NoteWorthy Composer Forum

Forums => General Discussion => Topic started by: rashapar on 2011-04-06 04:48 pm

Title: staff spacing
Post by: rashapar on 2011-04-06 04:48 pm
In songs with verses and a chorus their are several lyric lines for the verses and only one for the chorus.   I would like to print the music with the staffs closer together in the chorus than in the verses.  How can I do this?
Title: Re: staff spacing
Post by: fathafluff on 2011-04-06 07:16 pm
Unfortunately, that is one of the things that this very reasonably priced software will not do natively. I'm not sure if there is any workaround. Possibly compose the verse and chorus separately and merge them after printing?
Title: Re: staff spacing
Post by: mod on 2011-04-13 12:34 pm
If you have a PDF editor you can print to PDF, and edit the PDF file  to move the staff (staves) closer together. Can be tricky if you do not have much space above/below the respective staff, as the PDF editor tends to select items that are close to, even if not in, the selection 'box'. I've also used this approach to move slurs to a better location, as well as changing stem length (e.g. in a chord with both up and down stems). If you print to PDF at high resolution / lossless level the printout is as good as the direct print from NWC.