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Messages - Michael

General Discussion / Re: NWC Newbie Presents...
Ok, so I'm trying to do a slide or scoop, or whatever the technical name is...

I have...


How do I make that slide to the F?
General Discussion / Re: NWC Newbie Presents...
You guys really deliver.  Thank you all for your help, and your input.

Lawrie:  Thank you for the note about text entries.  Definately something I'll use...

Keith:  For learning, as a rule we learn the notes first singing "la la" or "lu lu" or some other innate sound.  Once we can get the lock and ring we integrate the words, and once those are mastered we work on actual intrepretation.  I understand what you are saying, but I think once we get around to learning the words we shouldn't be looking at notes very much at all.

Milton:  That's it!  Harmony Assistant is the one that our other member uses.  I, however, am opposed to purchasing more software so I guess I'll just deal with what I have.  It would be cool, however, if a lyrics-to-music option was integrated.  *shrug*

Again, thank you for all of your warm welcomes!  (This is by no means closing the conversation, if you have other input I certainly welcome it!)
General Discussion / Re: NWC Newbie Presents...

I should have clarified myself better.  I am quite aware of the different instruments available in the stock version, was more wondering if there were any nifty plugins or something that could make it happen.  I'll see if I can't find some tracks on my computer as an example.  I noticed you changed it from piano to Aahs, which I use for some songs.  I pretty much start all as piano though.

I have figured out how to pan correctly.  I've attached the learning track I have for Keep The Whole World Singing as an example.

Thank you for the tips about the spacing!  I hadn't known those were options so that is 100% awesome!  Also, the trick with the lyrics will certainly save me some time.

As far as the labeling of the staves, I thought of your method, but was hoping that I could get them stacked.  It's not a huge problem if I can't, just one of those nifty things I'd like to be able to do.  It's not like the four of us won't know which part is which.  Finishing touches, persay :-)

The tempo changes is something I haven't dabbled with yet, but with your enticement I will have to.  Man, it just sounds so much better!  That, and the scoop on the tenor part is...  amazing.  I've never heard that sung with My Wild Irish Rose before!  I may have to suggest that to our Tenor and see how it sounds with jsut the 4 of us!

(It's Disneyland, in California.  That video isn't of me, however.)

Thank you for the warm welcome!
General Discussion / Re: NWC Newbie Presents...
P.P.S. - The double bar in measure 32 signifies the Barbershop "Tag."  I just thought of a dirty way of notating that but I wonder if there's a "proper" way to do it.  The dirty way would be to put it in the Tenor lyrics line on the quarter note in 32.  (TAG:) There's surely a more proper way, right?

P.P.P.S. - If I put staff labels on all 4 parts, only the Tenor and Baritone parts are labled when the staff is layered and printed.  Is there a way so all 4 could be seen?  (Tenor, Lead, Baritone, Bass)
General Discussion / NWC Newbie Presents...
Not necessarily my first, but what I consider my most complete track.  In this one I managed to get the measure numbers to line up correctly (ignoring the pick-up) and the ties and bars to act appropriately.

I'm posting this looking for you long-time users to give your thoughts on the piece.

Notating the piece by hand is easy for me, but I am just getting used to NWC.  This is for a barbershop quartet, where I'll be arranging songs and whatnot.  Sometimes the music we sing off of is hand written and copies of copies or copies, etc.  Being able to produce quality printed music is key, as well as making .mp3 learning tracks for individuals with their part in the left channel and the rest of the quartet in the right.  (Allowing them to use their radio's balance controls to first learn their part, then sing their part with just the other 3 parts - or anything else in the middle.)

For those not familiar with the song, a youtube version is here:

(Note - these printed tracks and .midi/.mp3 tracks are NOT intended to teach intepretation.  Often times in Barbershop notes are held longer for effect or due to an audience's response.)

P.S. - Does anyone know of any plug-in or something that I can use with NWC so instead of just noted being banged out by a electric piano it will sing the words, too?  I know it's possible, someone else in the chorus has a program that will do it.  The problem is that I don't have that notation software, and I'm in love with NWC so I'd like to make it work here.