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Topic: NoteWorthy Composer 2 Public Preview (Read 47054 times) previous topic - next topic

NoteWorthy Composer 2 Public Preview

This year marks the tenth anniversary of NoteWorthy Composer. After an extended development cycle that spanned the better part of the year, the first version of NoteWorthy Composer was finally ready for general release in late October of 1994 (which actually used the name NoteWorthy 1.0 until December of that year). The first release quickly gained a solid user base through the active involvement of user communities, first on CompuServe and a little later on AOL.

This year also marks the start of a new, second generation release of NoteWorthy Composer that we simply call Version 2. Just as we did with the original NoteWorthy Composer Version 1 product, NoteWorthy Composer Version 2 is undergoing an extensive development cycle before it is targeted for general release.

For additional details, refer to the NoteWorthy Composer 2 Public Preview Information page.

Re: NoteWorthy Composer 2 Public Preview

Reply #1
The wizard looks for, and insists on, a field SECURITY ID which does not appear on the label on the disk supplied for V 1.75A. This was sent direct from Noteworthy May 2002.

Re: NoteWorthy Composer 2 Public Preview

Reply #2
This looks cool! Questions: 1. My CD says 1.75 (no a or b). I have upgraded to 1.75b. Do I qualify? 2. Will the new version co-exist with version 1.75b? 2. Will this forum be supporting both versions, or will there be a way to separate discussions by version?

Re: NoteWorthy Composer 2 Public Preview

Reply #3
Kevin, instead of the Security ID, does your disk have an Authenticity ID?  If so, try it.

William, I think you'll find that version 2 is not downwardly compatible.  You can open a version 1.75 file in version 2, but you can't open a version 2 file in version 1.75.  If you want to work on a version 1.75 file in version 2, you might want to save it with a new filename immediately after opening it in version 2 so you don't accidentally overwrite the original.  I think you'll find, though, that version 2 is so much better than 1.75 that you won't ever want to revert.  The only reason to retain the original version 1.75 song file is to share it with someone who doesn't have version 2.

Re: NoteWorthy Composer 2 Public Preview

Reply #4
First off: FANTASTIC!
Many of the workarounds that have taken up SO much of my time are no longer necessary, and some of the fonts/font characters also are no longer necessary.  (Too bad I spent so much time making those fonts, though...)  I think that my time spent on scores/parts is about to be greatly reduced!  Special thanks for fixing the slurs!  The only workaround for that was to start the slur a note (or two) late or end it a note (or two) early and "white-out" the tips (with one of the highlight colors set to white, which no longer matters that I'm using a color for white-out instead of highlight [thanks for that, too]), and then draw the tips in by hand after printing.  No more doing that!  And there are so many other fine improvements.

But now I need to know whether I meet the eligibility requirements.
I am a registered user, I paid for version (?)1.5(?) [quite some time ago], and I thought I read that the registration is good for all version 1.x, so I never paid for another upgrade.  Was this the wrong thing to do?  And does it mean I'm not eligible? :(
Say it ain't so!

Re: NoteWorthy Composer 2 Public Preview

Reply #5
William: You can try to upgrade with your 1.75 CD, but NoteWorthy Software's requirements are usually extremely precise.  This would mean that there's a 99% chance that you can use your 1.75 CD.

a registered user: [abbr=the best of "chill out" and "relax"]chillax[/abbr] - an upgrade is $15, less than half price!
Francis Beaumier
Green Bay, WI

Re: NoteWorthy Composer 2 Public Preview

Reply #6
P.S. You really need to get this version!!!
Francis Beaumier
Green Bay, WI

Re: NoteWorthy Composer 2 Public Preview

Reply #7
* [abbr="chance that you can use your 1.75 CD"]can[/abbr] = can't
Francis Beaumier
Green Bay, WI

Re: NoteWorthy Composer 2 Public Preview

Reply #8
There is no hint of any code with a matching format  to the security ID on the disk supplied or the sticker on its envelope.

Re: NoteWorthy Composer 2 Public Preview

Reply #9
>the label on the disk supplied for V 1.75A.
>This was sent direct from Noteworthy May 2002.

