NoteWorthy Composer Forum

Forums => General Discussion => Topic started by: dstewart on 2011-02-28 05:28 pm

Title: Plural staffs playing simultaneously rather than sequentially
Post by: dstewart on 2011-02-28 05:28 pm
I recently acquired Noteworthy Composer 2.1 and haven't found the solution to this problem in the manual. 

I entered 3 staffs of a melody that I intended to play sequentially.  However, all three staffs play simultaneously.  They appear joined on the score, but I can't find a way to unjoin them or otherwise get them to play sequentially. 

I would be grateful for any suggestions.

Title: Re: Plural staffs playing simultaneously rather than sequentially
Post by: PhilHolmes on 2011-02-28 05:35 pm
Select the second staff and copy the notes.  Go to the end of the first and paste them.  Then do the same with the third staff.  Then delete the 2nd and 3rd staves using Ctrl-D.
Title: Re: Plural staffs playing simultaneously rather than sequentially
Post by: William Ashworth on 2011-02-28 06:55 pm
NWC is not a true WYSIWYG ("what you see is what you get") program. It creates one continuous long staff for each part. By adding extra staves, you've added extra (simultaneously sounding) parts to the score instead of continuing the staff you were working on. Think of the screen as a window onto music paper that is infinitely wide. Scrolling sideways will move the window so you can see other parts of the score.

The program cuts the score into music-paper staff lengths before printing it. If you want to see how it's going to look when that happens, use <print preview>.


Title: Re: Plural staffs playing simultaneously rather than sequentially
Post by: dstewart on 2011-02-28 10:40 pm
Bill and Phil--

Thanks for taking the time to respond. 

Your suggestions have taken care of my problem. 

Best regards.
