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General Discussion / Re: Script Bug Challenge
Last post by hmmueller -
Nice  :D. Word boundaries are always helpful.

(Incidentally, I created practice files of that type for a friend who wants to "sight-transpose" with her Bb trumpet. I used a simple AWK script to generate a random sequence of muted/visible + playing/invisible note pairs. Youtube example).

General Discussion / Script Bug Challenge
Last post by Warren Porter -
I haven't touched my fiddle in quite a while and noticed I was getting intonation problems. One idea to work on that would be to play the note, then the note would play through NWC and midi and I could hear if my note was in tune.

This is the working part of my script, it determines half the duration of the note and creates a rest followed by the note with it:
Code: [Select · Download]
function calculate(clip) {
  var i, saveDur, saveDurB, saveDurE;
  var lines = new Array(), result = new Array(); 
  lines = clip.split("\r\n");

  for (i=0; i < lines.length; i++) {
  if (result == null)
  continue;  // No duration, didn't follow grace note.
  if (lines[i].indexOf("Grace") > 0) {  // Found a grace note/chord
        continue;  }
  if (lines[i].indexOf("Rest") > 0) {  // Found a rest, ignore
        continue;  }
// shell.popUp(lines[i]);
saveDur = result[2];
saveDur = saveDur.replace("32nd","64th");
saveDur = saveDur.replace("16th","32nd");
saveDur = saveDur.replace("8th","16th");
saveDur = saveDur.replace("4th","8th");
saveDur = saveDur.replace("Half","4th");
saveDur = saveDur.replace("Whole","Half");
   // thisDur = getNoteLength(saveDur);
   // shell.popUp(saveDur);
// Code to manipulate durations goes here
saveDurB = saveDur.replace("=End",""); // In case of triplets.
saveDurE = saveDur.replace("=First",""); // In case of triplets.
lines[i] = "|Rest|Dur:" + saveDurB + "\r\n" + result[1] + saveDurE + result[3];
  return lines;
So far, so good except it changes a 32nd note to a 68th note.
This was my test data:
Code: (nwc) [Select · Download]
|MPC|Controller:vol|Style:Linear Sweep|TimeRes:Sixteenth|SweepRes:1|Pt1:0,127|Pt2:1,123|Pt3:1,120|Pos:-6
Please hold off 24 hours after this is posted to let others take a shot at it.
Object Plugins / Re: PrintConfiguration (0.7)
Last post by hmmueller -
There was a significant bug (or, rather, omission) in this object: It did not save font sizes. I always thought it did, but ... hm. But from version 0.7 onwards, it does. Also, the online documentation now spells out precisely what is saved.

General Discussion / Re: Just a weekend story
Last post by Flurmy -
Gosh! But the official Java site, were I expected to find the real java platform, has only version 8, up to date, with no hint suggesting it's (very) old!  >:(
Looking at the Oracle page instead, I see "Java 22, Java 21, and Java 17 available now". No comment  :-X
And there is more: if you're looking just for JRE, like I do, in the Oracle page there is a button saying "JRE for consumers" and, guess what?, it sends you to the official java site with version 8...
Don't let me say what I'm thinking...

(I think it's the same with e.g. Windows versions: You can have "the newest version of Windows 10" - i.e., with all the latest fixes -; but you won't be automatically upgraded to e.g. Windows 11; and other "more complex" software products, like database systems, IDEs, etc.etc.)
Well, my daughter's computer surreptitiously switched from Win10 to Win11, with her great sorrow...  :(

Thank you very much, HM!
General Discussion / Re: Just a weekend story
Last post by hmmueller -
In short: You must manually install Java 17.

Background: Java versions are essentially different softwares, each with its own update path/history. You won't get from one to the other automatically. There are a few "LTS" = "long term support" Java versions, namely:
  • 8 - also written as 8u411 or 1.8.0-411 (411 is the build number, which will change with each upgrade)
  • 11
  • 17 - also written as 17.0.10... or the like
  • 21
"LTS" means that these versions will get security and bug fixes for a maybe decade or even longer. Thus, you have "the latest version 8" installed; but there will not be an automatic jump from 8 to 17.

(I think it's the same with e.g. Windows versions: You can have "the newest version of Windows 10" - i.e., with all the latest fixes -; but you won't be automatically upgraded to e.g. Windows 11; and other "more complex" software products, like database systems, IDEs, etc.etc.)

General Discussion / Re: Just a weekend story
Last post by Flurmy -
Harald, how were you able to use audiveris?
I tried many times but, even if I have the last audiveris and the latest JRE (updated automatically a few minutes ago), the result is always:
java version "1.8.0_411"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_411-b09)
Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 25.411-b09, mixed mode, sharing)

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: Audiveris has been compiled by a more recent version of the Java Runtime (class file version 61.0), this version of the Java Runtime only recognizes class file versions up to 52.0
What I'm doing wrong?