Version 1.75a did not exist in May 2002.

>and I thought I read that the registration is good
>for all version 1.x

Correct. However, version 2 is not a version 1.x release.

Re: NoteWorthy Composer 2 Public Preview

Reply #10
If your registration label does not include an Authenticity ID, then you are not currently eligible for the preview. We are looking into a method of offering the preview to users that purchased version 1.75 on CD directly from us.

At the moment, the preview is only available to users that purchased version 1.75a or 1.75b directly from NoteWorthy Software.

Re: NoteWorthy Composer 2 Public Preview

Reply #11
...version 2 is not a version 1.x release.
I am aware of that; I was not aware that I was supposed to pay for upgrades.
I was always ready to pay for version 2.
I figured paying only once for all of those versions 1.x was such a good deal that I would have no problem paying twice that amount for version 2.0 whan it came along.
Since I have not purchased version 1.75a or 1.75b directly from NoteWorthy Software or version 1.75 on CD, will I have pay for that just to use it for the short amount of time until Version 2 is actually released?  Or am I just going to have to wait to enjoy all of these wonderful upgrades?

Re: NoteWorthy Composer 2 Public Preview

Reply #12
All those improvements - but still no tuplets...

Re: NoteWorthy Composer 2 Public Preview

Reply #13
Our plan calls for anyone that purchases version 1.75b directly from NoteWorthy Software will be granted a license to download and use version 2 when it is released. I expect that there will be a limited time offer where owners of version 1.75b will be offered a download upgrade, much like the preview offering currently available.

The development and eventual release of version 2 does not change the version 1.x upgrade policy in any way.

Re: NoteWorthy Composer 2 Public Preview

Reply #14
The disk does say V 1.75. I obviously got in early. I have been using Noteworthy since, I think, v1.3.
Glad to hear that you are trying to fix it so we can get the upgrade too seeing that we paid for the disk and our details are on file.

Re: NoteWorthy Composer 2 Public Preview

Reply #15
Thank you for all these new upgrades...
Alas, no "brevis" (double-whole?) symbol addition, so used in renaissance music!

Re: NoteWorthy Composer 2 Public Preview

Reply #16
The preview eligibility has been extended to those who purchased any version 1.75 CD directly from NoteWorthy Software.

Re: NoteWorthy Composer 2 Public Preview

Reply #17

NWC is such a great program and is so reasonably priced that, FOR ME, downloading a preview is hardly worth the trouble.

I bought and paid for NWC directly.  I plan to do the same with any new version.  So, when it becomes available, just let me know and I'll send you however much money it takes.  If I get a discount because I am a prior customer then great.  If not, then I'll buy it anyhow.

-- debo

Re: NoteWorthy Composer 2 Public Preview

Reply #18
In Reply 2, I asked about Version 2 co-existing with 1.75b. I realize Version 1.75b will not handle files created with Version 2, but can I keep Version 1.75b if I install Version 2?

Re: NoteWorthy Composer 2 Public Preview

Reply #19
I don't know if you're asking "legally" or "practically," William.

Version 1.75(n) and Version 2 will co-exist.  You can even run them at the same time, although you'll only get sound for your playback from the first one you opened.

I don't recall the initial software licence being time limited, so I don't think there's a "legal" issue either.  Eric at NWC can correct me if I'm wrong.

Re: NoteWorthy Composer 2 Public Preview

Reply #20

By default, all NWC files will continue to open in NWC. You can open files into NWC2 by either:

  • Right clicking in Explorer and selecting "Open with NWC Version 2"

  • Opening NWC2 and dragging and dropping a file onto the application
Be careful not to save any file in NWC2 that you want to keep in NWC1 format.

Re: NoteWorthy Composer 2 Public Preview

Reply #21
Still no importing of triplets from midi?

Re: NoteWorthy Composer 2 Public Preview

Reply #22
Triplets from MIDI would indeed be nice. But to correct a potential misunderstanding: MIDI does not have "notation" like sheet music. It has information such as pitch and time duration in milliseconds. So far, NWC chooses not to interpret three consecutive similarly-timed notes as a triplet. I say +similarly timed" because due to the serial nature of MIDI, notes that should theoretically have identical durations might not.

