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Topic: NoteWorthy Composer 2.75 Beta Developments (Read 49985 times) previous topic - next topic

NoteWorthy Composer 2.75 Beta Developments

NoteWorthy Composer Version 2.75 has been released. You can upgrade your version 2.51a install to version 2.75 by going to:

Help->Access Noteworthy

from within the program.

You can get the latest NWC Viewer from here:

The beta preview series included the following description:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Major changes include:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

NWC 2.75 Viewer - Beta Preview 37

Reply #1


Re: NoteWorthy Composer 2.75 Beta Preview 2

Reply #2
A Preview 2 set is now available. Changes include better support for Expression Placement micro-positioning, Lua scripts now fully support utf-8 encoding in prompts and msgbox functions, and User Tool results are now rendered as utf-8 encoded text.

Re: NoteWorthy Composer 2.75 Beta Preview 3

Reply #3
The following areas now support Unicode text:

  • Tools, Score Review column sort has been fixed (was broken by Unicode changes)
  • The Status Bar's Staff Name and Group
  • The right click staff menu from the Status Bar's Staff Name panel
  • The Editor's Staff Label Panel mouse hover Tool Tip

In addition, any edit controls that support spinning floating point values should work much better now. This includes:

  • Page Setup, Margins
  • Tools, Options, Expression Anchor Size
  • Expression Placement  tab, Staff Position (from Insert, Text and others)
  • Insert Spacer
  • Insert Boundary Change, Gap Width

Re: NoteWorthy Composer 2.75 Beta Preview 4

Reply #4
Preview 4 changes included:

  • Expressions are moved by half of a staff position when using Ctrl+Shift+Up/Down arrows
  • Margin values should now support 2 decimals of precision without drifting into unusual higher precision values
  • The editor now exclusively uses nwctxt to exchange notation items via the clipboard
  • Edit, Copy of single editor items now uses the standard nwctxt representation, complete with the standard !NoteWorthyComposerClip header
  • Edit, Find (Ctrl+F) can now be used to show the full nwctxt of a single selected item in the editor

Re: NoteWorthy Composer 2.75 Beta Preview 5

Reply #5
Preview adds a new Find Previous command.

Re: NoteWorthy Composer 2.75 Beta Preview 6

Reply #6
Preview 6 adds support for searching through the current staff or all editor staffs in Edit, Find.

Re: NoteWorthy Composer 2.75 Beta Preview 8

Reply #7
Edit,Find and Edit,Filtered Properties now show the match count for the given search expression

Re: NoteWorthy Composer 2.75 Beta Preview 10

Reply #8
NWC 2.75 Beta Preview 10 enhances the Edit, Find match count reporting and Print Preview Zoom mechanisms.

Re: NoteWorthy Composer 2.75 Beta Preview 11

Reply #9
NWC 2.75 Beta Preview 11 continues to evolve the Print Preview Zoom mechanism, and makes it easier to add chord members to beamed triplet notes.

Re: NoteWorthy Composer 2.75 Beta Preview 12

Reply #10
NWC 2.75 Beta Preview 12 corrects the crash while creating RestChords, and fixes an issue with importing old NWCTXT via the clipboard.

Re: NoteWorthy Composer 2.75 Beta Preview 13

Reply #11
NWC 2.75 Beta Preview 13 includes numerous changes/additions (use with caution):

  • Pitch Bend Range can now be defined from the Instrument specification
  • Staff level Pitch Bend Range is shown in Score Review
  • Play back pause and resume should now properly track RPN (Registered Parameter Number) controller data
  • Score Review now shows full MIDI duration values in Play and View Span statistics
  • Many low level changes to the *.nwc file format (all notation data is now stored as nwctxt, with a standard *.nwc header)

Re: NoteWorthy Composer 2.75 Beta Preview 14

Reply #12
NWC 2.75 Beta Preview 14 changes include:

  • Modifies the new Pitch Bend Range to support 0 and 1 semitones
  • Play back pause and resume should now properly track both RPN (Registered Parameter Number) and NRPN (Non-Registered Parameter) controller data with both the Data Entry MSB (Controller 6) and Data Entry LSB (Controller 38) values
  • User objects from nwctxt now properly show Unicode text in Properties
  • Fixes a bug in the Multi-point Controller Properties preventing the direct entry of larger controller values

Re: NoteWorthy Composer 2.75 Beta Preview 15

Reply #13
NWC 2.75 Beta Preview 15 includes:

  • MPC empty time offsets
  • Visible (experimental) Marker object in Selectors
  • View and Play Span now show as real numbers in Score Review
  • Pitch Bend control is now centered when play is started for any channel that sends Patch or Bend Range instructions
  • F6 MIDI Stop/Reset use of the standard Channel Mode Messages (these were abandoned back in the day due to issues with some devices)

Re: NoteWorthy Composer 2.75 Beta Preview 17

Reply #15
NWC 2.75 Beta Preview 17 fixes a serious problem with Multi-point Controller items from existing *.nwc files.

