Preview checker).
Posters are asking for help and getting English lessons!
I have no trouble interpreting messages and I can make allowance for a posters difficulty with language without beating him/her over the head with a dictionary.
Instead of showing us your skills in English, show us that you can help with music and notation problems.

(Rant over)

Re: Nwc writes out equivilant notes improperly uses flat&not sharp

Reply #7
I agree: we need more music and less spelling lessons. 100 % correct spelling is not necessary. My second reaction in this thread was meant to be funny (that should be allowed) and at the same time a bit instructive.

If one posting contains at least 10 errors, I tend to frown.
But a bit of previewing, and catching a few typos, is all I (would) ask. No need for a spelling checker, unless you aim to improve your spelling in doing so.

Re: Nwc writes out equivilant notes improperly uses flat&not sharp

Reply #8
Anyway, can anyone see any way out of this? Any one way would do!

Just being pedantic ;-)

Re: Nwc writes out equivilant notes improperly uses flat&not sharp

Reply #9
I would simply point out that the original question had the following meaning: The music is intelligible, but it doesn't look the way I want it to look, or the way that some book says it should look.

Thus, the grammar police replied in like kind.

Re: Nwc writes out equivilant notes improperly uses flat&not sharp

Reply #10
One solution to the problem in the original post is to go to a local music store that sells classical violin music and purchase the Bach Double Concerto. It should look exactly the way you want it, and it shouldn't cost too much, either.

Daniel :-)

Re: Nwc writes out equivilant notes improperly uses flat&not sharp

Reply #11
While I wouldn't bother to correct grammar and such under normal circumstances, I believe that Yves was correct about "anyway" in this particular context.
But let's stick to the music, folks.

Re: Nwc writes out equivilant notes improperly uses flat&not sharp

Reply #12
Quote: "spelling sleuths, grammar police and apostrophe pushers"
Love it :-)
Well said, Barry Graham, i'm sure you speak for the majority of 'lurkers', like myself.
That, surely, has to be the final word on the problem ?
Let's hope the 'grammar police' feel the same way :-)

Re: Nwc writes out equivilant notes improperly uses flat&not sharp

Reply #13
If you're still looking at the Bach Double, I did an arrangement of it for my quartet recently and I still have my working files, which have most of the enharmonics fixed. (I used both Bach's versions, for violins and for two harpsichords). Email me at mcfarvan at gmail dot com if you'd like what I've got.

Enharmonics are still a problem when you're converting midis, especially in minor keys, where you have to correct all those Dbs to C#.