Re: NoteWorthy Composer 2 Public Preview

Reply #23
I purchased NWC Version 1.70 back in 2000. I have since upgraded to version 1.75b. Am I eligible to try the NWC2?


Re: NoteWorthy Composer 2 Public Preview

Reply #24
Check your eligibilty by clicking on the the link in the first message from NoteWorthy Online at the top of this page.

Re: NoteWorthy Composer 2 Public Preview

Reply #26
Guided by Noteworthy's website, and as I live in U.K. I bought version 1.75 of NWC through PDSL (

I trust that I will be eligible for the upgrade to NWC2 - especially as there was no warning that using PDSL would restrict my upgrade entitlement to what is already an excellent product.

Please confirm.

Thanks, John.


Re: NoteWorthy Composer 2 Public Preview

Reply #27
According to the website, I am eligible for NWC2, but since I upgraded to NWC1.75b online, I don't have the CD registration label. Where do I find that. All I have is my code- the regular registration code, no customer number, or anything else.


Re: NoteWorthy Composer 2 Public Preview

Reply #28
I purchased NWC Version 1.70 back in 2000.
Am I not eligible to get a taste of version 2 preview?
I tried putting in my customer no., invoice no., etc. in the version 2 upgrade wizard page but didn't get through.
Please advise.

Re: NoteWorthy Composer 2 Public Preview

Reply #29
Well, since I got 1.70 in November 2000 it looks like I'm not eligible for the preview without the paid upgrade.  Still, I've very excited about 2.0!! It looks like this version will have most everything requested or at least the most popular requests!  As much as I love to beta test software, I guess I'll wait until the full version is released.

Re: NoteWorthy Composer 2 Public Preview

Reply #30
I'll have to wait until the full version is released also, because I purchased v1.52 (on a floppy!) back in 1998, and assumed I could simply get updates downloaded off the site.  I didn't know I was supposed to keep ordering the updates to get them mailed here.

Re: NoteWorthy Composer 2 Public Preview

Reply #31
Noteworthy is extremely friendly priced. Now, it is not unreasonable to draw the line somewhere; programming a whole new version is not an easy job. It costs time and money. So, while I have been lucky enough to get FREE updates from the Web, I guess that somewhere I have to foot the bill for my upgrade.
And that goes for everyone. Hey, guess what operating system you are running Noteworthy on? How reasonably priced is THAT (most of you will have bought it together with your computer), and do you expect free upgrades? From Bill? Get real!

Re: NoteWorthy Composer 2 Public Preview

Reply #32
What are the odds that NWC2 will actually be released by mid-October?
I have a lot of Christmas music to take care of, and I'm wondering if I should continue using my tedious workarounds, or can I just wait 'til mid-October to get NWC2 (which has eliminated the need for most of them - THANK YOU!).

Re: NoteWorthy Composer 2 Public Preview

Reply #33
Preview version 2 has been under development for well over a year, and NWC I wouldn't be surprised to see the "final" version takes quite a while to "go to market."

I'd suggest upgrading to the preview version now - it gives a much better output - just the hairpins alone, for instance.  There's virtually no learning curve and you'll be happy with the results.

Re: NoteWorthy Composer 2 Public Preview

Reply #34
Hmm. I'd be careful about the phrase "upgrading to the preview version".

What is needed for the preview version is the CD of 1.75a or b. This is presumably because Noteworthy Software, like every other good software company, has to fight warez and crackz (people who illegally obtain a copy of the software for free). (I'm sorry that NS has to spend so much time and energy on that, and I dare say that they would prefer to develop the software. But food on the table is pretty important.) So I guess a decision was made to make the preview available to folks who could be validated by their CD purchase (otherwise two systems of validation are needed, blah blah blah).

So one is not "upgrading to the preview version". One is buying the CD of 1.75b at an upgrade price. Having a 1.75 CD enables you to join in the public preview.

btw: I'm not sure that I have seen anything from Noteworthy Software saying that purchase of 1.75 CD guarantees a free upgrade to v2. Someone please point me to such a promise if it has been made. Or if Noteworthy could clarify? (I've seen some folks assuming this, and I think it is important to be clear here). A second assumption that shouldn't be made is that the Preview will work forever. every beta release of any software I have used has a time limit on it.

