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General Discussion / Re: BAK trouble
Last post by Lawrie Pardy -
Curious, mine works fine... (I'm using the 2.8 beta 1 version)
Anyhow, the full filename is of the form Songname.nwc.bak - just remove the .bak part.
General Discussion / Re: Finale’s finale
Last post by SEBC -
Yes. There’s a lot of anger from seasoned composers with decades of work. It is one reason why I have never changed from using NWC, since converting 20 years of work sounds like a nightmare and I want to spend my time composing not doing computer work, which is really the issue at hand. The Facebook groups Music Engraving Tips and Orchestration Online are discussing it, if anyone is interested. Some of our members are in this groups.
General Discussion / Re: Finale’s finale
Last post by Lawrie Pardy -
Conversion is likely to be a nightmare for many of them too.  Gonna HAVE to go via MusicXML.

Due to proprietary file formats, products like Dorico can't legally have the ability to open Finale files (or any others for that matter).

Buddy of mine got screwed over on his Sibelius licence recently and was looking into exactly this.  Except he couldn't run his Sib at all 'cos the licence got messed up after a hard drive failure.  No backup of course (D'oh)
General Discussion / Finale’s finale
Last post by SEBC -
I just saw a discussion on Facebook that the notation program Finale is going to be discontinued. A lot of professionals are grieving over needing to learn a new program and trying to convert their past work. It’s a bit  of a shock. Sibelius and Dorico will be the big guns now, with many students still using MuseScore.
General Discussion / Re: Scriptorium Update
Last post by Richard Woodroffe -

The Scriptorium has been updated with works submitted by :

Maurizio Spagni   3 grandes sonates pour la harpe avec accompagnement de violoncelle, Op. 5, N°1   (Romberg)
Maurizio Spagni   3 grandes sonates pour la harpe avec accompagnement de violoncelle, Op. 5, N°3   (Romberg)
Richard Woodroffe    D491 Geheimnis "An Franz Schubert" Schubert)

If you would like to be notified every time the Scriptorium is updated, please send an e-mail  requesting Scriptorium Update    notification to nwcscriptorium "at" gmail "dot" com

Stay safe 

General Discussion / Re: Multi-Measure Rest Displays in Multiple Staves
Last post by mlibby42 -
I faced the same problem as you, in that simultaneous multi-measure rests (MMRs) in two staves were getting rendered at "print" time as several full-measure rests instead of as MMRs.

The solution that worked for me:  in the properties (Ctrl+E) of each of the simultaneous MMRs, change "Show on printed" to be "Multi Staff Prints".

This even worked when one of my staves was in a "collapsible section" (from menu item "Insert / Boundary Change").
General Discussion / Re: Scriptorium Update
Last post by Richard Woodroffe -

The Scriptorium has been updated with works submitted by :

Richard Woodroffe    An Silvia "Gesang an Silvia" D891 Schubert)
John Hooper   La Périchole   (Offenbach)

If you would like to be notified every time the Scriptorium is updated, please send an e-mail  requesting Scriptorium Update    notification to nwcscriptorium "at" gmail "dot" com

Stay safe 