Re: NoteWorthy Composer 2.75 Beta Preview 19

Reply #16
NWC 2.75 Beta Preview 19 fixes a problem with Edit, Properties, Placement, Staff Position when multiple expressions are selected.

Re: NoteWorthy Composer 2.75 Beta Preview 20

Reply #17
NWC 2.75 Beta Preview 20 makes the following changes to the experimental Lua based userdraw mechanism (further details can be found in the Back Stage area):

  • fix for program instability/crash when running userdraw plugin methods
  • the +/- keys now support a single, selected User item's Span property, if it contains one

Re: NoteWorthy Composer 2.75 Beta Preview 23

Reply #18
NWC 2.75 Beta Preview 23 included:

Re: NoteWorthy Composer 2.75 Beta Preview 25

Reply #19
NWC 2.75 Beta Preview 25 includes a new scaling feature for text expressions. This allows each text expression to be individually sized, without using additional user font definitions. The editor allows direct adjustment of a single, selected text expression using the +/- keys.

This release also hardens the plugin mechanism against various mathematical overflow/range errors.

Re: NoteWorthy Composer 2.75 Beta Preview 26

Reply #20
NWC 2.75 Beta Preview 26:

  • fixes the problems with text scaling and older format files
  • converts all font sizing to use floating point calculations
  • converts nwctxt Version handling to use full double precision floating point values

Re: NoteWorthy Composer 2.75 Beta Preview 27

Reply #21
NWC 2.75 Beta Preview 27 :

  • fixes the text size display from Text Expression Display Font
  • lots of changes to the plugin API

Re: NoteWorthy Composer 2.75 Beta Preview 28

Reply #22
NWC 2.75 Beta Preview 28:

  • fixes an auditing issue with RestChord adding and removing of notes
  • official inclusion of Melismatic.nw and ChordPlay.nw user object plugins into the beta release

Re: NoteWorthy Composer 2.75 Beta Preview 30

Reply #24
NWC 2.75 Beta Preview 30 introduces several new User object capabilities which should help make them a little easier to use.

Re: NoteWorthy Composer 2.75 Beta Preview 31

Reply #25
NWC 2.75 Beta Preview 31:

  • By popular demand, by default, the Notes toolbar again shows the full accidental and duration palette of buttons
  • Further refinements to the user object plugin mechanism

Re: NoteWorthy Composer 2.75 Beta Preview 33

Reply #26
NWC 2.75 Beta Preview 33 changes include:

  • Tools, User Objects command for assisting with the download and install of new and upgraded user object plugins that are published here
  • Marker object formally added to the Insert menu
  • Early beta preview edition of the program help file

Re: NoteWorthy Composer 2.75 Beta Preview 34

Reply #27
NWC 2.75 Beta Preview 34 changes:

  • User object MIDIParm.nw is now bundled with the program
  • Fix for User object prompting when redrawing the editor screen


Re: NoteWorthy Composer 2.75 Beta Preview 35

Reply #28
NWC 2.75 Beta Preview 35 changes:

  • Enhanced stem side slur end point handling
  • Instrument trees now support utf8
  • Lower level user plugin enhancements

Re: NoteWorthy Composer 2.75 Beta Preview 36

Reply #29
NWC 2.75 Beta Preview 36 changes:

  • more slur endpoint optimizations
  • Lower level user plugin enhancements
  • A preliminary matching viewer program is also available

Re: NoteWorthy Composer 2.75 Beta Preview 37

Reply #30
NWC 2.75 Beta Preview 37 changes include:

  • more slur endpoint optimizations (default stem side placement is now half way up/down the stem)
  • when opening older files, Symbol encoded text is now converted to Unicode using extended ASCII code points
  • file templates no longer have their existing notes removed by File, New
  • starting with this release, user object plugins cannot be automatically upgraded if there is a NWC upgrade available

Re: NoteWorthy Composer 2.75 Beta Preview 38

Reply #31
NWC 2.75 Beta Preview 38 has been made available. It contains some small fixes and the ability to add new user object types from the User Object tool.