SO: Unless you are getting a free upgrade to v2 promised to you, you will need to pay (presumably an upgrade price) for going to v2 release. I'm just mentioning this so that people who are new to beta releases know what the deal normally is, and don't think it's necessarily a free ticket.

Me? I'd pay for what's already in the preview tomorrow! :-)
I'm certainly expecting to pay for an upgrade to v2. And I personally would pay for a 1.75 CD, but that's the sort of person I am. ;-)

Re: NoteWorthy Composer 2 Public Preview

Reply #35
See reply 13 of this thread.


Re: NoteWorthy Composer 2 Public Preview

Reply #36
That reminds me:

It's my own SATB harmonization of a French traditional Christmas Carol. The printout is from NWC2 beta (converted to PDF).

NWC2 has numerous features that the above music doesn't exercise. But the music does have a couple of tilted slurs (in NWC2) and, I believe, improved rendition of note stem lengths (also in NWC2).

So, if you want something to look at in "finished form" rather than in *.nwc native format, there you go.

Re: NoteWorthy Composer 2 Public Preview

Reply #37
Thanks Tina (and NWC).

I guess that says it, doesn't it?
"Our plan calls for anyone that purchases version 1.75b directly from NoteWorthy Software will be granted a license to download and use version 2 when it is released."

Re: NoteWorthy Composer 2 Public Preview

Reply #38
That slur in the Tenor in the first measure of letter B (in Robert's .pdf) is the new way?
Holy Moly!
I used to have to do that by hand!
I'd leave of the slur, print it out, get out my drafter's ellipse template, and draw it in.
No more of that, huh?  Excellent!
But there are some tied notes that don't look right now.
There are some dotted-half notes that seem to have the tie touching the dot.
I hope that's just the way it seems to be in the .pdf...

Re: NoteWorthy Composer 2 Public Preview

Reply #39
Sorry, that should read ...leave off the slur,.

Re: NoteWorthy Composer 2 Public Preview

Reply #40
... as for the tie touching dot in PDF: See if you like it better when the page is printed to paper. Acrobat Reader may use a rather heavy-handed anti-aliasing method that sometimes blurs drawn objects into each other, on screen.

Re: NoteWorthy Composer 2 Public Preview

Reply #41
I've always liked using noteworthy. But one thing has kept me from buying it, and that is not being able to import soundfonts directly into the program. So will I be kept from doing that in this version, too? It really would be a great addition to the program.

Re: NoteWorthy Composer 2 Public Preview

Reply #42
Noteworthy uses your soundcard, so if your soundcard is soundfont compatible, just use the right MIDI device in Options.


Re: NoteWorthy Composer 2 Public Preview

Reply #43
Tina's right. NWC let's you use different banks and instrument settings. Even though most people publically use General Midi, you are by no means restricted to that.

To embed a soundfont in a single NWC file sounds a bit silly to me. Why not just let folks know where to get the soundfont, and they can install it in their sound card. Another problem here is that afaict, there is no generic standard for automatic/dynamic installation of soundfonts. So then NWC would need to know about, say, SBLive, SB Gold, Audigy, Yamaha, Roland daughterboard, soundsynth, etc. With all that in mind, I applaud Noteworthy's common sense in avoiding creating bloatware.

If you want friends to hear your version as it is on your soundfonts, why not render your NWC performance into an MP3?

Re: NoteWorthy Composer 2 Public Preview

Reply #44
NWC let's you use...
should read
NWC lets you use...

Re: NoteWorthy Composer 2 Public Preview

Reply #45
Strange ... I understood him, but not you!

Re: NoteWorthy Composer 2 Public Preview

Reply #46
Eats, Shoots, and Leaves

Re: NoteWorthy Composer 2 Public Preview

Reply #47
You're panda-ing to our bass-est instincts, Cyril.  At least you're not leaving this discussion on a low note.

Re: NoteWorthy Composer 2 Public Preview

Reply #49
Cyril, if you're talking about wombats, it should be "eats, roots and leaves" !