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Topic: Percussion Support (Read 22019 times) previous topic - next topic

Percussion Support

I recall that MIDI channels 9-16 (?) are for percussion, and indeed, I can "almost" get percussion in NoteWorthy by using Score Builder to make a new score and set its MIDI channel properly.

When I do this, one note becomes a tom-tom, another is a cymbal, etc. However, after a bit, something changes and the whole score plays as a piano (I think).

Anyway, is there already a way I can get NoteWorthy to consistently give me percussion support. Also, ideally, NWC would show me a list of percussion instruments when I pick the right MIDI channels.

Thanks, Paul


Re: Percussion Support

Reply #1
Percussion sounds are almost always mapped to notes on MIDI channel 10. In some rare cases on older cards, channel 16 was used instead. If your card supports the drum sounds on channel 10, and you setup your drum staves to use channel 10, you should consistently hear drum sounds in response.

A list of the General MIDI mapping for drum sounds can also be found in the NoteWorthy Composer help file, in the Common Questions section, item number 6.

Also, thanks for the suggestion about showing drum instruments. We will take it into consideration as we plan for future development.


Re: Percussion Support

Reply #2
Well, I thought that it was channel 10 and 16, not 9... What I currently have (and gives me no trouble is to set the channel to 10, patch to 16, and instrument to None. Try this and tell me if you still got pbms with that.

About 'instrument' list though, you can check in any midi documentation, or try this : in windoze (3.x) Control Panel, choose the Midi Mapper, then select _K_ey Maps and click on edit. There you'll find the list. Not easy to transform into a text file (otherwise I'd have pasted it), but it you use a program such as BigDesk (virtual multi-screen tool) no need to Alt-Tab all the time... You also could print the list (Alt-PrintScrenn, PaintBrush, Paste, Print...)



Re: Percussion Support

Reply #3
Well, I thought that it was channel 10 and 16, not 9... What I currently have (and gives me no trouble is to set the channel to 10, patch to 16, and instrument to . Try this and tell me if you still got pbms with that.