Re: NoteWorthy Composer 2.75 Beta Preview 39

Reply #32
NWC 2.75 Beta Preview 39 has been made available. It supports the latest user plugin api.

Re: NoteWorthy Composer 2.75 Beta Preview 40

Reply #33
NWC 2.75 Beta Preview 40 includes:

  • dynamically loaded fonts (all of the typical fonts available to the Viewer are now also available in NWC without installing them to the system Fonts folder)
  • selectors have been split into built-in and user defined groups
  • a matching Viewer with the same user plugin management used within NWC

Re: NoteWorthy Composer 2.75 Beta Preview 41

Reply #34
NWC 2.75 Beta Preview 41 includes:

  • user object context menu for changing individual object properties
  • View source command to the insert selectors' right click menu
  • custom user object anchor size
  • Tools, User Objects now provides feedback when no updates are available/needed
  • significant additions to the plugin api

Re: NoteWorthy Composer 2.75 Beta Preview 42

Reply #35
NWC 2.75 Beta Preview 42 includes:

  • new Edit Properties mechanism for user objects
  • drag and drop support for Lua plugin files (will add/update the plugin source)
  • additional methods have been added to the plugin api (reference)
  • an assortment of *.ms plugins have been bundled in the installer
  • a new selector provides easy access to common guitar chords (courtesy of

Re: NoteWorthy Composer 2.75 Beta Preview 43

Reply #36
NWC 2.75 Beta Preview 43 includes official support for Windows 10.

After applying this update, the MIDI Mapper reference is no longer included as an available device. Version 2.75 now defaults to the GS Wavetable synth when no other device has been selected. If you previously had the MIDI Mapper selected, it will fail to open in NWC 2.75. You will be alerted to this via a notification.

Re: NoteWorthy Composer 2.75 Beta Preview 44

Reply #37
NWC 2.75 Beta Preview 44 enables some additional user object plugin methods, in the form of context help in Edit, Properties.

The Viewer has been updated to Preview 44a, as its original 44 version had a problem in with Tools, Options.

Re: NoteWorthy Composer 2.75 Beta Preview 45

Reply #38
NWC 2.75 Beta Preview 45 enhancements include:

  • the Marker object can now be used to target note articulation and/or slur positions
  • small tweaks to the positioning of slurs and hairpins
  • Tools, User Objects no longer requires an open file

Re: NoteWorthy Composer 2.75 Beta Preview 46

Reply #39
NWC 2.75 Beta Preview 46 enhancements include:

  • a Marker can now be used to target triplet positions
  • a pair of Markers on first and last note can be used to force a triplet bracket on beamed, triplet notes
  • a Marker can be used to color its target
  • a Marker can be used to hide its target
  • F6 (Tools, Play, Stop) now watches for rapidly repeating stop attempts before prompting to reset
  • the Viewer now shows alert balloons similar to NWC
  • F1 access to context help has been restored to the main menus

Re: NoteWorthy Composer 2.75 Beta Preview 48

Reply #40
NWC 2.75 Beta Preview 48 includes the following changes:

  • a rest chord's direction can now be changed via Stem Up/Down
  • Object Plugins can be removed via the Manage Objects area
  • Insert, Objects allows direct navigation into the Manage Objects area
  • the Viewer includes an automatic upgrade check option; an alert will appear when an upgrade is available
  • the Viewer shows the current Object Plugin folder in Options
  • the Viewer gets the same Play Stop mechanism (it watches for rapidly repeating stop attempts before prompting to reset)
  • the Viewer no longer includes the browser plugin; we will release one last browser plugin separately via the forum for those that still need it; we recommend that its use be discontinued as soon as possible

Re: NoteWorthy Composer 2.75 Beta Preview 49

Reply #41
NWC 2.75 Beta Preview 49 includes the following changes:

  • fix for Manage Objects, Delete action
  • object plugin api updates
  • fix for Audit Stem with RestChords

Re: NoteWorthy Composer 2.75 Beta Preview 50

Reply #42
NWC 2.75 Beta Preview 50 includes the following changes:

  • object plugin api updates
  • built-in Change Object Type.lua user tool
  • new background processing for Manage Objects tool and startup upgrade check