NoteWorthy Composer Forum

Forums => General Discussion => Topic started by: david_c on 2008-11-10 01:05 am

Title: Repeats with D.C. and D.S.
Post by: david_c on 2008-11-10 01:05 am
Are any intervening repeats that may be encountered after going back to The Sign (Dal Segno) or to the beginning (D.C.) normally ignored?

Many conductors favor taking only second endings and ignoring any and all repeats after going back to the Sign or to the beginning of a piece. However, NWC does not behave this way.
Anyone care to comment? I can find no help searching the internet.
Title: Re: Repeats with D.C. and D.S.
Post by: Warren Porter on 2008-11-10 01:47 am
Are any intervening repeats that may be encountered after going back to The Sign (Dal Segno) or to the beginning (D.C.) normally ignored?

Many conductors favor taking only second endings and ignoring any and all repeats after going back to the Sign or to the beginning of a piece. However, NWC does not behave this way.
Anyone care to comment? I can find no help searching the internet.
It seems to me NWC does indeed behave this way.  In your samples folder, take a look at the files REPEAT2-4.  In all of those, going back to the capa or the sign cancels any repeat.  Our conductor does the same thing when we play minuets.
Title: Re: Repeats with D.C. and D.S.
Post by: Lawrie Pardy on 2008-11-10 01:54 am
G'day David,
that's the purpose of the "D." ending, but NWC lacks sufficient flexibility in this area for many modern compositions.  Much of what I do requires 3rd and 4th etc. repeats to be performed after a DS or DC.

Currently, "D." (efault) endings will be taken after a DC or DS, and repeats will be ignored until a Coda is reached.  Note that both a DS and DS al Coda (or DC and DC al Coda) will take you to the Coda when a To Coda directive is found.  I have made a wish for that to be changed so that a DS will ignore a Coda directive and thus only the DS al Coda (or DC al Coda) will obey the To Coda directive.

In times past I have also asked for DSS (double segno) and Codetta (2 Coda symbols) functionality as well, though the need for this is much less common.

I note that current NWC functionality is consistent with a lot of older music I've played, but a lot of more modern music (last 20 or 30 years or so) seems to frequently ignore these "rules".  I've never actually seen it written in any reference I've checked so I suspect this flow is more of a convention than a hard and fast "rule" anyhow...
Title: Re: Repeats with D.C. and D.S.
Post by: Rick G. on 2008-11-10 01:57 am
These may help:
IMO, interpretation of this varies according to time, region, publisher and taste.  The only way to know for sure is to ask the composer.

In times past I have also asked for DSS (double segno) and Codetta (2 Coda symbols) functionality ...
It has been my experience that as long as no more than 8 backward jumps are needed, any arbitrary sequence of measures can be forced on playback provided that you are willing to simulate some flow direcions and/or decorated barlines with text. This may require a custom User Font and can take hours of fiddling.

IMO, NWC would gain flexibility and clarity if every NWC object had 2 properties:

If ignore on playback is checked, during playback NWC should behave as though the object was not there.
If ignore on printout is checked, during Print Preview or Printing, NWC should behave as though the object was not there.

Yes, this would duplicate some of the existing functionality, e.g.: Muted, Visibility:Never, but for many objects it is poorly documented what effect some objects have on the song as a whole and it would be helpful to know unconditionally that the insertion of these object would have no effect on playback and/or printing.
Title: Re: Repeats with D.C. and D.S.
Post by: Lawrie Pardy on 2008-11-10 02:45 am
G'day Rick,
It has been my experience that as long as no more than 8 backward jumps are needed, any arbitrary sequence of measures can be forced on playback provided that you are willing to simulate some flow direcions and/or decorated barlines with text. This may require a custom User Font and can take hours of fiddling.
Hmm, my primary need for this functionality is when I need to duplicate existing works - usually when I don't need to reproduce the original in less pages, but I'm creating a part for myself and/or my wife (We play together in church).  These times it is easier to duplicate the layout of the other players parts as exactly as possible.  Still, your comment RE simulating flow etc. is pertinent.

IMO, NWC would gain flexibility and clarity if every NWC object had 2 properties:
  • ignore on printout
  • ignore on playback

If ignore on playback is checked, during playback NWC should behave as though the object was not there.
If ignore on printout is checked, during Print Preview or Printing, NWC should behave as though the object was not there.

Yes, this would duplicate some of the existing functionality, e.g.: Muted, Visibility:Never, but for many objects it is poorly documented what effect some objects have on the song as a whole and it would be helpful to know unconditionally that the insertion of these object would have no effect on playback and/or printing.

I can certainly see some application for this.